In the past 12 months, have you got any type of cannabis from the following sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=6979 67% 62% 58% 56% 37% 34% 21% 20% 15% 13% 12% 11% 9% 8% 8% 7% Family/ Dealer Store/Co-op Internet/ Grow HC Licensed Friend (in person) Dispensary Mail order your own Producer
In the past 12 months, have you got any type of cannabis from the following sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=6979 Family/ Dealer Store/Co-op Internet/ Grow HC Licensed (in person) Mail order your own Friend Dispensary Producer
In the past 12 months, have you got any type of cannabis from the following sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=6979 67% 37% 15% 9% 7% Dealer Grow Store/Co-op Internet/ Family/ (in person) your own Friend Dispensary Mail order
In the past 12 months, have you got any type of cannabis from the following sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=6979 58% 56% 21% 56% 12% 8% Dealer Grow Store/Co-op Internet/ Family/ (in person) your own Friend Dispensary Mail order
In the past 12 months, have you got any type of cannabis from the following sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=6979 Family/ Dealer Store/Co-op Internet/ Grow HC Licensed Friend (in person) Dispensary Mail order your own Producer
From what type of store or dispensary did you buy cannabis in the past 12 months? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=1817 Unlicensed/unauthorized Licensed recreational Licensed medical store (US only) store/dispensary store or dispensary
Of the cannabis products you purchased in the past 12 months, did you buy them within or outside of state where you live? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH CANNABIS USERS, n=2,810 All were Some were bought All were bought Don’t know bought in state in, some out out of state
What are the main reasons you bought cannabis from unauthorized sources instead of licensed sources? UNIVERSE: PAST 12 MONTH USERS WHO HAD USED UNAUTHORIZED SOURCES, n=484 I can get Stronger / Other reasons Easier to get / Lower prices I don’t want products that more potent more the products are not sold by government to convenient licensed know that I sources buy cannabis
Cannabis prices
What do we know about prices of illicit dried herb in Canada? $7.20/g CAD StatsCannabis SEPTEMBER 2018, CROWDSOURCED $7.69/g CAD Public Safety Canada 2011-2015, ‘PRICE OF WEED’, CROWDSOURCED $8.62/g CAD Canadian Cannabis Survey MAY-JULY 2018, SELF-REPORTED
OBJECTIVE ‘MARRKET’ PRICES Retail price and availability of illicit dried herb in Canada • Online search engines • Retailers in largest municipality in each of 10 provinces and 3 territories. • Oct 2017 – May 2018 • Prices of most popular, least expensive and most expensive dried cannabis
OBJECTIVE ‘MARRKET’ PRICES Retail price and availability of illicit dried herb in Canada • 215 cannabis retailers with physical storefronts • Number of outlets varied across municipalities • 100 in Vancouver • 70 in Toronto • 8 in Montreal • 0 in Calgary • Prices varied across municipalities
OBJECTIVE PRICES Retail price and availability of illicit dried herb in Canada
Are self-reported prices of dried herb similar to objective prices?
Price paid for last purchase of dried herb MEAN CAD$ UNIVERSE: USED AND PURCHASED CANNABIS IN PAST 12-MONTHS, CANADA ONLY, n=878 Past 12-month At least At least Daily/almost All users user monthly user weekly user daily user
Amount bought at last purchase of dried herb MEAN GRAMS UNIVERSE: USED AND PURCHASED CANNABIS IN PAST 12-MONTHS, CANADA ONLY, n=878 At least Past 12-month At least Daily/almost All users monthly user user weekly user daily user
Price-per-gram of dried herb UNIVERSE: USED AND PURCHASED CANNABIS IN PAST 12-MONTHS, CANADA ONLY, n=878 $9.69 CAD mean of self-reported price-per-gram (SD=5.8 ) • Objective price -per-gram range : $2.20-30.00 CAD • 72% had a self-reported price-per-gram within range
Mean self-reported price-per-gram by province n=878 Newfoundland & Labrador: $10.70 British Columbia: $9.31 Manitoba: $9.57 New Brunswick: $9.18 Alberta: $9.96 Quebec: $9.68 Prince Edward Island: $8.19 Saskatchewan: Ontario: $9.85 $10.11 Nova Scotia: $8.62
Do average self-reported prices change by purchase source in Canada?
