S AFETY M OMENT Restrooms Emergency Exit Saf afety ty Moment: Cold W ld Weather D Driving ing Tips ps Keep a bundle of cold-weather supplies in your car, such as extra food and water, warm clothing, a flashlight, a glass scraper, blankets, medications, and more. Check to make sure your tires are properly inflated and have plenty of tread. Keep at least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle at all times. Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage. Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface, such as on ice and snow.
A GENDA Introductions Project Overview & Updates Engagement Summary Local Highway Examples Cross Section Priorities Intersection Designs Open Discussion Next Steps
A BOUT THE P ROJECT MnDOT will be reconstructing Hwy 371 through Hackensack (between County Road 40 and County Road 5 in Hackensack) in the next few years. Bene enefits: s: Increa ease se Re Reduce Improve ved o d or new Improve C County Impro rove safety speed eed bike a e and p nd pedes edestrian Rd 5 d 5 inter ersec section drai ainag age facilities es
S CHEDULE We are here
M N DOT ADA F IELD W ALK S UMMARY Wes est s side o e of Hwy y 371 371 Sidewalk from Noname Ave. to Church Ave. Shared use path from Church Ave. to CSAH 5 East side de of of Hwy y 371 371 Sidewalk from Barthelemy Ave. through Church Ave. Gener General Provide sidewalk connections to business entrances Use bump-outs at Whipple Ave. and Lake Ave. Maintain existing crosswalk locations
Here’s what we heard… E NGAGEMENT S UMMARY
C HAINSAW D AYS Se September 2019 2019 Key Themes Intersection improvements at Hwy 371/Hwy 5 Local businesses and economic development concerns
C ORRIDOR I MPROVEMENTS P RIORITIZATION PAC Me Meeting, O , October r 2019 Key ey T Them emes es Pedestrian safety and comfort Supporting local businesses and economic development Aesthetics of the new design
Let’s take a look… L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES
Hwy y 2 2 in n Deer eer R River er, , MN MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Parallel parking on both sides, center turn lane Segment: Hwy 2 (2 nd St NE intersection shown) Official AADT: 6,300 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Hwy y 58 i in Zu Zumbrota, MN MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Parallel parking on both sides, no center turn lane 2. Angled parking on one side, parallel parking on 1. Parallel parking both sides, center turn lane, sidewalk bumpouts the other, no center turn lane, sidewalk bumpouts Segment: Hwy 58 (E 3 rd St intersection shown) Official AADT: 7,100 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
US 169 i 9 in Grand R nd Rapi pids, ds, MN MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Angled parking on both sides, no center turn lane, turn lane at light, painted center median Segment: US 169 (1 st Ave intersection shown) Official AADT: 14,900 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Hw Hwy 4 4 in St. J James, MN MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Reverse angled parking, sidewalk bump outs Segment: Hwy 4 (7 th St S intersection shown) Official AADT: 4,300 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Hw Hwy 29 29 in n Parker’s P s Prairie, M e, MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Parallel parking both sides, center turn lane, sidewalk bumpouts, boulevard Segment: Hwy 29 (Otter Ave intersection shown) Official AADT: 1,200 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Hwy 2 y 27 in Lo Long P Prai airie, M MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Angled parking both sides, sidewalk bumpouts Segment: Hwy 27 (3 rd St N intersection shown) Official AADT: 4,650 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Hwy 1 y 12 in Li Litchfi field, M MN L OCAL H IGHWAY E XAMPLES Parallel parking with sidewalk and boulevard Segment: Hwy 12 (near 2 nd St. intersection) Official AADT: 8,000 Hwy 371 AADT: 5,800
Project Visualization: C ORRIDOR R ENDERINGS
Input needed: T ELL US YOUR THOUGHTS !
M APPING EXERCISE Grab a a sticky n ky note a and t tell u us y your prio prioritie ies! Green sticky note: What do you like? Yellow sticky note: What do you dislike? Things gs t to c consider: What has to be in the cross section? How does one decision impact another? Priorities to consider: Sidewalks – how long and how wide? Center turn lane – yes or no? Parking – angled or parallel? Other?
I NTERSECTION D ESIGNS Rounda ndabo bout ut Tradi ditiona nal
Looking Ahead: N EXT S TEPS
Stay Connected: C ONTACT
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