Nigeria’s Efforts in Combating Illicit Trafficking of MORC BY Ethel Ofoegbu Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
INTRODUCTION • Why Nuclear Security? • Nuclear terrorism and illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material remains a serious global threat • There are large quantities of diverse Radiological materials used in different areas of the economy • The possibility that these material may be used for terrorist acts cannot be ruled out • National and International embarrassment this might cause the Country? VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
TERRORIST ACTIVITIES IN NIGERIA • Bombing of the UN House - 2011 • Bombing of the Police Headquarters - 2011 • Bombing of Shopping Complex in Wuse District - 2014 • Nyanya Bus-Station Bombing-2014 • Several Market places bombing in some States VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
APPLICATION OF IONIZING RADIATION IN NIGERIAN ECONOMY ❑ Health Sector ❑ Petroleum Industry ❑ Mining Sector ❑ Manufacturing Sector ❑ Construction Industry ❑ Agriculture and Water Resources, ❑ Education and Research ❑ Customs and Security Screening VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
2004 IAEA INSServ MISSION KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ➢ Control and secure radioactive sources • Implementation of radiation detectors at foundries and smelters • Take steps to secure and store disused radioactive sources and locate orphan sources • Complete inventory of users and radioactive sources • Establish a centralized storage facility for unused, orphan and confiscated sources ➢ Illicit Trafficking and Border Controls • Priority should be given to conducting a National Awareness for senior officials • Specific training be given to the Front-Line Officers VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) ➢ One of the recommendations of the INSServ Mission was the development of a Draft Nigeria Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) ➢ INSSP Mission was conducted in March 2010 ▪ Reviewed every 3 years ▪ First INSSP was approved in 2010 for the period of 2010 - 2012 ▪ Last review was in April 2019 ▪ Action plan developed under the following functional areas: VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) ➢ Functional Area 1: Legislative and Regulatory Framework ➢ Functional Area 2: Threat and Risk Assessment ▪ Develop the threat and risk assessment for material out of regulatory control (MORC) ➢ Functional Area 3: Physical Protection Regime ➢ Functional Area 4: Detection of criminal and unauthorized acts involving MORC ▪ Develop the national detection strategy based on the threat and risk assessment, with IAEA support ➢ Functional Area 5: Response to criminal and unauthorized acts including MORC ➢ Functional Area 6: Sustaining State’s Nuclear Security Regime VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
IAEA Verified Inventory and Orphan Source Mission ➢ Conducted in August 2007 ➢ Objectives: ▪ Review the existing sealed source inventory ▪ Discuss any knowledge of possible orphan sources in the country ➢ Search and Secure Program ▪ Nigeria has developed program for search and secure of orphan and legacy radioactive sourc es. ▪ The programme started since 2010 VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
Nuclear Security Upgrade Mission for Border Posts ➢ Frequent loss of control of radioactive sources experienced in early 2000 ➢ Mis-declaration of radioactive materials as mould incidences experienced in the country ➢ Consequently the IAEA conducted NS upgrade mission in 2005 ▪ The Mission evaluated some ports for the possible installation of Radiation Portal Monitor • Apapa Seaport • Tin Can Island Seaport and • Murtala Muhammed International Airport ▪ Finally one RPM was installed in 2009 at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport Export Terminal for detection of radioactive sources and prevention of illicit trafficking in nuclear material and radioactive sources. ▪ However, the system could not be utilized as expected because of power, problem of ownership, high turnover of FLO personnel, etc VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
IAEA ASSISTANCE MISSION ➢ Following the discovery of radioactive sources in shipments of scrap metal in 2018 and 2019, • Nigeria explored the opportunity provided by the Assistance Convention • Requested for assistance from the IAEA on 13 th May 2019 • Conducted from 4 -6 June 2019 • Provided advice on strategies to prevent further occurrences of such events • Team composition: Experts from the IAEA, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
IAEA COORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT ➢ Nigeria participated in the Coordinated research Project for Advancing Radiation Detection Equipment Meeting - Beijing, China, 3 - 7 September 2018 ➢ During that meeting, Nigeria proposed a project under sustainability ➢ Title: Systematic Approach to Training FLOS on Radiation Detection Equipment ➢ Objective: Due to high turnover, lack of technical expertise, and remote areas, Nigeria needs alternative methods to train and keep FLOs aware and ready. CRP project will investigate training options and measure effectiveness in order to implement a sustainable solution. VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
Collaborative Activities with U.S. DOE/NNSA Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence ➢ National Workshop on Threat Assessment and Risk Informed Approach for Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material Out Of Regulatory Control, Abuja, Nigeria, April 2019 ▪ Nigeria is currently conducting Threat and Risk Assessment for Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material Out of Regulatory Control • Expected outcome: Develop National-level nuclear security detection strategy VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITIES WITH NUCLEAR SMUGGLING DETECTION AND DETERRENCE ➢ The following Detection equipment were donated to the Nigeria Police Force - explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit( EOD): ▪ 2 Mobile detection System; ▪ 2 backpack; ▪ 2 Survey meters; ▪ 6 RIID, ▪ 6 PRD, ▪ Test sources VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
United States Department of Energy (USDOE) Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Activities in Nigeria ▪ Nigeria signed a Nuclear Security Cooperation Agreement with the United States Department of Energy (USDOE) in March 2005 ▪ Physical security upgrade of nuclear and some radiological facilities in the country under the USDOE Global threat Reduction Initiative Programme currently known as Office of Radiological Security . ▪ An assessment Mission visited Nigeria in April 2008 ▪ Aim was to assess some facilities for possible physical security upgrades: VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
SECURITY MEASURES AT BORDERS/POEs ➢ 2010: Nigeria Procured 3 additional RPMs. ▪ Not installed yet • Requested for IAEA assessment Mission for the RPMs 2019: ➢ Nigeria has procured and Installed 2 RPMs at 2 ports - Lagos and Abuja ➢ Conducting Trainings for Technical Sweep Team and other FLOs on use of radiation detection equipment VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
CHALLENGES ➢ Human Capacity Development ➢ Absence of a formalized National Detection strategy ➢ High turnover of trained FLOs ➢ Long porous border VCDNP PANNEL DISCUSSION ON FACILITATING TRADE WHILE PREVENTING NUCLEAR SMUGGLING, 13TH NOVEMBER 2019
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