california higher education

California Higher Education California Assembly Higher Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Points to Remember About California Higher Education California Assembly Higher Education Committee Sacramento, CA February 19, 2013 National Center for Higher Education Management Systems 3035 Center Green Drive, Suite 150 Dennis Jones,

  1. Points to Remember About California Higher Education California Assembly Higher Education Committee Sacramento, CA February 19, 2013 National Center for Higher Education Management Systems 3035 Center Green Drive, Suite 150 Dennis Jones, President Boulder, Colorado 80301

  2. Point 1 • California needs a better educated Population/workforce in order to be globally competitive – California lags many countries and other states – It is losing ground – 3.5 million more graduates than current production levels will yield 2

  3. Comparing California with Nations U.S. States % OECD Country and Other States in the Percentage Korea (65.0) of Young Adult Degree Attainment 60 (Ages 25-34) 58 56 Japan, Canada Massachusetts 54 North Dakota 52 Minnesota  New York 50 New Jersey 48 Ireland New Hampshire Norway Connecticut  Iowa 46 New Zealand, United Kingdom Virginia  Illinois  Maryland  South Dakota Pennsylvania  Nebraska  Colorado  Vermont 44 Australia, Luxembourg, Israel, Belgium Rhode Island  Kansas France Montana  Wisconsin 42 UNITED STATES, Sweden  Washington Netherlands, Switzerland Missouri  Hawaii 40 Wyoming  Maine  Delaware  Utah Finland, Spain, Chile Ohio  California  Oregon 38 Estonia, Denmark Michigan  North Carolina Poland Indiana  Florida  South Carolina 36 Iceland Georgia Alaska  Kentucky  Tennessee 34 Arizona  Mississippi  Texas Alabama  Idaho 32 Louisiana Slovenia, Greece Oklahoma  Arkansas  West Virginia 30 Nevada 28 New Mexico 26 Germany, Hungary Portugal 24 Slovak Rep Czech Rep 22 Mexico Austria, Italy 20 Turkey (17.4) Source: 2012 OECD Education at a Glance; 2010 American Community Survey

  4. 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 slide 4 Massachusetts 50.8 Colorado 47 Minnesota 46.6 Connecticut 46.4 Vermont 46.2 New Hampshire 45.8 Maryland 45.4 Percent of 25-64 Year Olds with College Degrees – New Jersey 45.1 Virginia 45 North Dakota 44.7 New York 44.6 Washington 43.3 Rhode Island 43.2 Illinois 41.7 Hawaii 41.6 Nebraska 41.5 Iowa 41.1 Kansas 40.7 Utah 40.3 Maine 40 Wisconsin 39.6 South Dakota 39.4 Montana 39.2 Oregon 39 California 38.9 Nation 38.7 Pennsylvania 38.6 North Carolina 38.2 Associate and Higher, 2011 Delaware 37.6 Florida 37 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey Michigan 36.8 Idaho 36.5 Georgia 36.4 Missouri 36.4 Wyoming 36.2 Arizona 35.8 Ohio 35.5 Texas 34.5 Alaska 34.4 South Carolina 34.2 New Mexico 33.9 Indiana 33.8 Oklahoma 33 Tennessee 32.1 Alabama 31.9 Kentucky 30.8 Mississippi 30.3 Nevada 30 Arkansas 28.2 Louisiana 27.9 West Virginia 27.8

  5. slide 5 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Difference in College Attainment between Young Adults (25-34) and Iowa 11.1 North Dakota 9.7 South Dakota 9.3 Pennsylvania 9.2 New York 8.9 Minnesota 8.4 Illinois 7.2 Massachusetts 7.2 Missouri 6.6 West Virginia 6.4 Indiana 6.0 Ohio 5.9 Kentucky 5.6 Louisiana 5.5 Wisconsin 5.5 Nebraska 5.4 Virginia 4.2 New Jersey 4.0 Kansas 3.9 Arkansas 3.8 Montana 3.4 Tennessee 3.3 Alabama 3.1 Nation 3.0 Michigan 2.8 Mississippi 2.7 North Carolina 2.1 Vermont 2.1 Maryland 2.0 South Carolina 2.0 Wyoming 1.6 Georgia 1.4 Older Adults (45-64), 2011 Delaware 1.4 Florida 1.3 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey Oklahoma 0.9 Connecticut 0.7 Utah 0.7 New Hampshire 0.6 Maine 0.2 Rhode Island -0.3 Texas -0.4 Oregon -0.8 California -1.1 Washington -1.1 Colorado -1.3 Idaho -1.7 Arizona -1.8 Alaska -2.4 Hawaii -2.4 Nevada -3.6 New Mexico -5.2

  6. Percentage of Jobs in 2018 that Will Require a Postsecondary Education, by State 75 70 70 70 68 67 67 66 66 66 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 64 64 63 63 National Average = 63% 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 61 60 59 59 59 59 59 58 58 57 57 57 56 56 55 55 55 54 54 54 54 52 51 50 49 45 ND MN MA CO WA NE UT MD HI CT IL KS VA NH NJ OR NY AK MI WY MT VT IA SD WI ID RI CA AZ NC ME FL MO DE GA NM OH PA OK TX SC AL IN NV TN MS KY AR LA WV Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements through 2018; June 2010 slide 6

