FISHERY RESOURCES Similar to municipalities of Taytay and El Nido, the coastal habitats and fishery resources of the municipality of Coron are continuously being degraded. The identified physical threats are the: (1) cutting of mangroves for household use and charcoal making, and (2) use of destructive and illegal fishing methods such as cyanide, Danish seine, and drive-in net. Residents claim that these illegal and destructive fishing methods are usually done by non-resident fishers and still continue due to weak law enforcement. Generally, the trend in catch of all gears over the past three years is decreasing and has badly affected the income of fisher-families.
S TATUS OF C OASTAL H ABITATS : M ANGROVES Number of HHIs = 152 Table 4.2 Areal extent and perceived condition of mangroves in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Perceived Condition b # Selected coastal Areal Extent of Mangroves (ha) a Barangay 1. Barangay 1 5.95 - 2. Barangay 6 104.95 - 3. Banuang Daan 5.88 Good 4. Bulalacao 165.81 Good 5. Cabugao 30.60 Excellent 6. Malawig 0.57 Excellent 7. Marcilla 221.18 Good Total 534.94 a With data from the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (2006b) and concurred during the FGD a Perceived condition of mangroves as revealed in the FGD. It has four categories: Excellent (≥76% cover), Good (51-75%), Fair (26-50%), and Poor (≤25%) from Deguit et al., 2004 Table 4.3 Uses of mangrove in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Legend: # Type of Use Bgy1 Bgy6 BDa Bul Cab Mal Mar Barangay Clearing √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 1. Fishing Household Use √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 2. Gleaning Charcoal Production √ 1 Pollution and Dumping of Garbage 3. Household use √ 4. Protection from waves and wind Illegal Fishing Activities √ Commercial Use 5. Spawning ground of fish Natural Causes Legend: Bgy1 – Barangay 1; Bgy6 – Barangay 6; BnD – Banuang Daan; Bul – Bulalacao Cab – Cabugao; Mal – Malawig; Mar – Marcilla 1 With users from other barangays
S TATUS OF C OASTAL H ABITATS : S EAGRASS B EDS Table 4.4 Number of HHIs = 152 Areal extent and perceived condition of seagrass beds in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Perceived Condition b # Selected coastal Areal Extent of Seagrass Beds (ha) a Barangay 1. Barangay 1 1.51 Reclaimed 2. Barangay 6 19.05 - 3. Banuang Daan 21.3 - 4. Bulalacao 469.43 Pristine 5. Cabugao 197.36 Pristine 6. Malawig 335.20 Pristine 7. Marcilla 61.08 Pristine Total 1,104.93 a With data on dense seagrass from the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff ( and concurred during the FGD b Perceived condition of seagrass beds as revealed in the FGD. It has four categories: Pristine Disturbed, Altered, and Emergent (Fortes, 1989 as cited by Deguit et al., 2004). Please see Appendix 4-C for description of categories Table 4.5 Uses of seagrass in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Legend: # Type of Use Natural Causes Bgy1 Bgy6 BDa Bul Cab Mal Mar Barangay Illegal and Destructive Fishing √ 1 1. Fishing Pollution and Garbage Dumping √ √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 2. Gleaning Gleaning √ 3. Habitat of fish Anchorage √ Tourism-Related 4. Spawning ground of fish Legend: Bgy1 – Barangay 1; Bgy6 – Barangay 6; BnD – Banuang Daan; Bul – Bulalacao Cab – Cabugao; Mal – Malawig; Mar – Marcilla 1 With users from other barangays
S TATUS OF C OASTAL H ABITATS : C ORAL R EEFS Table 4.6 Areal extent and perceived condition of coral reefs in selected Number of HHIs = 152 in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Perceived Condition b # Selected coastal Areal Extent of Coral Reefs (ha) a Barangay 1. Barangay 1 - - 2. Barangay 6 4.83 - 3. Banuang Daan 102.19 Poor 4. Bulalacao 2,861.68 Good 5. Cabugao 1,137.36 Poor 6. Malawig 181.70 Fair 7. Marcilla 379.68 Fair Total 4,667.44 a With data from the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (2006b) and concurred during the FGD b Perceived condition of coral reefs as revealed in the FGD. It has four categori es: Excellent (≥76% cover), Good (51-75%), Fair (26- 50%), and Poor (≤25%) from Deguit et al., 2004 Table 4.7 Uses of coral reef in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Legend: # Type of Use Illegal and Destructive Fishing Bgy1 Bgy6 BDa Bul Cab Mal Mar Barangay Pollution and Dumping of Garbage √ 1 1. Diving Natural Causes √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 √ 1 2. Fishing √ 3. Protection from waves √ 4. Tourism Legend: Bgy1 – Barangay 1; Bgy6 – Barangay 6; BnD – Banuang Daan; Bul – Bulalacao Cab – Cabugao; Mal – Malawig; Mar – Marcilla 1 With users from other barangays
