
businesses EBRD know how Advice for Small Businesses Where we are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advice for Small Businesses Advice for small businesses EBRD know how Advice for Small Businesses Where we are Main product Ice-cream Number of employees 120 Turnover 991500 Key priority Manufactu 26 26 cou count ntries es

  1. Advice for Small Businesses Advice for small businesses EBRD know how

  2. Advice for Small Businesses Where we are Main product Ice-cream Number of employees 120 Turnover € 991500 Key priority Manufactu 26 26 cou count ntries es • ring • >18000 000 com compan anie ies • > 230 0 ml mln. Eu Euro 2

  3. Advice for Small Businesses Objectives • Promote SME development • Enhance capacity of local consultants Wit ith ou our suppo support, t, mor more tha than 80 80% of of cl clients ients ha have in incr crease sed their annual al turnover 3

  4. Advice for Small Businesses 10 years in Tajikistan Вклад доноров > € 4 млн Donors: Local consultants >70 • EBRD Special Shareholder Fund Number of projects > 650 • Swiss cooperation office for economic affairs Clients contribution 32 % 4

  5. Advice for Small Businesses Advisory projects - Short term projects with local local con consulta tants Subsidy 50 50% % – 75 75 % - Industry expertise from In Intern rnati tional l ad advi visors EBRD covers 50% 50% – 90 90% 5

  6. Advice for Small Businesses Eligibility criteria Local Loca l adv advis isory Internati In tional al adv advis isory # employees - 50 - 500 # employees – up to 250 (500)   Min 2 years of operation Min 2 years of operation   > 51% - local ownership > 51% - local ownership   Annual turnover about 1 mln. Annual turnover not less than   Euro 50 K Euro Readiness to cover 10% – 50% Readiness to cover 25-50%   ASB does not support projects with financial institutions, hard drink and tobacco producers, military enterprises, and gambling . 6

  7. Advice for Small Businesses Local advisory projects Adv Advisor isory services ices Consult sultan ant Compa pany Paymen ment EBRD RD 7

  8. Advice for Small Businesses Types of projects • Strategy • Engineering solutions • Marketing • Quality management • Organisational structure • Energy/resource efficiency • Operations • Environmental management • Information communication • Accounting and financial technologies reporting

  9. Advice for Small Businesses Industry expertise • Cooperation with Internation ernational l industr try y adviso sors • Advanc nced ed indust stry y exper ertise tise • Strategic ic analys ysis s of enterprise • Increasing com ompeti titiv tiven eness ess on local and interna ernati tional onal mark rkets ts • >1,5 1,500 00 advis isor ors s from om > 65 countries

  10. Advice for Small Businesses Objectives Organisati anisation on and Operat ations ons manageme gement nt -Mission - Productivity, effectiveness, efficiency - Long term plans - Supply management - Informational management system - Environmental management - Annual planning/budgetting - HR - Quality management Financial cial managemen gement Sales s and marketi eting - New sources of financing - Sales - Financial planning - Export development - Investment planning - Marketing activities

  11. Advice for Small Businesses Successful projects AlK lKabir abir LL LLC • Marketing research • Business plan development Resul esult: - Es Estab ablishmen ent of of com compan pany y Kab abiri ri Khuja hujand - Ext Exter ernal al finan ancing g for or pur purch chas asing g of of eq equi uipmen ent - Im Impr provem emen ent of of pr prod oduct ction on capa capaci city - Sales Sales incr ncrea ease e 11

  12. Advice for Small Businesses Successful projects For ortu tuna na LLC • Business plan development • Business processes development • New equipment • Production facilities planning Resul esult: - Di Direc rect Finan ancing g fr from om EBRD EBRD - La Launch unch of of ne new w door door pr prod oduct ction on facili acilities es 12

  13. Advice for Small Businesses Successful projects Yak akhm hmosi 33 33 LLC, C, Ob Obi i Shi Shirin in LLC, C, Di Dilpi pisand nd LLC, C, Farhu hunda nda LLC C • KAIZEN • ISO/HACCP • Organisational development • Accounting and financial reporting Result ult: - Co Co-fina nanci ncing ng EBRD D – Esk skhata hata Bank 13

  14. Advice for Small Businesses Contact us: Dushanbe hanbe Khujand nd Somoni str., 5 А, Rudaki ave. 34 Т aj City, 4 floor Tcell Plaza, 12 floor Tel: (992) 37 884 87 22; 92 764 74 14 Tel: (992) 37 2 210763; 2512424 www.ebrd. com/ m/kno knowho how w knowho howtaji wtajikis kista tan@e n@ebrd.c https tps://ww //www.f .facebo ebook com/asb m/asbtaj tajikis kista tan

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