canada s experience prohibition of additives

Canada s Experience: Prohibition of Additives in Cigarettes World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Canada s Experience: Prohibition of Additives in Cigarettes World Cancer Congress, Montral August 2012 An Act to Amend the Tobacco Act Increased restrictions on advertising Required minimum packaging for little cigars and blunt

  1. Canada � s Experience: Prohibition of Additives in Cigarettes World Cancer Congress, Montréal August 2012

  2. An Act to Amend the Tobacco Act • Increased restrictions on advertising • Required minimum packaging for little cigars and blunt wraps in packages of at least 20 units as already required for cigarettes • Prohibited the use of certain additives, including flavours, in cigarettes, little cigars and blunt wraps 2

  3. Examples of little cigar packaging 3

  4. Tobacco Industry Interventions in Parliamentary Committees • The Act would: ! violate Trade Agreements (NAFTA, WTO) as unnecessarily restrictive on trade ! effectively ban American-blend cigarettes that use � non- characterising � additives to mask bitterness of burley tobacco leaf ! result in close of Canadian manufacturing plants and loss of jobs (eg. RBH in Quebec) ! fuel contraband market. • Government should use less restrictive models as seen in other countries. 4

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  6. WTO Technical Barriers to Trade • Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee meetings provide a forum for Members to ask questions and express concerns. • Amendment raised at 5 meetings: November 2009, March 2010, June 2010, November 2010 and March 2011. • 29 Members expressed concerns, some of whom have little to no tobacco trade with Canada. 6


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