can the production network be the testbed

Can the Production Network Be the Testbed? Rob Sherwood Deutsche - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Can the Production Network Be the Testbed? Rob Sherwood Deutsche Telekom Inc. R&D Lab Glen Gibb, KK Yap, Guido Appenzeller, Martin Cassado, Nick McKeown, Guru Parulkar Stanford University, Big Switch Networks, Nicira Networks Problem:

  1. Can the Production Network Be the Testbed? Rob Sherwood Deutsche Telekom Inc. R&D Lab Glen Gibb, KK Yap, Guido Appenzeller, Martin Cassado, Nick McKeown, Guru Parulkar Stanford University, Big Switch Networks, Nicira Networks

  2. Problem: Realisticly evaluating new network services is hard • services that require changes to switches and routers • e.g., o routing protocols o traffic monitoring services o IP mobility Result: Many good ideas don't gets deployed; Many deployed services still have bugs.

  3. Why is Evaluation Hard? Real Networks Testbeds

  4. Not a New Problem • Build open, programmable network hardware o NetFPGA, network processors o but: deployment is expensive, fan-out is small • Build bigger software testbeds o VINI/PlanetLab, Emulab o but: performance is slower, realistic topologies? • Convince users to try experimental services o personal incentive, SatelliteLab o but: getting lots of users is hard

  5. Solution Overview: Network Slicing • Divide the production network into logical slices o each slice/service controls its own packet forwarding o users pick which slice controls their traffic: opt-in o existing production services run in their own slice  e.g., Spanning tree, OSPF/BGP • Enforce strong isolation between slices o actions in one slice do not affect another • Allows the (logical) testbed to mirror the production network o real hardware, performance, topologies, scale, users

  6. Rest of Talk... • How network slicing works: FlowSpace, Opt-In • Our prototype implementation: FlowVisor • Isolation and performance results • Current deployments: 8+ campuses, 2+ ISPs • Future directions and conclusion

  7. Current Network Devices Switch/Router • Computes forwarding rules • “128.8.128/16 --> port 6” Control • Pushes rules down to data Plane plane General-purpose CPU Control/Data Rules Excepts Protocol • Enforces forwarding rules Data • Exceptions pushed back to Plane control plane • e.g., unmatched packets Custom ASIC

  8. Add a Slicing Layer Between Planes Slice 2 Slice 3 Slice 1 Control Control Control Plane Plane Plane Slice Policies Control/Data Rules Excepts Protocol Data Plane

  9. Network Slicing Architecture A network slice is a collection of sliced switches/routers • Data plane is unmodified – Packets forwarded with no performance penalty – Slicing with existing ASIC • Transparent slicing layer – each slice believes it owns the data path – enforces isolation between slices • i.e., rewrites, drops rules to adhere to slice police – forwards exceptions to correct slice(s)

  10. Slicing Policies The policy specifies resource limits for each slice: – Link bandwidth – Maximum number of forwarding rules – Topology – Fraction of switch/router CPU – FlowSpace: which packets does the slice control?

  11. FlowSpace: Maps Packets to Slices

  12. Real User Traffic: Opt-In • Allow users to Opt-In to services in real-time o Users can delegate control of individual flows to Slices o Add new FlowSpace to each slice's policy • Example: o "Slice 1 will handle my HTTP traffic" o "Slice 2 will handle my VoIP traffic" o "Slice 3 will handle everything else" • Creates incentives for building high-quality services

  13. Rest of Talk... • How network slicing works: FlowSpace, Opt-In • Our prototype implementation: FlowVisor • Isolation and performance results • Current deployments: 8+ campuses, 2+ ISPs • Future directions and conclusion

  14. Implemented on OpenFlow Server Custom • API for controlling OpenFlow Control packet forwarding Controller Plane • Abstraction of control plane/data plane Network OpenFlow protocol Protocol • Works on commodity Stub hardware Control OpenFlow Control Path Plane Firmware – via firmware upgrade Data – Plane Data Path Switch/ Switch/ Router Router

  15. FlowVisor Implemented on OpenFlow Server Servers Custom OpenFlow OpenFlow OpenFlow OpenFlow Control Controller Controller Controller Controller Plane OpenFlow Network OpenFlow FlowVisor Protocol OpenFlow Stub Control OpenFlow OpenFlow Plane Firmware Firmware Data Plane Data Path Data Path Switch/ Switch/ Switch/ Switch/ Router Router Router Router

  16. FlowVisor Message Handling Rule Alice Bob Cathy Controller Controller Controller OpenFlow Policy Check: Policy Check: Is this rule Who controls FlowVisor allowed? this packet? OpenFlow Exception Full Line Rate OpenFlow Forwarding Firmware Packet Data Path

  17. FlowVisor Implementation ● Custom handlers for each of OpenFlow's 20 message types ● Transparent OpenFlow proxy ● 8261 LOC in C ● New version with extra API for GENI ● Could extend to non-OpenFlow (ForCES?) ● Code: `git clone git://`

  18. Rest of Talk... • How network slicing works: FlowSpace, Opt-In • Our prototype implementation: FlowVisor • Isolation and performance results • Current deployments: 8+ campuses, 2+ ISPs • Future directions and conclusion

  19. Isolation Techniques Isolation is critical for slicing In talk: • Device CPU In paper: ● FlowSpace ● Link bandwidth ● Topology ● Forwarding rules As well as performance and scaling numbers

  20. Device CPU Isolation • Ensure that no slice monopolizes Device CPU • CPU exhaustion • prevent rule updates • drop LLDPs ---> Causes link flapping • Techniques • Limiting rule insertion rate • Use periodic drop-rules to throttle exceptions • Proper rate-limiting coming in OpenFlow 1.1

  21. CPU Isolation: Malicious Slice

  22. Rest of Talk... • How network slicing works: FlowSpace, Opt-In • Our prototype implementation: FlowVisor • Isolation and performance results • Current deployments: 8+ campuses, 2+ ISPs • Future directions and conclusion

  23. FlowVisor Deployment: Stanford • Our real, production network o 15 switches, 35 APs o 25+ users o 1+ year of use o my personal email and web-traffic! • Same physical network hosts Stanford demos o 7 different demos

  24. FlowVisor Deployments: GENI

  25. Future Directions • Currently limited to subsets of actual topology • Add virtual links, nodes support • Adaptive CPU isolation • Change rate-limits dynamically with load • ... message type • More deployments, experience

  26. Conclusion: Tentative Yes! • Network slicing can help perform more realistic evaluations • FlowVisor allows experiments to run concurrently but safely on the production network • CPU isolation needs OpenFlow 1.1 feature • Over one year of deployment experience • FlowVisor+GENI coming to a campus near you! Questions? git://

  27. Backup Slides

  28. What about VLANs? • Can't program packet forwarding – Stuck with learning switch and spanning tree • OpenFlow per VLAN? – No obvious opt-in mechanism: • Who maps a packet to a vlan? By port? – Resource isolation more problematic • CPU Isolation problems in existing VLANs

  29. FlowSpace Isolation Policy Desired Rule Result HTTP ALL HTTP-only HTTP VoIP Drop ● Discontinuous FlowSpace: • (HTTP or VoIP) & ALL == two rules ● Isolation by rule priority is hard ● longest-prefix-match-like ordering issues ● need to be careful about preserving rule ordering

  30. Scaling

  31. Performance


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