Certifjed KPI Practitioner T I F R I E E C D KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Ac kno wle dging e xc e lle nc e in managing with K PI s MANAGEMENT K R FRAMEWORK P E I v 1.0 2012 N P O R I A T C I T The KPI Institute . offjce@kpiinstitute.org . www.smartkpis.com . +61 3 9670 2979 T he KPI Institute . o ffic e @ kp iinstitute .o rg . www.sma rtkp is.c o m . +61 3 9670 2979
Summary About Certifjcation Programs 3 Abo ut T he K PI I nstitute R R T I F R R T I F E I E E I E C D C D KEY KEY PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATORS 4 MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT K K L K K R FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK P A A A P E I v 1.0 2012 v 1.0 2012 N N I v 1.0 2012 v 1.0 2012 N P O P O 4 Certifjcation Programs R R O I R R I F E S S A A C T I T Preparatory courses 5 Pre parato ry c o urse s 3 5 Certifjcation Benefjts Certifjcation 6 Certifjcation process process Criteria Optional: Attend Certifjed KPI Practitioner 7 Benefjts Course for preparation Ste p Ste p Ste p 1 2 3 Receive customized Assessors review your feedback, your KPI Submit application portfolio Prerequisite: application portfolio within Practitioner Certifjcate with required work samples Obtain KPI Professional Certifjcation two weeks from the and optional Letter of for assessment submission date Acknowledgement to employer by mail 8 Certifjcation Criteria 6 7 8 Application Registration Process Contact 9 Applic atio n Po rtfo lio Portfolio Ste p Ste p Ste p Ste p Ste p 1 2 3 4 5 10 Re gistratio n Pro c e ss Send your application Express your interest by fjlling in Receive acknowledgement portfolio as email attachment to the Application Form Process payment of Receive acknowledgement of of receipt for offjce@kpiinstitute.com or upload all and emailing it to certifjcation fee receipt for payment Application Form documents at web address provided offjce@kpiinstitute.com in the acknowledgement of receipt 11 Co ntac t 9 10 11
About The KPI Institute The KPI Institute is the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) With the insights gained, The KPI Institute: research and education, providing through its publications and training courses D Assisted over 5,000 organizations in fjnding solutions for their KPI needs; insights on how to measure and learn with KPIs. It developed the fjrst KPI D Trained over 500 participants in 20 countries on how to work rigorously Management Framework and operates www.smartKPIs.com, the result of a with KPIs. research program dedicated to documenting and cataloguing how KPIs are used in practice. The main activities of The Institute include: D Research and Publications - contributing to the development of the Over the last three years, the team at The KPI Institute: performance management discipline by actively researching and publishing D Documented 7,000+ KPIs from 15 functional areas and 24 industries; articles and reports on performance management topics in both academic D Reviewed 1,000+ performance reports from 125 countries; and practitioner publications; D Referenced 20,000+ resources (books, articles, performance reports) as D Education - delivering performance management training to improve the part of the documentation process; understanding of performance at conceptual level and develop technical D Developed over 20 KPI Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards. skills in related processes/systems, from KPI selection to Balanced Scorecard implementations. 3
T I T I F R R F R R I I E E E E C D C D KEY KEY PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATORS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT K K K K R L FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK P P A A E I I v 1.0 2012 v 1.0 2012 v 1.0 2012 v 1.0 2012 N N N P P O O R R R R R I I O S A A T F S C I E T Certifjcation Programs Level 1 - KPI Professional Certifjcation Level 2 - KPI Practitioner Certifjcation Recognizes a person’s knowledge in deploying and using KPIs in Recognizes a person’s practical experience in deploying and using D D accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework Management Framework Preparatory course attendance is mandatory Preparatory course attendance is optional D D Examination at end of course Online assessment of application portfolio D D Pre-requisite for certifjcation: course attendance Pre-requisite for certifjcation: KPI Professional Certifjcation obtained D D 4