S TATUS OF C OASTAL H ABITATS : B EACHES Number of HHIs = 152 Table 4.8 Approximate length and perceived condition of beach systems in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Perceived Condition b # Selected Coastal Length of Length of Coastline (km) a Beachline (km) a Barangay 1. Barangay 1 None 2. Barangay 6 - 3. Banuang Daan 3 Excellent 4. Bulalacao 5 Excellent 5. Cabugao - Excellent 6. Malawig 1 Excellent 7. Marcilla - Excellent Total a Excluding the islets b Fishers’ p erceived condition of beach systems (Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor) Table 4.9 Uses of beach in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Legend: # Type of Use Bgy Bgy Pollution and Garbage Dumping BnD Bul Cab Mal Mar Barangay 1 6 Natural Causes √ √ √ 1. Bathing Sand Quarrying √ 2. Jetty/Wharf Stone and Pebble Gathering √ √ Beach Erosion 3. Picnic area Soil Erosion - Upland √ √ √ 4. Recreation √ 5. Seaweed farming √ √ √ 6. Tourism development Legend: Bgy1 – Barangay 1; Bgy6 – Barangay 6; BnD – Banuang Daan; Bul – Bulalacao Cab – Cabugao; Mal – Malawig; Mar – Marcilla
F ISHERY R ESOURCES : N UMBER OF F ISHERS Table 4.10 Number of fishers in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan % of Fishers Selected Coastal Population a No. of Fishers b # to Male Barangay Population b 1. Barangay 1 4,073 2. Barangay 6 2,070 3. Banuang Daan 818 4. Bulalacao 2,818 5. Cabugao 1,831 6. Malawig 556 7. Marcilla 1,179 Total 13,345 a 2010 Census of Population and Housing, NSO b Estimate is based on FGD and 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Male Category aged 18 years old and over; about 51.8% of Coron population in 2007 are male, of which 48.4% are aged 18 years old and over. Table 4.11 Out of 78 boats D ESCRIPTION Categories of engine horse power used by fishers in selected recorded: Coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan • 88.5% - Motorized OF B OATS No. of • 53.8% - Registered # Engine Horse Power % Rank Samples • 69.2% - ≤ 3 GT 1. 10 and Below 39 50 1 2. 11 - 20 21 27 2 3. Missing/No Information 18 23 - Total 78 100
M AJOR F ISHING G EARS U SED Table 4.12 Major fishing gears used in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Type of Gear Bgy Bgy # BnD Bul Cab Mal Mar Total Barangay 1 6 √ √ √ √ √ √ 1. Hook and line ( Kawil ) 6 √ √ √ √ √ √ 2. Bottom set gillnet ( Labat palubog ) 6 √ √ 3. Spear-gun ( Pana ) 2 √ 4. Fish Corral ( Baklad ) 1 √ 5. Driftnet ( Lambat palutang ) 1 Legend: Bgy1 – Barangay 1; Bgy6 – Barangay 6; BnD – Banuang Daan; Bul – Bulalacao Cab – Cabugao; Mal – Malawig; Mar – Marcilla
D OMINANT S PECIES H ARVESTED BY T OP 3 G EARS Table 4.13 Dominant species caught by top three fishing gears used in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Species Caught Fishing Gear Used Habitat Local Name Common Name Scientific Name 1. Hook and line Lapu-lapu Ulpot Kanuping Dugsu Bisugo 2. Bottom set Danggit gillnet Mulmol Salay-salay Samaral Kalapato 3. Spear-gun Samaral Danggit Kanuping Mulmol Tauban Legend :
S EASONALITY OF M AJOR F ISHING G EARS Seasonality of Major Fishing Gears in Selected Coastal Barangays of Coron, Palawan Spear-gun Marcilla Malawig Marcilla Malawig Cabugao Bottom set gillnet Bulalacao Banuang Daan Barangay 6 Barangay 1 Marcilla Malawig Cabugao Hook & line Bulalacao Banuang Daan Barangay 6 Barangay 1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
F ISHING G ROUND C HARACTERISTICS Table 4.14 Fishing ground characteristics of major gears used in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Bottom Characteristics # Type of Gear Water Depth (m) 1. Hook and line 10 - 60 Mud, sand, rock, coral reef (live fish) 2. Bottom set gillnet 5 - 40 Mud, sand, near rocky bottom, 3. Spear-gun 5 - 15 Coral reef, rock
P ERCEIVED C HANGES IN M ARINE R ESOURCES Table 4.15 Perceived changes in marine resources in selected coastal barangays of Coron, Palawan Number of Barangays, n = 7 # Changes in Marine Resources Better in Better in 2012 No Change 2009-2011 1. Fish Size 5 1 2. Fish Abundance 5 1 3. Clams ( Tridacna ) Abundance 1 4 1 4. Sea Turtle Abundance 5 1 5. Grouper (Lapu-lapu ) Abundance 6 6. Coral Abundance & Diversity 5 1
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