CANNSUN MEDHEL Group of Companies More than a century CANNSUN-MEDHEL of natures healthcare INVESTOR PRESENTATION February 2020 S I N C E 1 9 1 8 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
THE INVESTMENT Europe’s first pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & food for special medical purposes (FSMP) CANNSUN-MEDHEL manufacturer with a vertically integrated cannabinoid division that includes CANNSUN MEDHEL EUGMP-certified manufacturing, production and extraction Established in 1918, one of the longest running pharmaceutical EUGMP-certified manufacturing and distribution companies in Western Europe. 2 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
WHY INVEST IN CANNSUN MEDHEL ST STABLE, , HIGH GH MARGI GIN PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFA FACTURING G AND DIST STRIBUTION ON EUGMP certified, pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical facility is scalable to address 01 04 manufacturing and distribution facility product demands in all components of serving Europe for over 100 years production CANNSUN-MEDHEL Near term JV opportunities with large Experienced management team with a track 02 05 addressable populations and emerging record of building pharmaceutical businesses botanicals and cannabinoid demand Established distribution networks with a sales 03 force of 30+ provide penetration in 21 countries globally 3 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
ACCESS TO ESTABLISHED MARKETS Current markets (direct & through partnerships) GRE REECE Serbia Albania Thailand Malta Croatia Indonesia Uganda Cyprus Jordan Cambodia Vietnam Bulgaria Saudi Arabia Ethiopia Qatar Egypt Jamaica Lebanon South Africa Philippines CANNSUN-MEDHEL Near-term JV opportunities Australia Iraq United Kingdom Austria Czech Republic Estonia Poland Kazakhstan Latvia New Zealand Germany Ghana Malaysia China Iraq Slovakia Lithuania Canada Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Georgia Key distribution hubs/in-country offices and staff GRE REECE Poland South Africa Thailand China Malaysia 4 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
EXISTING GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION CREAT CR ATING SCAL CALABL ABLE JO JOINT VENTURES SAL ALES CH CHAN ANNELS Europe Medhel Operations CANNSUN-MEDHEL Asia 2020 Forecast Revenue Distribution Greece 92% Africa 8% Current Pharmaceutical/Cosmetics Pharmaceutical/Cosmetics Future Botanical and Cannabinoid* Future Botanical and Cannabinoid* ___ *Pending schedule 1 license. Potential near-term markets 5 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
PHARMACEUTICALS ft 2 EU EUGMP certified pharmaceutical • 70, 70,500 500 ft manufacturing Access to 100 wholesalers, 11,000 pharmacies, • 35,000 doctors in over 21 countries in Europe, Asia & Africa CANNSUN-MEDHEL Experienced management team in Greece to drive • manufacturing and distribution MEDHEL Obtaining Sch cense in Q3 Q3 2020 - • Schedule I Lice importation of THC and related products ESTABLISHED OPERATING Undertaking a full mo n of • mode derni nization n and nd expa pans nsion COMMERCIAL COMPANY existing facilities to add additional products and capacity Current utilization < 5% Projected 2020 revenue of €31.0 MM F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 6
PRODUCT OFFERINGS & DEVELOPMENTS CURRENT PRODUCT TOP REVENUE TREATMENT OFFERINGS PRODUCTS SEGMENTS R x & O T C Fe r u m - Bl ood P a i n m a na ge m e nt CANNSUN-MEDHEL P ha r m a c e ut i c a l s P r e s s ur e R e gul a t i on Ce n t r a l Ne r vou s S ys t e m F ood f or S pe c i a l Om e p r a z o le – M e d i c a l P u r p os e s S t om a c h/ ul c e r Di a b e t e s A v e mar – F ood In s om n i a Cos m e t i c s S uppl e m e nt S t r e s s Pa n th e n ol – S k i n M e d i c a l De vi c e s Cr e a m O nc ol ogy 7 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
PRODUCT OFFERINGS & DEVELOPMENTS NE NEW W PRODUCT OFFERING NGS & ADDITIONA NAL NA NATURAL ALTERNA NATIVES CANNSUN-MEDHEL Supplements – Prescriptions – Arthritis Medical Devices – CBD Cosmetics and Oral Wellness Botanical Medication Female Suppository Consumption 8 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 5
