cervical ripening balloon

Cervical Ripening Balloon Midwifery Educators Objectives To - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cervical Ripening Balloon Midwifery Educators Objectives To understand the action of the cervical ripening balloon Discuss the technique of insertion and removal of the cervical ripening balloon What is it? The cervical

  1. Cervical Ripening Balloon Midwifery Educators

  2. Objectives • To understand the action of the cervical ripening balloon • Discuss the technique of insertion and removal of the cervical ripening balloon

  3. What is it? • The cervical ripening balloon catheter is a device designed to mechanically accelerate cervical dilation prior to induction of labour with amniotomy and syntocinon infusion.

  4. How does it work? • Ripening and dilation is accomplished by the balloon‘s gentle and constant pressure at the uterine end of the cervix. • When the catheter is removed, cervical conditions should have improved to a favourable state to allow for induction of labour and active labour management...

  5. Why choose this method? • Safely ripens and dilates the cervix without pharmaceuticals • Eliminates the potential side effects of repeat medications • Easily placed and quickly removed

  6. Contraindications • All contraindications to induction of labour and vaginal delivery, including the following: - Active herpes - Fetal malpresentation - Abnormal CTG - A history of prior difficult or traumatic delivery - Regular contractions - Unexplained bleeding per vagina - Placenta praevia - Vasa praevia • Regular contractions • Maternal fever • A history of a prior caesarean section or major uterine surgery is a relative contraindication because of the increased risk of uterine rupture

  7. Prior to procedure • Introduce self • Confirm appropriate indication for induction of labour • Confirm gestation and expected date of birth • Documentation of previous vaginal examinations and Bishops score • Documentation of relevant history • Confirm woman’s ID (3 identifiers) • Explain procedure to woman • Obtain verbal informed consent • Perform a full set of observations • Perform abdominal palpation to determine fetal lie and presentation • Confirmation of presentation using ultrasound by accredited clinician • Ensures pre procedure baseline CTG is normal

  8. Equipment Equipment that you will need: • Sterile lubricant • 16g Foley catheter with a 30ml size balloon • Aqueous Chlorhexidine or warm soapy water • Large bivalve speculum • 40mls sterile water for injection • Labour ward bed with stirrups • 20mls Luer-lock syringe • Rampley’s Sponge forceps • Spigot or umbilical cord clamp • Adhesive tape

  9. Procedure • Perform routine hand hygiene • Put on sterile gloves, and perform vaginal examination with consent to determine Bishops score. • Remove gloves and perform routine hand hygiene • Place the woman into lithotomy with a wedge • Perform routine hand hygiene and then put on sterile gloves • Clean the woman’s vulvovaginal region with aqueous chlorhexidine • Using an appropriately sized bivalve speculum, gently insert speculum and visualize the cervix • Clean the cervix with aqueous chlorhexidine

  10. Procedure • Advance the 16g foley catheter through the internal OS of the cervix using sponge forceps to assist.

  11. Procedure cont. • Inflate the uterine balloon with 30-40 mL of sterile water. Spiggot or clamp (using umbilical cord clamp) the catheter. Gently withdraw the catheter until it rests at the level of the internal OS.

  12. Procedure cont. • Remove the speculum • Remove gloves • Perform routine hand hygiene • Apply traction to the catheter by taping it to the inner aspect of the woman’s thigh. • Explain to the woman that the balloon catheter may be left in-situ between 12 and 18 hours before removal and to alert staff if it falls out prior. • Commence CTG post procedure

  13. Removal of the balloon • Deflate the balloon at 12-18 hours • Gently remove catheter from vagina

  14. References Atad J, Hallak M, Ben-David Y, Auslender R, Abramovici H. Ripening and dilation of the unfavourable cervix for induction of labor by a double balloon device: experience with 250 cases. Br J Obstet Gynaecol . 1997;104:29-32. Atad J, Hallak M, Auslender R, Porat-Packer T, Zarfati D, Abramovici H. A randomized comparison of prostaglandin E2, oxytocin, and the double- balloon device in inducing labor. Obstet Gynecol . 1996;87(2):223-227. Sherman D, Frenkel E, Tovbin J, Arieli S, Caspi E, Bukovsky I. Ripening of the unfavorable cervix with extraamniotic catheter balloon: clinical experience and review. Obstet Gynecol Surv . 1996;51(10):621-627.


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