california consumer privacy act countdown to compliance

California Consumer Privacy Act Countdown to Compliance Anthony M. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

California Consumer Privacy Act Countdown to Compliance Anthony M. Isola (415) 490-9018 Topics How the Law Came Into Effect Who Must Comply With the Law How

  1. California Consumer Privacy Act Countdown to Compliance Anthony M. Isola (415) 490-9018

  2. Topics • How the Law Came Into Effect • Who Must Comply With the Law • How to Comply with Requirements for Employees and Job Applicant Data • What Are the New Rights Consumers Have to Their Data • How to Comply with Requirements for Consumer Data (of Non-Employees and Non-Job Applicants ) • Anticipated Changes in the Law, Including AG’s Revised Proposed Regulations, Issued on Friday Feb. 7.

  3. “Cyberweapons and sophisticated hacking pose a greater threat to the United States than the risk of physical attacks.” Kirstjen Nielsen Secretary of Homeland Security in a speech at GW University September 5, 2018

  4. Consumer Privacy is a Hot Topic • The public is keenly aware of this issue and driving discussion:  Data breaches.  Data collection and sharing (Facebook, Google, etc.).  Targeted advertising. • Increasing protections for consumers polls well with the public.

  5. This Is a Global Issue General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) • Effective May 2018. • Regulates data protection and privacy for all citizens of the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). • Also addresses transfer of personal data outside of the EU and EEA areas.

  6. California Consumer Privacy Act AB 375 Bill History How did this Bill Come to be Law? • Alastair Mactaggart, a rich real estate developer, self-funded a ballot measure that would have implemented an even tougher law than the one that was passed. • Because the state legislature would have become irrelevant regarding privacy if the measure passed, the state lawmakers passed pass AB 375.

  7. Whom Does the Law Protect? Applies To • All California residents, including:  Customers  Employees  Visitors to a company internet site or building  Contractors and independent contractors  Vendors It’s not just your “customer’s” data.

  8. Whom Does the Law Apply To? All companies that collect California residents’ data and: Applies To • Have annual gross revenues in excess of $25,000,000. - OR- • Annually buy, receive, sell or share for commercial purposes , alone or in combination, the personal information of 50,000 or more California consumers, households or devices. -OR- • Derives 50 percent or more of its annual revenues from selling consumers’ personal information.

  9. Whom Does the Law Apply To? Applies To This includes: • Companies directing that others collect the information on their behalf • “ Controlled ” Affiliates • “Controlled” companies or non-profits that share common branding

  10. What Types of Information Does the Law Apply To? • “Personal Information” of California Residents: Protects • Online AND offline; paper AND electronic. • Much broader than typical “PII.” • Essentially, most information that could identify an individual OR be used in conjunction with other information to identify an individual.

  11. What is Personal Information? Information • Information that identifies, relates to, describes, is Personal capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. • Inferences drawn from any PI to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, preferences, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities and aptitudes.

  12. Examples of Personal Information: Information • Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal Personal address, username, online identifier (IP address), email address, SSN, driver’s license number, passport number, etc. • Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

  13. Limited Exemptions from Personal Information: Personal Information • Publicly available information • Certain types of “regulated” information  HIPAA-regulated info  FCRA-regulated consumer/credit reports  Info regulated under Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act  PI of employee/agent of business collected solely in context of a B-to-B transaction

  14. What rights does this law confer to consumers? • Right to know Rights • Purpose limitation • Right to deletion • Right to opt-out of sale • Right to be free of discrimination • Regulatory enforcement • Private right of action (limited)

  15. A Temporary Break for Employers • CCPA Amended in October 2019 (AB 25)  Originally intended to exempt employee data collected by employers for employment purposes.  After it passed the Assembly, there was late opposition from labor groups.  Compromise  postpone by one year (until 1/1/2020) all requirements for employee data except 2.

  16. AB 25 – Amends the CCPA • 2 requirements still go into effect 1/1/2020 with respect to employee/job applicant data :  Reasonable security measures to protect employee data (both physical and electronic).  Disclosure of categories of PI collected and the business purposes for which it is collected.

  17. How Do You Comply with Applicant and Employee Requirements of CCPA? •Data Mapping  Thorough inventory of data.  How is data collected?  Where is data stored (electronic and paper form)?  What is the business purpose?  Who are the third parties with whom the data is shared with?

  18. How Do You Comply with Applicant and Employee Requirements of CCPA? • Implement reasonable security measures.  Conduct an internal or external security assessment of your security measures and data retention practices with respect to employee and applicant data.  Draft and implement a data security policy.

  19. How Do You Comply with Applicant and Employee Requirements of CCPA? • Implement reasonable security measures (continued)  Conduct due diligence on your service providers to who you disclose any employee information.  For contracts with third parties with whom you share employee or applicant info, confirm the contracts have CCPA-required language.

  20. How Do You Comply with Applicant and Employee Requirements of CCPA? • Distribute employee and job applicant disclosures.  The disclosure must be comprehensive.  The disclosure must specify the information that is collected and business purpose the company uses the information.  You are prohibited from collecting and using any PI that you don’t list in the disclosure.

  21. What about CCPA for Consumers? • Effective 1/1/2020, a covered business also has to comply with all the requirements of the CCPA pertaining to data collected about CA non-employee and non-applicant consumers. • This includes data collected about CA households or devices through the company website that any member of the public can visit.

  22. What rights does this law confer to consumers? • Right to know Rights • Purpose limitation • Right to deletion • Right to opt-out of sale • Right to be free of discrimination • Regulatory enforcement • Private right of action (limited)

  23. Right to Know • Businesses will have to inform consumers, at or Rights before the point of collection , what categories of PI they collect and the business’s purpose in collecting that information. • Businesses will have to provide information within 45 days of receiving a verifiable consumer request.

  24. Right to Know • Consumers can request up to 2X per year Rights  Categories of PI you collected or have  Purposes for which each category of PI is used  Categories of sources from which you got that PI  Whether the PI is being disclosed or sold  Categories of third parties to whom the PI is being disclosed or sold • Right to access, free of charge, the specific pieces of PI you collected

  25. Purpose Limitation • Information must generally be used for company’s operational purposes or other notified purposes that are reasonably necessary and proportionate to the purpose for which the data was collected. • Businesses cannot use the data for a purpose not disclosed – additional disclosure will be needed. • Businesses cannot collect additional categories of personal information without providing notice.

  26. Right to Deletion • The right to have their data deleted, upon Rights request, unless it “is necessary for the business to maintain the consumer’s personal information.”

  27. For example: • Comply with a legal obligation. Reasons to Refuse Deletion • Find, prevent or prosecute security breaches. Request • “Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with the consumer’s expectations. • “Otherwise use the consumer’s personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which the consumer provided the information.”

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