catholic appeal

CATHOLIC APPEAL local church REPORT ON THE 2014 APPEAL Goal = - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2015 ANNUAL Diocese of Toledo to meet the needs of our CATHOLIC APPEAL local church REPORT ON THE 2014 APPEAL Goal = $2,500,000 Dollars Raised = $2,398,228.70 % of Goal = 95.9% Donors 17,775 Participation % = 18.2% Parishes over Goal

  1. 2015 ANNUAL Diocese of Toledo to meet the needs of our CATHOLIC APPEAL local church

  2. REPORT ON THE 2014 APPEAL Goal = $2,500,000 Dollars Raised = $2,398,228.70 % of Goal = 95.9% Donors – 17,775 Participation % = 18.2% Parishes over Goal = 39 Additional Parishes at 90% or higher = 13

  3. REPORT ON 2014 APPEAL Total Dollars to be rebated to Parishes as of December 31, 2014= $123,095

  4. SUPPORT FOR THE 2014 APPEAL Clergy in the Diocese donated $90,368. Staff of the Diocese and Catholic Charities donated $12,553. Average gift from all donors = $134.92 Dollars raised comparable to 2013 Appeal

  5. 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Theme: Our Family of Faith

  6. CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Overall Campaign Goal = $2,500,000 Same goal as 2014 goal

  7. IMPORTANT DATES February 7/8 – Announcement Weekend May play the DVD/Audio this weekend or Commitment Weekend. February 14/15 – Commitment Weekend June 30 – end of appeal at parish level January 25 through April 11 – Black out period for fund raising by parishes for endowments/capital appeals December 31 – end of appeal at Diocesan level

  8. CAMPAIGN MATERIALS Initial Letter to Parishioners with Pledge form Brochure Posters – English and Spanish Parish Handbook on website Bulletin Inserts

  9. CAMPAIGN MATERIALS Supplement to February Catholic Chronicle Supplies for Commitment Weekend  In- Pew Envelopes  Additional Brochures  DVD or Audio CD

  10. PARISH LAY LEADERSHIP Share Catholic Chronicle insert and Parish Handbook materials about the campaign with your Lay Leaders.  Supported Activities  Sample Pulpit Announcements  Sample Presentations

  11. PARISH GOALS Formula = Same as 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 The goal is based on Sunday, Holyday, Christmas and Easter Offertory Collections. Offertory Totals for each parish are added together for a grand total. The calculation is then made for each parish indicating what percentage the parish offertory is of the grand total. That percentage is applied to the overall Appeal goals. Information is taken from Annual Financial Report of the parish to the Diocesan Finance Office

  12. PARISH REBATES If parish went over goal in 2013 and 2014 , rebate equals 85% of funds raised in excess of the parish goal. If parish went over goal in 2014 but not 2013 , rebate equals 80% of funds raised in excess of the parish goal. All other parishes going over goal will receive a 75% rebate Rebates issued: Second week of July 2015 and early January 2016 after calendar year is closed.

  13. REPORTS TO THE PARISHES Each parish will receive a Donor List Report on a weekly basis beginning the week of February 23 through the week of April 13. The reports will be bi-weekly after that date. Reports will cease June 30. May request a parish donor report at any time. A Parish Summary by Fund will be included each Wednesday during the Appeal through the Diocesan Weekly Mailing “Nuntius”.

  14. WHAT DOES MY GIFT SUPPORT? Vocations Evangelization and Parish Life Catholic Charities Faith Formation Equal Access Ministry Young Adult and Campus Ministry And so much more……

  15. PLEDGE/GIFT PROCESSING All envelopes must have PS FamilyDioID. Any anonymous gifts should have your parish PS FamilyDioID. A completed transmittal form must accompany any submissions. DO NOT MAIL CASH – cash from envelopes should be deposited and one check sent with your transmittal form. Deposit in Courtesy Exchange Account. Call our office with ANY questions.

  16. Screenshots showing how to find FamilyDioID needed for pledges

  17. QUESTIONS Questions about the campaign can be directed to the Catholic Foundation by calling 419.244.6711 or via email

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