Advanced Placement Performance in Cecil County Public Schools November 12, 2018
Total Number of AP Exams Completed in 2018 total # AP Exams 5 yr trend 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 400 375 376 BMHS 129 129 139 180 201 366 EHS 177 179 171 180 190 350 NEHS 232 205 150 230 218 PVHS 145 219 180 198 175 315 RSHS 228 315 366 375 376 300 250 232 230 228 219 218 205 201 198 190 200 180 180 180 179 177 175 171 150 145 139 150 129 129 100 50 0 BMHS EHS NEHS PVHS RSHS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total AP Students Total AP Students 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 BMHS 250 71 76 83 103 137 EHS 104 113 122 124 109 229 NEHS 140 122 83 129 164 PHS 84 107 106 109 114 RSHS 137 169 192 187 229 200 192 187 169 164 150 140 137 137 129 124 122 122 114 113 109 109 107 106 104 103 100 84 83 83 76 71 50 0 BMHS EHS NEHS PHS RSHS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Five-Year School Score Summary % of Total AP Students with Scores 3+ 80 Five year School Score Summary- % of Total AP Student with Scores 3+ 72 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 71 70 BMHS 44 53 58 58 69 50 70 EHS 69 54 53 43 50 65 NEHS 59 57 63 57 53 63 62 PVHS 52 54 58 52 54 50 58 59 60 RSHS 70 71 65 72 62 57 57 54 54 54 53 53 53 52 52 50 50 50 50 44 43 40 30 20 10 0 BMHS EHS NEHS PVHS RSHS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
AP Five-Year Trends Year Average Score Number of Tests 2014 2.75 913 2015 2.76 1047 2016 2.77 1006 2017 2.69 1163 2018 2.61 1160
AP School Scholar Roster 2018 AP Scholar AP Scholar AP Scholar National AP (3+ on 3 with Honor with Scholar (4 avg. Exams) (3.25 avg. Distinction and 4+ on 8 School and 3+ on 4 (3.5 avg. and exams) exams) 3+ on 5 exams) 10 2 6 0 Bohemia Manor High School 9 5 1 0 Elkton High School North East High School 12 1 5 0 Perryville High School 7 0 4 1 29 9 11 1 Rising Sun High School 67 17 27 2 Total # of students
SAT School Day Average Scores 1200 EBRW Math Combined# of test takers BMHS 507 495 1002 160 1002 999 960 950 958 936 971 1000 EHS 472 464 936 207 NEHS 491 469 960 231 800 PVHS 489 469 958 157 RSHS 507 493 999 242 600 507 Cecil 493 478 971 997 493 484 491 495 472 493 507 489 478 469 466 464 469 State 484 466 950 13537 400 200 0 BMHS EHS NEHS PVHS RSHS Cecil State EBRW Math Combined
SAT Average Scores Class of 2018 1080 1047 1100 1027 998 985 978 957 900 School Evidence Ba Math Total BMHS 525 522 1047 700 545 515 EHS 525 478 480 957 502 495 498 480 535 522 512 496 483 486 478 NEHS 495 483 978 500 PHS 498 486 985 RSHS 515 512 1027 300 Cecil 502 496 998 State 545 535 1080 100 BMHS EHS NEHS PHS RSHS Cecil State Evidence Based Reading and Writing Math Total
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