building a smart question answering system from scratch

Building a Smart Question Answering System from Scratch Minjoon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building a Smart Question Answering System from Scratch Minjoon Seo PhD Student University of Washington UWNLP What is Question Answering System? Q: Which airports are in New York City? There are four airports in NYC: JFK, LeGuardia,

  1. Building a Smart Question Answering System from Scratch Minjoon Seo PhD Student University of Washington UWNLP

  2. What is “Question Answering System”?

  3. Q: Which airports are in New York City? There are four airports in NYC: JFK, LeGuardia, Newark, and Stewart.

  4. Why do you care about it?

  5. “If you got a billion dollars to spend on a huge research project, what would you like to do?” “I'd use the billion dollars to build a NASA-size program focusing on natural language processing (NLP), in all of its glory (semantics, pragmatics, etc).” Michael Jordan Professor of Computer Science UC Berkeley

  6. Towards Artificial General Intelligence… Natural language is the best tool to describe and communicate “thoughts” Asking and answering questions is the best way to develop deeper “thoughts”

  7. QA in Our Lives • Amazon Alexa • Apple Siri • Facebook M • Google Now • IBM Watson • Microsoft Cortana • Etc.

  8. Limitations of industrial QA systems • Carefully engineered modules, rules and features by humans • Can machines learn end-to-end , and learn new things easily? • Little capability for reasoning • Can machines perform reasoning : induction, deduction, conditional expression, etc.?

  9. Limitations of industrial QA systems • Carefully engineered modules, rules and features by humans • Can machines learn end-to-end , and learn new things easily? • Little capability for reasoning • Can machines perform reasoning : induction, deduction, conditional expression, etc.?

  10. End-to-end learning (minimal supervision) • Machines are learning from question-answer pairs only (supervised by answers only) • No supervision of how-to, prior knowledge, etc. Latently learn these things instead. Question Answer Which airports are in New York City? JFK, LeGuardia, Newark, and Stewart Which NFL team represented the AFC .. Denver Broncos Who wrote Harry Potter? J. K. Rowling … …

  11. Q : Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?

  12. Context-aware Question Answering Super Bowl 50 Q : Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50? A : Denver Broncos • Document is given. • User asks a document-specific question

  13. Our Model: Bi-directional 𝑗 " = 0 𝑗 % = 1 Attention Flow MLP + softmax (BiDAF) Modeling Attention Attention Who leads the United States? Donald Trump is the president of the U.S.

  14. End Start Dense + Softmax LSTM + Softmax Output Layer m 1 m 2 m T LSTM Modeling Layer LSTM g 1 g 2 g T Attention Flow Query2Context and Context2Query Layer Attention h 1 h 2 u 1 u J h T Phrase Embed LSTM LSTM Layer Word Embed Layer Character Embed Layer x 1 x 2 x 3 x T q 1 q J Context Query BiDAF (ours) VGG-16

  15. SQuAD Leaderboard ( as of 12pm, 2 Dec 2017

  16. Leaderboard as of 24 Mar 2017 • BiDAF still third! • 23 Submissions • Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Facebook, Google, …

  17. Context-aware Question Answering Super Bowl 50 Q : Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?

  18. Q : Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?

  19. Pipelined Approach Document 1 Document 2 “Where was Barack Obama Search Alg. QA System “Hawaii, USA” … born?” Document n

  20. Op Open-do domain ain QA QA D Demo mo (prototype) 400 lines of code!

  21. Isn’t Google doing this already? • Requires Structured Knowledge Base

  22. Isn’t Google doing this already? • Carefully engineered and not specifically giving you the answer

  23. What the model can and can’t do… • You can ask any question that is directly answerable by a document • You can’t ask reasoning questions

  24. Reasoning questions “If frogs eats insects and flies are insects, do frogs eat flies?” “If John has an apple and John went to bathroom, where is the apple?”

  25. New Assumption: We make the syntax of sentences and question simple

  26. Reasoning Question Answering

  27. Our approach: Query-Reduction Reduced query: <START> Where is the apple? Sandra got the apple there. Where is Sandra? Sandra dropped the apple. Where is Sandra? Daniel took the apple there. Where is Daniel? Sandra went to the hallway. Where is Daniel? Daniel journeyed to the garden. Where is Daniel? à garden Q: Where is the apple? A: garden

  28. Query-Reduction Networks • Reduce the query into an easier-to-answer query over the sequence of state-changing triggers (sentences), in vector space $ → * $ $ $ $ + % " % $ % & % ' % ( ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ garden $ $ $ $ $ ! " # " ! $ # $ ! & # & ! ' # ' ! ( # ( Where is Where is Where is Where is Where is Sandra? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Sandra? " " " " " % " % " % " % " % " " " " " " ! " ! $ ! & ! ' ! ( # " # $ # & # ' # ( # Sandra got Sandra Daniel took Sandra Daniel Where is the apple dropped the the apple went to journeyed to the apple? there. apple there. the hallway. the garden.

  29. bAbI QA Results (10k) Avg Error (%) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 MemN2N (FAIR) DNC (DeepMind) GMemN2N DMN+ (MetaMind) QRN (Ours) Avg Error (%)

  30. Conclusion • Real question answering system with minimal supervision • Machines that are able to reason with minimal supervision • Reasoning for real, complex questions is still hard , but not far away

  31. Industrial Impacts on QA Systems • Models will become simpler and more elegant • Easier maintenance • Less man-hours needed • Model behaviors are determined by data, not humans • Learns new things and improve performance with more data • Models will be able to perform reasoning • Soon!

  32. Thank you! Minjoon Seo PhD Student of Computer Science University of Washington

  33. Attention Visualizations Super%Bowl%50%was%an%American%football%gam e% Where at, the, at, Stadium, Levi, in, Santa, Ana to%determine%the%champion%of%the%National% Football%League%(%NFL%)%for%the%2015%season%.% did [] The%American%Football%Conference%(%AFC%)% champion%Denver%Broncos%defeated%the% National%Football%Conference%(%NFC%)%champion% Super Super, Super, Super, Super, Super Carolina%Panthers%24–10%to%earn%their%third% Super%Bowl%title%.%The%game%was%played%on% Bowl Bowl, Bowl, Bowl, Bowl, Bowl February%7%,%2016%,%at at%Levi% i%'s%Stad adium%in in%the% San%Francisco%Bay%Area%at%Sa Sa Santa%Clara%,% 50 50 Ca California .%As%this%was%the%50th%Super%Bowl%,% the%league%emphasized%the%"%golden% anniversary%"%with%various%goldZthemed% take initiatives%,%as%well%as%temporarily%suspending% the%tradition%of%naming%each%Super%Bowl%gam e% place with%Roman%numerals%(%under%which%the%game% would%have%been%known%as%"%Super%Bowl%L%"%)%,% ? initiatives so%that%the%logo%could%prominently%feature%the% Arabic%numerals%50%.

  34. Embedding Visualization at Word vs Phrase Layers May from 28 January to 25 may but by September had been debut on May 5 , Opening in May 1852 at January of these may be more effect and may result in September July the state may not aid August


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