Average price-per-gram of dried herb by source UNIVERSE: PAST 12-MONTH CANNABIS USERS WITH ONLY ONE SOURCE, n=488 -61% -39% -60% -33% -39% Family/ Dealer Internet/ HC Licensed Store/Co-op Friend (in person) Mail order Producer Dispensary
Summary • Sources are similar among jurisdictions except the use of stores/dispensaries in legal states. • Self-reported price similar to objective price-per-gram. • Substantial price discount for greater quantities. • In Canada, lower prices from dealers and family/friends.
Policy-relevant outcomes
In the past 12 months, how often have you noticed someone using marijuana near you in a public place? % ‘EVERY DAY’ OR ‘MORE THAN ONCE A DAY’ n=11,299 n=4,005 n=8,923
How comfortable or uncomfortable would you feel openly using marijuana in public ? % 'COMFORTABLE' OR 'VERY COMFORTABLE' n=11,337 n=4,021 n=8,844
Retail access
Overall, how easy or difficult would it be for you to get marijuana? % ‘FAIRLY’ OR 'VERY EASY' n=9,757 n=3,959 n=7,742 *16-18 YEAR-OLDS (n=3,225)
How easy or difficult would it be for you to buy marijuana online? % ‘VERY’ OR ‘FAIRLY’ EASY 50% 47% 28% n=5,959 n=1,970 n=5,374
How easy or difficult would it be for you to buy marijuana from a store or dispensary in the city/town where you live? % ‘VERY’ OR ‘FAIRLY’ EASY 73% 52% 18% n=9,271 n=3,769 n=6,814
Advertising and promotion
In the past 12 months, have you noticed marijuana being advertised or promoted in any of the following places? % NOTICING ADS AT ‘ANY’ LOCATION
In the past 12 months, have you noticed marijuana being advertised or promoted in any of the following places? % NOTICING ADS AT ‘ANY’ LOCATION 74% 67% 64% 62% 59% 51% 50% 40% 37% 19-30 YEAR-OLDS 16-18 YEAR-OLDS >30 YEAR-OLDS
In the past 12 months, have you noticed marijuana being advertised or promoted in any of the following places? Inside stores Billboards, Social media Print Outside stores Websites TV or radio Flyers Email or text that sell posters that sell (incl. news) newspapers or (incl. news) message marijuana magazines marijuana
Can you name any brands or company names of marijuana products? MEAN NUMBER OF BRANDS RECALLED (RANGE 1-5) n=622 n=885 n=1,087
Public education
In the past 12 months, have you noticed education campaigns or public health messages about marijuana? % “YES”
In the past 12 months, have you noticed education campaigns or public health messages about marijuana? % “YES” 19-30 YEAR-OLDS 16-18 YEAR-OLDS >30 YEAR-OLDS
In the past 12 months, have you noticed education campaigns or public health messages about marijuana….? UNIVERSE: n=27,183 Print Email or text School Pharmacies TV or radio Websites Billboards, Flyers or Social media Work newspapers or message (incl. news) (incl. news) postal mail posters magazines
Health warnings
In the past 12 months, have you seen health warnings on marijuana products or packages? % ‘YES’
Based on what you know or believe… % CORRECT 82% 75% 73% 71% 66% 64% 63% 62% 60% 52% 52% 52% 50% FALSE 49% 44% 40% 39% 39% 36% 26% 24% Can marijuana Use marijuana Can marijuana Can regular use Are teenagers at Can using Harmful to drive or be addictive? smoke be when pregnant greater risk of of marijuana marijuana cause operate machinery harmful? or increase the risk harm from using diabetes? after using of psychosis and breastfeeding? marijuana than marijuana? schizophrenia? adults?
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