  7. Change in Jobs by Education Level: 2008 and 2018 Education Level 2008 Jobs 2018 Jobs Difference High School Dropouts 2,914,000 3,163,000 249,000 High School Graduates 3,833,000 4,198,000 365,000 Postsecondary 10,195,000 11,522,000 1,327,000 California’s Rank in Jobs Forecasted for 2018, by Education Level Education Level 2018 Jobs Rank High School Dropouts 3,163,000 2 High School Graduates 4,198,000 50 Some college, no degree 1,582,000 39 Associate’s degree 4,042,000 33 Bachelor’s degree 3,937,000 21 Graduate degree 1,961,000 15 Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements through 2018; June 2010 slide 7

  8. California Personal Income per Capita as a Percent of the U.S. Average (1980 to 2010) 130 120 118.2 114.6 110.5 110.2 110 107.2 106.2 105.3 100 90 80 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

  9. Point 2 • There are substantial inequities in education attainment – By race/ethnicity – By region within the state – Becoming globally competitive will require removing inequities 9

  10. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 slide 10 Colorado 35.1 Nebraska 34.5 California 33.7 Connecticut 32.1 Difference in College Attainment Between Whites and Minorities Minnesota 29.5 Rhode Island 29.5 New Jersey 29.3 Illinois 29.0 New York 28.8 South Dakota 28.5 Massachusetts 28.4 Iowa 27.6 Utah 26.8 Idaho 26.3 Wisconsin 26.1 Kansas 25.8 (Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans) (2008-10) Washington 25.6 Arizona 25.4 Texas 25.3 Oregon 25.3 New Mexico 24.0 Nation 23.2 Pennsylvania 23.1 Delaware 22.6 Virginia 22.3 North Carolina 22.3 Maryland 22.2 Hawaii 21.7 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-10 American Community Survey Alaska 21.5 Nevada 21.3 North Dakota 21.1 South Carolina 20.9 Michigan 20.0 Montana 19.5 Wyoming 19.3 Louisiana 16.9 Mississippi 16.8 Georgia 16.3 Indiana 15.7 Ohio 15.5 New Hampshire 15.2 Oklahoma 15.0 Alabama 14.9 Missouri 14.8 Arkansas 13.5 Tennessee 13.4 Florida 13.0 Kentucky 12.0 Maine 8.8 West Virginia 8.5 Vermont 8.3

  11. Educational Attainment of Whites and Minorities (Black, Hispanics, Native Americans) Aged 25-44, 2008-2010 California 40 Whites Minorities 34.3 35 29.5 30 26.0 25.5 25 21.2 20 17.4 14.1 15 9.3 10 8.6 5.9 4.9 5 3.3 0 Less Than High High School Some College, No Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree Graduate or School Graduate or GED Degree Professional Degree Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-10 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) File. slide 11

  12. Change in Population Age 25-44 By Race/Ethnicity, 2005-2025 …2,689,700 …1,044,516 Source: U.S. Census Bureau slide 12

  13. Percent of Adults Aged 25 to 64 with College Degrees – Associate and Higher – by County (2009) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009 American Community Survey

  14. Point 3 • California relies heavily on in-migration of talent to meet workforce needs – Especially true in regard to technical workers 14

  15. Percent of Residents Aged 25- 64 with a Bachelor’s Degree slide 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 Louisiana 66.3 Michigan 66.1 Ohio 63.3 Mississippi 62.3 Pennsylvania 61.0 West Virginia 61.0 Wisconsin 61.0 Iowa 60.7 North Dakota 60.0 Nebraska 57.0 Indiana 54.7 Alabama 54.4 Kentucky 54.0 New York 53.6 Illinois 53.5 Minnesota 53.3 Missouri 52.9 South Dakota 52.9 Arkansas 50.9 Oklahoma 50.1 Massachusetts 47.7 Utah 47.1 Rhode Island 46.4 Kansas 45.7 Texas 43.7 or Higher Born In-State, 2010 Montana 43.0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Nation 42.8 Maine 42.5 Tennessee 41.9 Connecticut 40.7 Hawaii 40.4 South Carolina 40.0 New Jersey 37.9 California 37.7 North Carolina 37.7 Idaho 32.6 Georgia 30.8 Washington 30.4 Oregon 29.7 New Mexico 29.5 Wyoming 29.2 Delaware 26.9 Vermont 25.1 Maryland 24.8 Virginia 24.3 New Hampshire 24.0 Colorado 23.0 Florida 19.2 Arizona 16.6 Alaska 15.6 Sample (PUMS) File. Nevada 9.1

  16. Percent of Residents Aged 25-64 with an Associates Degree 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 slide 16 0 Michigan 69.1 Louisiana 67.3 Ohio 66.2 Wisconsin 64.6 Iowa 64.1 Pennsylvania 64.1 Mississippi 63.5 West Virginia 62.2 North Dakota 61.3 Nebraska 59.2 Indiana 57.5 Kentucky 57.4 Alabama 57.3 Minnesota 57.2 New York 56.3 Illinois 56.3 Missouri 54.3 South Dakota 54.1 Arkansas 52.3 Massachusetts 51.0 Oklahoma 50.9 Utah 49.2 Rhode Island 49.1 Maine 48.5 Kansas 47.7 or Higher Born In-State, 2010 Texas 45.4 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Nation 45.3 Montana 43.7 Connecticut 43.2 Tennessee 43.2 South Carolina 42.9 Hawaii 42.8 North Carolina 41.7 California 40.2 New Jersey 39.2 Idaho 34.6 New Mexico 33.4 Washington 33.3 Georgia 32.5 Wyoming 32.3 Oregon 32.1 Vermont 30.9 Delaware 28.4 Maryland 26.9 Virginia 26.8 New Hampshire 26.8 Colorado 24.9 Florida 20.5 Arizona 18.8 Sample (PUMS) File. Alaska 16.5 Nevada 9.1


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