cascades recovery inc

Cascades Recovery Inc. We care so much about paper and packaging; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging Cascades Recovery Inc. We care so much about paper and packaging; when youre done with it, we want it back A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! We are brand owners Cascades

  1. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging Cascades Recovery Inc. We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  2. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! We are brand owners Cascades Recovery Inc. ! We are packaging producers " OCC, OBB, PS, PET ! We are printed paper producers ! We are discarded materials managers " More than 1.4 million tpy ! We are consumers of recovered material ! We aren’t in the waste management business We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  3. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Promote “A world without Cascades Recovery Inc. packaging waste” ! Promote sustainable packaging choices ! Equitable to all materials ! Cost sustainable system ! Public education on packaging choices We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  4. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! With stewards not paying the majority of the costs –municipalities have been Cascades Recovery Inc. responsible for setting the requirements for processing and determining what was to be managed " Municipalities controlled the programs ! There is no central command, no point of reference, no harmonization, no consistency – " Therefore, NOT sustainable or cost effective " This is NOT the fault of the municipalities We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  5. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Model Program assumes 100% funding Cascades Recovery Inc. " Now has brand owners’ attention " Large dollars at stake ! All current programs have their associated “foibles” " Hard to find direction and real answers without an example program to follow " No visible industry with experience operating programs to provide direction We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  6. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! One program to fit the nation Cascades Recovery Inc. ! Fair and level playing field for all materials ! Transparency in the delivery of the program ! Cost known upfront ! Reasonable expectations for cost containment and cost capping ! 100% funding = stewards control their own destiny We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  7. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging Materials Cascades Recovery Inc. Optimization Packaging Packaging Consumer Innovation/ Innovation/ Sustainable Sustainable Engagement Pkg Guide Pkg Guide EPR Agency Systems Systems Admin & Optimization Optimization Data Mgmt /Marketing /Marketing Best Best Practices Practices Policy Policy We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  8. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! The EPR Agency Cascades Recovery Inc. " Central body representing brand owners • Protecting brand owners’ best interests " Governance with Administration Agency ! Administration & Data Management " Developing governance structure " Develop fee structure • Work with Systems Optimization and Materials Optimization to set fees and penalties " Collect data from industry and stewards We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  9. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Materials Optimization " Helps develop markets for hard-to-manage materials Cascades Recovery Inc. " Communicates challenges with PPP " Work with stewards on new/emerging packaging ! System Optimization and Marketing " Identifying the infrastructure required " Determination of the cost for the implementation " Provide input into the development of the funding structure • Determining costs for various materials " Identify the implementation timelines We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  10. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Best Practices Policy " Works with Systems Optimization to Cascades Recovery Inc. incorporate new and emerging technologies " Work with Materials Optimization on incorporation of new and emerging packaging ! Packaging Innovation/Sustainable Packaging Guide " Promotes design for the environment in the context of end-of-life management • Promotes recyclability of PPP with stewards/ brand owners " Develops packaging guides to aid in the end- of-life management We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  11. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Consumer Engagement Cascades Recovery Inc. " Manages implementation communication and education " Ongoing education to encourage participation " Work with retailers and brand owners to develop communications messaging at point-of-sale " Engage municipalities • Providing feedback on materials still found in garbage stream • Assist in promoting the program and providing support to maintain highest quality of material collected We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  12. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! All 115+ materials managed? Cascades Recovery Inc. ! Only a selected list? " Not equitable to all material types " Stewards are paying fees regardless • Paying for a service should mean getting a service " Public perception of a material not being collected " Who makes the decision on including a material or not? " If selective, industry builds to suit • Less innovation; less flexibility " If selective, programs will vary by municipality " If selective, no harmonization, no standardization • Cost containment a challenge We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  13. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! What should the target be? Cascades Recovery Inc. ! How should it be set? " Aggregated? " By material? We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  14. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Aggregated Cascades Recovery Inc. " Is this the EPR program? • Equitable to all materials • Fibres disadvantaged – 5:1 ratio to containers • “Harder to manage” materials “skate” " Program can stay static • There will be minimal investment/innovation ! By Material " Is this the EPR program? • Now equitable to all materials " Investment will flourish • Need to address variety of materials = ongoing innovation " Overall costs are higher but structured to address individual materials We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  15. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Remember 115+ materials Cascades Recovery Inc. " Public does understand fibre from container and film " Must consider nature of materials and technologies available for separation We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  16. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! All 115+ materials managed everywhere Cascades Recovery Inc. " Common, consistent, harmonized program " All materials handled at depots, public space ! Standardized level of service for all municipalities " Over 5,000 pop or already have curbside garbage must have curbside recyclables We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  17. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Two stream collection Cascades Recovery Inc. " Lower cost " Better opportunity to maximize value of materials " Better quality materials " More flexibility in design We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  18. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! Targets by Material Type Cascades Recovery Inc. " Equitable to all materials " A truck is going pass by each household to pick up materials, so might as well pick up everything • The target should reflect this reality " Fees based on a unit basis consistent with how materials are managed • Recycling facilities push volume but pick pieces " Incentive to create: “ A world without packaging waste ” We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  19. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging ! pacNEXT identified necessary elements of a successful plan Materials Cascades Recovery Inc. Optimization Packaging Packaging Consumer Innovation/ Innovation/ Sustainable Sustainable Engagement Pkg Guide Pkg Guide EPR Agency Systems Systems Admin & Optimization Optimization Data Mgmt /Marketing /Marketing Best Best ! Replicable across Practices Practices the country Policy Policy ! True harmonization We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back

  20. A Model EPR Program for Printed Paper and Packaging Cascades Recovery Inc. We care so much about paper and packaging; when you’re done with it, we want it back


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