cdc s heal ealth dispar arities es an and ineq equal

CDCs Heal ealth Dispar arities es an and Ineq equal alities es - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CDCs Heal ealth Dispar arities es an and Ineq equal alities es Rep eport United S States, 2011 2011 Publish shed a as s MMWR Su R Supplement , J January 14, 14, 2011 2011 Natio ional le l level l data wit ith s

  1. CDC’s Heal ealth Dispar arities es an and Ineq equal alities es Rep eport – United S States, 2011 2011  Publish shed a as s MMWR Su R Supplement , J January 14, 14, 2011 2011  Natio ional le l level l data wit ith s some s state-specif ific ic r result lts  Findings to b be u e used ed as as b bas asel eline e es estimates es for moni nitoring ng and nd r reporting c ng cha hange nges i in n he health h disparities an and i ineq equal alities es  Addresse sses: s:  S ocial determinants of health  E nvironmental hazards  Mortality and morbidity  Behavioral risk factors  Health-care access  Preventive health services

  2. To Topics C Covered Educ ucation n and nd Inc ncome Homic icid ides   Inad adeq equate an e and Unheal ealthy Obesi sity   Hous using ng Pret eter erm Births  Unhealt lthy A Air ir Q Qualit lity  Poten ential ally Preven entab able e  Heal ealth Insuran ance C e Cover erag age Hospit italiz lizatio ions  Inf nflue uenz nza V Vaccina nation n Cur urrent A Asthm hma   Cover erag age HI HIV I Infect ction  Colorec ectal al Can ancer er S Screen eening  Diab abet etes es  Infan ant Dea eaths  Hyper erten ension an and  Mot otor or V Vehicle-Rel elated ed D Dea eaths Hypertension on C Cont ontrol ol  Suic icid ides Binge nge D Drink nking ng   Dr Drug-Ind nduc uced D Deaths hs Adoles escen ent Preg egnan ancy an and   Child ildbir irth Coronar ary Hear eart D Diseas ease an e and  Stroke St Cigar aret ette S e Smoking 

  3. Key I Issu ssues  Heal ealth d dispar arities es per ersist in t the e U.S., des espite e rec ecen ent pro rogre ress  Combined ed ef effec ects of d dual al strateg egies es ar are e req equired ed: 1. Universal interventions available to everyone 2. T argeted interventions for populations with special needs  Data a in t the r e rep eport p provide c e compel elling ar argumen ent f for act ction  Anal alyzing spec ecifics of a a problem em an and s sel elec ecting inter erven entions req equires es concer erted ed ef effort at t the l e local al le level l –under erscores es n need eed t to c coordinate e clinical al c car are an e and public h heal ealth inter erven entions/ap approac aches es

  4. Sel elect ect F Findings  Low i income r e res esiden ents rep eport 5 t to 1 11 fewer er h heal ealthy days per er month t h tha han n hi high gh inc ncome r residents  Men (18. 18.4 4 per 100, 100,000) 000) 4 4 times more l likely to die b by s suicide than w women ( (4. 4.8 8 per 100, 100,000) 000)  Binge nge d drink nking ng more p prevalent i in hi n high gh inc ncome ( (18.5%) tha han n low income e (12.1%) p per ersons  Binge d e drinking more f e freq equen ent (4.9 vs. 3.6 ep episodes es) an and inten ense ( e (7.1 vs. 6 6.5 d drinks) in l low i income e per ersons  Hyper erten ension (HTN) more p e preval alen ent i in n non-His ispanic ic b bla lacks ks (42%) than an whites es (28.8%); H HTN control lower er for M Mexican an Amer erican ans (31.8%) t than an for non-Hispan anic w whites es ( (46.5%)  Preven entab able h e hospital alization rates es i increas ease e as as incomes es decrease; if if no d dis isparit itie ies, would ld prevent ~1 m millio illion s stays an and save $ e $6.7 b billion in h heal ealth car are c e costs eac each y year ear

  5. Wha hat C Can B n Be D Done ne  Increas ease c e community awar aren enes ess of d dispar arities es  Set p prio iorit itie ies among d dis isparit itie ies  Articulate e val alid reas easons t to e expen end r res esources es t to r red educe e and e elim limin inate prio iorit ity dis isparit itie ies  Implem emen ent u univer ersal al an and tar arget eted ed inter erven ention progra rams ms  Aim to ac achieve a e a fas aster er r rate e of improvem emen ent am among vul ulne nerable gr group ups

  6. For or M Mor ore Infor ormation on: http://w // /minori rityhealth/C /CHDIReport.html For more information please contact Centers f for D Disease C Control and P Prevention 1600 Clifton R oad NE , Atlanta, GA 30333 T elephone, 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348 E -mail: cdcinfo@ Web: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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