Final Project - Learning Community! (SPC 1301/ENG 1302) 2014 http:// //www.pechakuc echakucha. /cities es/fo /fort-worth/e /even ents/ s/ cha Pech chaKuch (“Chit Chat”) : 20x20 (400 seconds) Collaborative Multimodal Speech Performance For your Pecha Kucha speech performance you may either 1) Work alone (10 x 20) OR 2) Work in pairs (20 x 20). Image: seruploaded/steve/steve_1.jpg WATCH: Pecha Kucha Dallas video Not only is the speaker explaining Pecha Kucha, but his presentation IS a Pecha Kucha! Research & explore a topic that interests you and that you already know something about — that you feel comfortable discussing. Have fun with this project — pick a topic that excites you, inspires you to be an investigative researcher, and will lea ve your classmates saying, “Wow … I didn’t know that; I learned something today!” Re Research h Doma main ins 1) Hierarchy of Human Needs / Motivations (What drives people to act?) 2) Relational Boundaries / In(ter)dependence / Values 3) Perceptions of Youth / What do young people really need? 4) Authenticity / Deception / Scandal 5) Celebrity / Performing Identities / Private-Public Representations 6) International/Global Relations / Activism Today / Rights 7) Technology / Interfaces / Multimodality
Final Project - Learning Community! (SPC 1301/ENG 1302) 2014 Research: Each speaker must incorporate and credit (attribute) at least 3 sources during his/her presentation: (Pairs: 6-minute, 40-second presentation; Singles: 3-minutes, 20 second presentation). Type these sources in MLA format on a Works Cited page , and turn it in as part of your packet when you give your presentation. As you perform your Pecha Kucha speech, be sure to acknowledge 3 sources used for statistics, ideas, or background information. Slides: Create slides or “views” that automatically progress at 20 seconds per view hence, [Pairs: “20x20” ] a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds OR [Single person: 10 x 20] 3 minutes and 20 seconds to support your presentation. Your slides must provide the audience with visual and textual cues that enhance your message. Slides should bring clarity and relevance to your presentation. Try to use association, re-mixing, ambiguity, or tensions that can be clarified while the slide is displayed. Remember to use restraint and simplicity (Presentation Zen moves) as you design your slides. Your final packet will include: 1) Script/outline for your presentation 2) Works Cited page 3) Illustrations (Slide with the name and web address for each graphic/picture) 4) Printout of your slides ( choose “ PPT Handouts: 3 per page ” ) Presentation : The 20-second pacing encourages you to be concise and efficient; develop a script and practice, practice, practice. Use the following structural guidelines: Theme: A phrase that concisely states what you will be talking about (it can be a catchy phrase). Strong Opening: Capture your audience’s attention (use a story or a startling quote or statistic). Place your opening in the context of your presentation ’s theme. Make it easy for your audience to understand where you are going. Connect to your audience: Engage your audience’s curiosity! M ake them think critically!
Final Project - Learning Community! (SPC 1301/ENG 1302) 2014 Body: Outline the 3 or 4 key discussion points you are going to talk about. Provide a transition between each of your rhetorical moves. Make any numbers you use meaningful (refer to the source of your info). Keep your message simple, but provocative. Use props if appropriate. Strong Conclusion: Briefly summarize/review your main point(s). Remind the audience why you care about your topic — and why they should care, too. Close by connecting back to your opening story, quote, or statistic. Enthusiasm: Demonstrate enthusiasm and excitement about your topic throughout your presentation. Speak in a conversational tone — be natural — remember this is fun!!!!! _____________________________________________________ NOTE: According to Good Pecha Kucha presentations are the ones that uncover the unexpected, [such as] unexpected talent [or] unexpected ideas. Some Pecha Kuchas tell great stories about a project or a trip. Some are incredibly personal, some are incredibly funny, but all are very different making each Pecha Kucha Night like 'a box of chocolates'. Take this opportunity to tap into your creative talents while exploring the various textual and visual rhetorical elements that best support the message you wish to convey to the audience. Use the helpful websites below for support in developing your presentation. Pecha Kucha Dallas Fort Worth: Pecha Kucha 20x20 End to Boring PowerPoints: Background on Pecha Kucha: Present like Steve Jobs: NOTE: YOU WILL BE EVALUATED BY ALL CRITERIA MENTIONED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT SHEET, REQUIRED MATERIALS FOR TURN-IN, DELIVERY, PACE, SEQUENCING OF IDEAS, AND PERSUASIVENESS OF THOUGHT- PROVOKING PERFORMANCE THAT CAPTURES AUDIENCE’S ATTENTION. Plan ahead, and hold one another accountable for this collaborative endeavor.
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