c ommunity l ab t estbed a nd c loudy d istribution

C OMMUNITY -L AB T ESTBED A ND C LOUDY D ISTRIBUTION Mennan Selimi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

C OMMUNITY -L AB T ESTBED A ND C LOUDY D ISTRIBUTION Mennan Selimi Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTECH CLOMMUNITY Outline Community networks Community-Lab Community-Lab Demo Motivation Community Clouds

  1. C OMMUNITY -L AB T ESTBED A ND C LOUDY D ISTRIBUTION Mennan Selimi Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTECH CLOMMUNITY

  2. Outline • Community networks • Community-Lab • Community-Lab Demo • Motivation • Community Clouds • Services in Community Networks • Cloudy Demo -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 1 CLOMMUNITY

  3. Community Networks • What’s this ? A cooperative development of a network • Where ? Local, community (city, region, area) • Who? You and your neighbors Don’t buy the network, be the network ! Scalable, self-organized and decentralized IP networks and services built and operated by citizens for citizens -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 2 CLOMMUNITY

  4. 26.600+ nodes 50.000+ km of links -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 3 CLOMMUNITY

  5. Community-Lab • An open, distributed infrastructure for experimentation with Community Networks • An outdoor testbed with nodes and links embedded in community networks, with many people too • A realistic environment for experimentation with the best and worst of real community networks • Research Devices connected to Community Devices -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 4 CLOMMUNITY

  6. Community-Lab DEMO 206 Nodes Slice creation Adding slivers http://community-lab.net Sliver properties Sliver templates -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 5 COMMUNITY

  7. 26.600+ nodes 50.000+ km of links What other services can community members provide to each other ? -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 6 CLOMMUNITY

  8. Motivation • Wireless networks successful as communication infrastructure in underserved areas • Opportunity to build community network clouds in wireless mesh networks • Cooperative deployment and maintenance of clouds • Saving of uplink bandwidth - no need to consume services from the Internet. They are available within the wireless network • Storage, Video streaming and service discovery in community clouds -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 7 CLOMMUNITY

  9. Community Clouds ➡ The vision of cloud-based services in community networks ➡ We are talking about specific community cloud: ✦ built in community network ✦ hosted in community-owned computing resources ✦ providing services of local interest ✦ A P2P cloud made of individual computers and home gateways Pros: Cons: no single entity that owns or controls - can’t provide the QoS - to join/leave no need for permission or consent - of Google, Amazon small components, energy-efficient, well distributed - -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 8 CLOMMUNITY

  10. Services in community clouds • Technological barrier when deploying services • Community network cloud distribution ✦ Service Discovery platform ✦ Decentralization ✦ User-friendliness and experience ✦ Free, Open Source Software (FOSS) • Cloudy • Debian GNU/Linux distribution aimed to foster the transition and adoption of the CN cloud environment CLOUDY • can be installed in VMs or “bare metal” • running on low-resource devices http://cloudy.community/ -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 9 CLOMMUNITY

  11. Cloudy Architecture • Internal architecture • overlay to interconnect all nodes in a community cloud • service announcement and discovery: publish local information to the cloud and receive remote data from neighbor peers • Services included: • Database: CouchDB • Storage: Tahoe-LAFS, XtreemFS , etcd, Syncthing • VoIP: Asterisk DUNDi • Video streaming: PeerStreamer • Video on demand: Gvod • Container: OpenVZ • Discovery: and Announcement: Avahi • Network overlay: TincVPN • Proxy, SNP Services, DNS Services Cloudy architecture -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 10 CLOMMUNITY

  12. Tahoe-LAFS • Open source, secure distributed data storage system • Provider-independent security (security at the client side) • Erasure coding generalized to K-of-N nodes (3-of-10) • Tahoe-LAFS grid consists of: • Client node : user interface into the grid • Introducer node : publish/subscribe hub Introducer • Storage node : stores the shares Storage Client Storage Client Storage Client Storage Tahoe-LAFS architecture -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 11 CLOMMUNITY

  13. Experimental Environment 43 nodes in total VMs in most of the machines Community Lab testbed nodes (LXC) IoT - Internet of Things boards CLOUDY Our topology Number of nodes Type Location 10 - UPC VMs in a single machine Barcelona, Spain 10 - TAR VMs in a single machine Barcelona North, Spain 10 - UPC VMs in a single machine Barcelona South, Spain LXC 4 - KTH VMs in two machines Stockholm, Sweden 2 - ICTP VMs in a single machine Trieste, Italy OpenWRT 4 - CAT Community-Lab nodes Catalonia 3 - CAT Intel Galileo IoT boards Catalonia -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 12 CLOMMUNITY

  14. Tahoe-LAFS vs. XtreemFS No replication 5 replicas Sequential read and write of Tahoe-LAFS and XtreemFS with different replication factors -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 13 CLOMMUNITY

  15. Tahoe-LAFS -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 14 CLOMMUNITY

  16. Lessons learned focus on community cloud services provision of platform and application services rather than on infrastructure service time-sensitive services as video live streaming, VoIP , VoD demonstration to the end users that cloud services are supported by the community wireless network Tahoe-LAFS promising secure storage service for community network clouds sustainability of the community cloud incentives for the users to contribute -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 15 CLOMMUNITY

  17. Conclusion • Cloud infrastructures are deployed in a real production wireless community network • A easy to use community distribution might help for massive uptake and provision of stable key services • Tahoe-LAFS showed to be promising application for privacy-preserving, secure cloud storage -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 16 CLOMMUNITY

  18. DEMO CLOMMUNITY A community networking Cloud in a box http://clommunity-project.eu/ http://cloudy.community/ Demo user/pass: guest/guest CLOMMUNITY

  19. Service Discovery • Avahi - system which facilitates the service discovery on a local network via the mDNS/DNS-SD protocol suite • In community networks nodes are spread over different broadcast domains, Avahi packets can not reach ! • One solution: TincVPN ✦ Virtual Private Network daemon that uses tunneling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts ✦ Installed and configured on every Cloudy Domain B Domain A -PROJECT.EU Decentralized Systems 2015 1 CLOMMUNITY


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