
care4life A Personalized Mobile Health Program to Support People - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

care4life A Personalized Mobile Health Program to Support People with Type 2 Diabetes care4life for Michigan Health Centers Over 1 million adults in Michigan have diabetes Health Centers

  1. care4life A Personalized Mobile Health Program to Support People with Type 2 Diabetes

  2. care4life for Michigan Health Centers  Over 1 million adults in Michigan have diabetes  Health Centers in Michigan already serve over 30,000 patients with diabetes and the number continues to grow every year  Diabetes outcomes are a key performance measure and quality of care indicator for all Health Centers

  3. care4life for Michigan Health Centers  New statewide strategic partnership with Voxiva, a pioneer in mobile health services and creator of care4life  MPCA members have been given the opportunity to make the care4life program available to Health Center patients with diabetes at no cost!

  4. Why care4life?  85% of U.S. adults have cell phones and 7 out of 10 use text messaging ◦ 99% of texts are read and most are read within three minutes ◦ 80% of Medicaid beneficiaries who own mobile phones say they text regularly  The research shows text messaging works ◦ One study shows medication adherence rates for those taking diabetes medication were 9% higher for people who got text reminders ◦ Another study shows patients in a mobile health program lowered their HbA1Cs by 1.9% points while people receiving usual care dropped by only 0.7%

  5. The care4life Program

  6. Diabetes education by (txt msg!) DAILY reinforcement Practical BEHAVIOR CHANGE TIPS ON ‐ GOING support  Educate A six month  Motivate mobile health program  Build a comprehensive logbook designed to …  Improve medication adherence  Set and track weight and exercise goals

  7. Goals > 99% of text messages are read > 90% are read within 3 minutes > 91% of people receiving text maintained adherence to their diabetes medication regimen compared to 82% that did not Goal 3 Goal 1 Improved blood glucose control Increase medication adherence (reduced A1c) through monitoring through reminders and education and education Goal 2 Goal 4 Increase exercise and reduce Increased appointment weight through goal tracking and attendance through education motivations and reminders

  8. Interactive text messages offer: Interactive text messages offer: Interactive text messages offer: > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > REMINDERS > REMINDERS > REMINDERS > LOG BOOK > LOG BOOK > LOG BOOK Care4Life. Worry about checkups? DON'T! Get your glucose levels under control and you’ll be fine! Reply APPOINTMENT and Care4Life. For most Care4Life. Hi, Mary. Time I'll send a next visit people, BEFORE meal to get active! Promise me reminder. Paula glucose reading targets you will take the stairs are 80 ‐ 140 and less than instead of the elevator 180 one to two hours for the next few days. AFTER eating. Ask doc Small steps add up. Paula about your targets

  9. Interactive text messages offer: Interactive text messages offer: > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > REMINDERS > REMINDERS > LOG BOOK > LOG BOOK Care4Life. Your doctor’s appointment (Dr. Johnson @ 9am) is tomorrow. Jot down any questions you have. Reply APPOINTMENT to set a new reminder.

  10. Interactive text messages offer: Interactive text messages offer: > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > REMINDERS > REMINDERS > LOG BOOK > LOG BOOK Care4life. Test your BEFORE meal blood glucose. Reply with your test result (e.g. 120) 110 Care4life. Before meal glucose results of 90 to 130 are ideal. Do your best to keep eating healthy, being active, and taking your medicine.

  11. Interactive text messages offer: Interactive text messages offer: > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > EDUCATION, TIPS, MOTIVATIONS > REMINDERS > REMINDERS > LOG BOOK > LOG BOOK On ‐ line Portal

  12. Content Developed by Theresa Garnero APRN, BC ‐ ADM, MSN, CDE Based on Clinical Guidelines Reinforces Author AADE Diabetes Educator of the Year Former AADE Director

  13. Getting Involved With care4life  Getting started with care4life is easy, just follow these simple steps... 1. Sign the care4life program Memorandum of Understanding to show your Health Center's commitment to the program 2. Send in an order form for free care4life promotional materials so that you can publicize the service at your sites 3. Feature the care4life program in your patient newsletter and on your website 4. Discuss care4life with staff and providers so they can proactively share information about the program with diabetic patients during visits at the Health Center 5. Participate in the free direct mail campaign so that your patients receive valuable information about care4life and enrollment instructions at home 6. Use your Health Center's social media outlets like Facebook and T witter to spread the word about care4life in your community

  14. Want to Learn More?  MPCA and Voxiva will be co-sponsoring a webinar opportunity for providers and staff not attending today to learn about care4life.  Look for scheduling information in the MPCA e-Update or on our website at

  15. Questions? For more information, please visit: Or, contact MPCA: Phillip Bergquist Lynda Meade 517-827-0473 517-827-0470


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