RESEARCH + DEVELOPMENT We are focusing on R&D-driven growth, realizing collaborations with accredited academic and research centers: Academy of Athens University of Athens Greece • • Pasteur Institute CRO Athens R&D • • Stellenbosch University Cape Peninsula University • • CANNSUN-MEDHEL With support from the research/academic centers we anticipate developing • innovative products that would establish cutting edge therapeutic protocols for both cannabinoid and herbal medicines Clinical trials that support product development create niche molecules that • enable speed to market in EU, Africa & Asia Cu Current R&D Proj ojects 1) Cardiovascular detection technology 5) Neuro pain management 2) Cystic Fibrosis pain treatment 6) Stress and anxiety treatment 3) Fatigue medication 7) Gynecology products 4) Dialysis treatment technology 8) Cardiovascular/hypertension treatment 9 9 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
PROJECTED REVENUE PROFILE 150 €139.1 135 THC Sales 120 CBD Products CANNSUN-MEDHEL €101.3 105 Contract Mngt Services Selective Channel 90 Revenue (€M) JV Sales 75 Exports Projected Revenue: €31.0 60 Projected Revenue + JV: €52.0 OTC/Cosmetics 45 Food for Special Medical Needs 30 Pharmaceuticals (Rx) 15 0 2020 2021 2022 Asset purchase October 2019, Cannsun Medhel Group sales and distribution initiated December 2019 10 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 15
NEAR TERM GROWTH + EXPANSION Pr Product ct Of Offering Increasing product offering from Ex Expa pans nsion 40 to 150 SKU’s globally Marketing and distribution of CANNSUN-MEDHEL Cannsun Me Ca Medhel pharmaceuticals, botanical and CBD South Africa Sou Projected product formulations 2020 Growth Ca Cannsun Me Medhel Agreement to manufacture products for As Asia mass market sale Cannsun Me Ca Medhel Expand distribution networks of Poland Po cosmetics and medical devices 11 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 •
CAPITAL STRUCTURE Pre-Raise Market Capitalization €50 M N U N U M B E R O F S H A R E S CANNSUN-MEDHEL Private Placement Closed January 2020: €4.0 million – €1.50 2,600,000 Shares Outstanding 27,515,739 Current Private Placement: €8. Cu €8.5 5 million on - $1. $1.75/ 75/share 4, 4,900, 900,000 000 Stock Options - €1.50 2,800,000 Management Milestone shares - €1.50 1,200,000 Shares Outstanding, Fully Diluted 33,615,739 12 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 17
ASSET VALUATION N e t P r e s e n t V a l u e 1 5 % N e A s A s s e t s T o T o t a l C a p i t a l ( $ ) I R R ( I R ( % ) ( $ ( $ ) Greece – Pharmaceutical 33,700,000 86,800,000 100 Facility CANNSUN-MEDHEL South Africa – 8,000,000 29,900,000 80 Cultivation/Extraction Lesotho – Cultivation 3,000,000 14,300,000 96 Greece - Cultivation 7,000,000 17,200,000 66 TO TOTA TAL 51,700, 51, 700,000 000 148, 148,200, 200,000 000 Valuation models are based on a 6-year cash flow projection (2020-2025) 13 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 17
TRACK-RECORD OF CREATING VALUE Cannsun Medhel Group plc Ireland est. company begins process to redomicile to European Union Q4 2019 Q4 Q1 Q1 2020 Q1 Q1 2020 Q4 Q4 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 Cannsun Medhel 60% of 20% Roughrider signs Q1 2018 Q1 Cannsun ownership in signs agreement Cannsun agreement to Cannsun South signs Borealis to acquire 100% Medhel Q3 Q3 2017 acquire Molodhi - Africa est. 23 agreement to CANNSUN-MEDHEL Medhel Hellas Commercial Medhel License awarded in Molodhi est’d in merge with Hectare farm acquisition Malaysia Q1 2019 Lesotho acquired Roughrider 2017 Q1 Q1/Q2 /Q2 2020 Q2 2018 Q2 Q2 2019 Q2 Agraleaf est. by Formation of separate Cannsun Lesotho Agraflora Organics JV’s with China, Thailand newly formed in Northern & Poland. Commencing company Greece cosmetic sales in Africa. is awarded Amalgamation of license on 2.0 Cannsun Medhel Group hectare site completion 1918: 1918: Medhel Greece was established – a pharmaceutical manufacture and distribution company 14 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 17
LEADERSHIP BO BOARD OF DIRECTO CTORS MA MANAGEME MENT Chris Brocklesby Nikos Nik os Kor orbis is Chief Medical Officer CFO of Houwelings Group Rorisang Ntai Davi Da vid Parry South African based businessman Chief Executive Officer CANNSUN-MEDHEL Stephen Polakoff Pholoso Malatji Ph Lawyer with over 20 years M&A and Capital Markets experience Co-Founder and Head of Africa Operations Kiki Karagouni Greg Gr eg Bea Bealer er Professor at Pasteur Institute in plant-based medicine Director of Finance David Parry St Stephe phen n Po Polako koff Co-founder of Cannsun Medhel Group General Counsel Nikos Korbis Aar Aaron on Katerench chuk Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer Chief Operating Officer Artemios Ar ios Ch Charalampakis Chief Commercial Officer 15 F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 0 • 19