business plan competjtjon 2016

Business Plan Competjtjon 2016 Informatjon for Judges Dinner & - PDF document

Business Plan Competjtjon 2016 Informatjon for Judges Dinner & Awards Ceremony Thank you for agreeing to partjcipate as a Judge for the Johns Hopkins University Business Plan Competjtjon. We Dinner will be in the Charles Commons and served

  1. Business Plan Competjtjon 2016 Informatjon for Judges Dinner & Awards Ceremony Thank you for agreeing to partjcipate as a Judge for the Johns Hopkins University Business Plan Competjtjon. We Dinner will be in the Charles Commons and served bufget are delighted you will be joining us on Friday, April 1st, to style. The keynote address by Daniel J Roche, co - founder, judge the fjnal presentatjons. Fifuy - six teams entered the CEO, executjve, and board member for numerous startup competjtjon this year, which was narrowed to 31 fjnalists. companies, including Agile Network Builders (2010), will Entries received are broken into the following take place during the meal and the awards ceremony will categories: happen while dessert is served. Your partjcipatjon is critjcal to the success of this important General Business competjtjon. We truly appreciate your tjme and look Social Enterprise forward to working with you. If you have any questjons Medical Technology Grad Track about judging, or our plans for the fjnal presentatjons day, Medical Technology Undergrad Track please contact Megan Capano at, or call 410 - 516 - 8205. Gettjng Around Schedule of the Day A full campus map follows. You do not need to keep or use 9:30 - 11:30 AM: Fast Forward East Tour the parking tjcket taken to enter the garage. We will provide Mason Hall 11:45 PM: Welcome Lunch for Judges parking vouchers for exitjng either of the two parking Charles Commons locatjons noted. 1:15 - 4:15: Final Presentatjons and Judging A van will be available should you have any special needs for Hodson Hall transport between events. 4:15 - 5:30: Passed Hors d’oeuvres Charles Commons 5:00 - 7:00: Dinner & Awards Ceremony Judging Process Charles Commons We will provide you a recap of the initjal rounds of judging for each team in an efgort to give you a fuller picture of each teams entry. The fjnal page of this document includes the judging criteria for your review and preparatjon. Your judging packets will include a score sheet for each team. Timing issues Out of respect for all our judges and partjcipants, we will adhere to strict tjming both for the presentatjons and the questjon/answer period. Each team will have 7 minutes to make their presentatjon. Judges will then have 8 minutes for Q & A. Timekeepers will hold up cards to warn teams when there is 1 minute lefu in their tjme. Timekeepers will audibly announce “last questjon” to keep the Q & A within the allotued tjme.

  2. Parking and Directjons There are a number of parking optjons, but we recommend you park in the South Garage; we will provide a free parking voucher for both the South Garage and San Martjn Garage (used for overfmow). The South Garage is underground, directly below the Decker Quad. *Please note that some roads are currently closed at the intersectjon of Wyman Park and San Martjn Dr. You can stjll access the South garage from the South. Presentatjons will be held in Hodson Hall, whereas the Judges Lunch and Dinner & Award Ceremony will be held in the Charles Commons. There are exits from the South Garage inside of both Mason Hall and Hackerman Hall. From either exit, Hodson Hall is a short distance across the Decker Quad and the Charles Commons is east toward Charles Street. The Fast Forward East Tour shutule will pick up judges from Mason Hall, located directly above the South Garage. Judges atuending the tour will be dropped ofg at Charles Commons for the Judges Lunch. For those judges who are not atuending the Fast Forward East tour, please see the next page. Mason Hall

  3. Additjonal Directjons If you are not atuending the Judges Lunch, but are atuending the presentatjons in Hodson Hall, please use the mapped footpath below from the South Parking Garage. When navigatjng to the Charles Commons, where the lunch and the dinner & awards ceremony are held, please use the 33rd Street entrance door located at 10 E 33rd Street, Baltjmore MD 21218. The entrance is where Insomnia Cookies is located. Signs will be posted throughout campus and students will be available to direct you; we also will have a van available. If at any tjme you have any questjons, on event day, please contact the CLE main number, 410 - 516 - 7189. Hodson Hall Hodson Hall

  4. Scoring Criteria and Consideratjons Value Created by the New Product or Service Sound Financial Projectjon  What is the new and unique value of product/service?  Are the projected sales fjgures reasonable?  Is there a clear customer need satjsfjed?  Are antjcipated costs realistjc?  Is the background explained?  How important is this product/service to customers and other stakeholders? Scalability and/or Exit Strategy  Is there a prototype or working descriptjon of the  How will it be scaled and/or is an exit strategy planned? product/service?  Is the chosen path clearly artjculated and logical? Aturactjveness of the Market Opportunity Sound Marketjng Entry Strategy  How large is the market and how fast is it growing?  Is a clear market entry strategy described?  Can you be a “signifjcant player” in this market?  Does it seem reasonable?  What long - run profjtability do you expect to see in this market?  Can the product/service be Strength of the Presentatjon successfully monetjzed?  Eye Contact – holds atuentjon of entjre au-  Is the business model both Scoring dience with the use of direct eye contact, realistjc and viable over the seldom looking at notes or slides intermediate term? (e.g. fjve to  Body Language - movements seem fmuid 5 = Excellent ten years) and help the audience visualize  Is the product/service scalable?  Poise – displays relaxed, self - confjdent 4 = Very Good nature about self, with no - mistakes Competjtjve Advantage Verbal Skills 3 = Good  What is the positjoning of the  Enthusiasm – demonstrates a strong product/service in relatjon to positjve feeling about topic during entjre 2 = Fair competjtors (both direct and presentatjon indirect)?  Speaking Skills – uses a clear voice and  Is the product/service favorably 1 = Poor speaks at a good pace so audience positjoned in the distributjon members can hear presentatjons, does not channel? read ofg slides  Can this product/service be a leader in its market? Timing  Are barriers to entry identjfjed?  Length of Presentatjon was within the allotued tjme  How long will it take you to get to market? Content of Slide Presentatjon Operatjonal and Technological Viability  Subject Knowledge – an abundance of material clearly  How will the product or service be produced and related to the research presented. Points are clearly delivered to customers? made and evidence is used to support claim.  What are the distributjon channels?  Organizatjon – informatjon is presented in a logical and  Is any intellectual property is essentjal to success? interested sequence which audience can follow. Flows  How will rights to the property be secured? well.  Are there regulatory hurdles?  Visuals – visuals are tjed into the overall story of the  How long will it take to develop the property? research  Are key milestones identjfjed?  Mechanics— presentatjon has no misspellings or grammatjcal errors


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