Preparatory courses KPI Professional Certifjcation KPI Practitioner Certifjcation Over view Over view The three-day course trains participants in how to establish and work with The two-day course trains participants in how to deploy and use the KPI KPIs and offers them the opportunity to get certifjed on the ability to deploy and Management Framework, according with the institute KPI Practitioner use KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Certifjcation standards. It focuses on practical exercises, which account for Management Framework, the main body of knowledge on the rigorous use of 90 percent of the course’s time, the remaining time being dedicated to review KPIs in business. relevant theoretical concepts. Assessment Assessment Participants will be pre-tested by using a multiple choice questionnaire at Independent from the course, participants can opt in to obtain their KPI the beginning of each session. On Day 3, delegates can opt in to attend a Practitioner Certifjcation by following the steps highlighted in the Certifjcation fjnal test to obtain the Certifjed KPI Professional certifjcation from The KPI Process section. Institute. Contact us at offjce@kpiinstitute.org for the next available courses or for the option to schedule an in-house training delivery. 5
Optional: Attend Certifjed KPI Practitioner Course for preparation Ste p Ste p Ste p 1 2 3 Receive customized Assessors review your feedback, your KPI Submit application portfolio Prerequisite: application portfolio within Practitioner Certifjcate with required work samples Obtain KPI Professional Certifjcation two weeks from the and optional Letter of for assessment submission date Acknowledgement to employer by mail Certifjcation process D The certifjcation process requires the submission of an application portfolio. D Confjdentiality is strictly maintained and all submitted documents are solely The application portfolio contains a set of 20 documents (see Application used for the purpose of assessing an applicant’s ability to deploy and use Portfolio section for details); KPIs in accordance with The KPI Institute’s Key Performance Indicators Management Framework; D Application portfolios are assessed based on criteria established for each of the 20 documents that must be submitted; criteria are listed in the Application D All documents should refer to the same project and should be developed in Assessment Guide; an aligned manner, so that information provided in one document does not confmict with the information provided in another. The required documents D For each submitted document, an applicant can receive a maximum of 25 follow the fmow of a typical KPI project and so should the documents that you points, totaling a maximum of 500 points for the entire portfolio. In order to are including in the application portfolio; be recognized as a Certifjed KPI Practitioner, an applicant should obtain at least 80 percent (a minimum of 400 points) out of these 500 available. D All application documents must be submitted in English. 6
Benefjts D Formal recognition - Be among the fjrst performance management D Objective assessment - Get your work reviewed and develop a more practitioners to receive a distinction that complements your current realistic understanding of your level of practical knowledge regarding the certifjcation as a Certifjed KPI Professional; KPI framework management; D Customized feedback - Keep current with best practices and obtain D Premium subscription to smartKPIs.com - Receive a 6 months confjdential feedback from our assessors on your application portfolio; complimentary Premium subscription to smartKPIs.com KPI library. D Professional portfolio - Develop a collection of 20 performance management D Certifjcate sent by mail - Receive your certifjcation diploma in original documents that will become your professional portfolio to demonstrate by mail and an optional letter of acknowledgement customized for your competencies on the topic and enable you to differentiate among peers; employer. Obtain right to use the offjcial Certifjed KPI Practitioner R T I F E I E C D KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS logo in promoting your performance management skills. MANAGEMENT K R P FRAMEWORK E I v 1.0 2012 N P O R I A C T I T 7
Certifjcation Criteria For certifjcation D Posses a KPI Professional Certifjcation; D Obtain a minimum of 400 out of 500 points on the assessment of your application portfolio. For recertifjcation The KPI Practitioner Certifjcation has a validity of 3 years, as recognized by The KPI Institute. In order to stay updated with the latest developments and best practices in the performance management fjeld and aligned to The KPI Institute standards the KPI Practitioner Certifjcation is recommended to be renewed every three years. 8
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