buddy memory allocation in zephyr rtos

Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS L o L o g o g o Authors: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS L o L o g o g o Authors: Feng Zhang , Yongwang Zhao , , Dianfu Ma , Wensheng Niu *. Corresponding Author 1. School of Computer

  1. Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS L o L o g o g o Authors: Feng Zhang 𝟐 , Yongwang Zhao βˆ—,𝟐 , Dianfu Ma 𝟐 , Wensheng Niu πŸ‘ *. Corresponding Author 1. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang Univerisity, China 2. Aeronautical Computing Technique Research Institute, Xi’an, China

  2. Contents ➒ 1. Introduction ➒ 2. Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr ➒ 3. Fine-Grained Formal Specification in Isabell/HOL ➒ 4. Formal Proof ➒ 5. Results and Discussions ➒ 6. Conclusions 1 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  3. 1. Introduction - Abstract ➒ Memory management (MM) is a critical component of OS ➒ Bugs in MM may crash OS or the whole critical system ➒ This paper presents a case study of formal verification on the buddy memory allocation component of the Zephyr RTOS: β€’ Provide Fine-Grained formal specification in Isabelle/HOL β€’ Conduct Formal proof using the interactive prover in Isabelle β€’ Find two flaws in the C code when executing sequentially 2 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  4. 1. Introduction – Research Status ➒ Verification of the TLSF algorithm in Event-B: O nly verifies an abstract specification at the requirement level β€’ β€’ not check consistency between elements in the data structure ➒ seL4 pushes the memory allocation outside of the kernel ➒ Yu et al. introduce a low-level language CAP (certified assembly programming) in Coq β€’ build certified programs β€’ present a certified library for dynamic storage allocation β€’ not a kernel’s component but a certified memory library β€’ 75 lines C code 3 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  5. 1. Introduction – summary ➒ We create a fine-grained formal specification: β€’ All the elements of the data structure β€’ All the operations (initialization, allocation and release) β€’ System clocks and simple kernel scheduling β€’ The execution of memory allocation is preemptive ➒ We concentrate in five types of critical properties: β€’ Invariants β€’ Correctness of doubly linked lists β€’ Functional correctness of events β€’ Conformity of event specifications to kernel requirements β€’ Livelock-free of the system specification. 4 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  6. Contents ➒ 1. Introduction ➒ 2. Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr ➒ 3. Fine-Grained Formal Specification in Isabell/HOL ➒ 4. Formal Proof ➒ 5. Results and Discussions ➒ 6. Conclusions 5 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  7. 2.1 – Zephyr Project ➒ Zephyr Project is a Linux Foundation Project ➒ Be perfect for building simple connected sensors: β€’ up to modems and small IoT wireless gateways β€’ Built with safety and security in mind β€’ Cross-architecture with growing developer tool support β€’ Complete, fully integrated, highly configurable, modular for flexibility, better than roll-your-own β€’ Product development ready β€’ Permissively licensed 6 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  8. 2.2 – Zephyr OS Kernel ➒ Derived from Wind River ’s commercial Microkernel Profile ➒ Microkernel Profile has evolved over 20 years from DSP RTOS technology known as Virtuoso ➒ Used in several commercial applications: β€’ satellites, military command and control communications, radar, telecommunications and image processing β€’ successful Philae Landing on Comet Churyumov – Gerasimenko and the accompanying Rosetta Orbiter 7 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  9. 2.2 – Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr Kernel ➒ (1) Pool and block Initialization β€’ only be defined and initialized at compile time ➒ (2) Block Allocation β€’ Quad-Partitioning: iteratively partitioning larger blocks into smaller quad- ones ➒ (3)Block Release β€’ Immediately, automatically, and recursively combining smaller blocks into bigger ones 8 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  10. 2.2 – Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr Kernel ➒ (1) Pool and block Initialization β€’ only be defined and initialized at compile time ➒ (2) Block Allocation β€’ Quad-Partitioning: iteratively partitioning larger blocks into smaller quad- ones ➒ (3)Block Release β€’ Immediately, automatically, and recursively combining smaller blocks into bigger ones 9 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  11. Contents ➒ 1. Introduction ➒ 2. Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm ➒ 3. Fine-Grained Formal Specification in Isabell/HOL ➒ 4. Formal Proof ➒ 5. Results and Discussions ➒ 6. Conclusions 10 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  12. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ A. State Machine β€’ The state is defined as a record StateD β€’ the initial state 𝑑 0 state-transition functions Ο† β€’ 11 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  13. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ B. Data Structure 12 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  14. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ B. Data Structure 13 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  15. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ C. Event Specification  system behaviors based on Zephyr characteristics β€’ system clocks time_tick β€’ the thread scheduling schedule  actions operated on memory pools and blocks β€’ pool and block initializations β€’ block allocations β€’ block release 14 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  16. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ C. Event Specification  system behaviors based on Zephyr characteristics β€’ system clocks time_tick β€’ the thread scheduling schedule  actions operated on memory pools and blocks β€’ pool and block initializations β€’ block allocations β€’ block release 15 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  17. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ C. Event Specification 16 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  18. 3 – Fine-Grained Formal Specification ➒ D. State Space 17 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  19. Contents ➒ 1. Introduction ➒ 2. Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr ➒ 3. Fine-Grained Formal Specification in Isabell/HOL ➒ 4. Formal Proof ➒ 5. Results and Discussions ➒ 6. Conclusions 18 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  20. 4 – Formal Proof ➒ 4.1 Invariants - Consistency of Data Structure β€’ bitMap_freelistS s specifies the consistency between bit_maps and free lists β€’ bitMap_treeS s specifies the consistency between bit_maps and abstract trees. 19 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  21. 4 – Formal Proof ➒ 4.2 Correctness of Doubly Linked Lists β€’ The pointer in C is specified as a ref in Isabelle β€’ ref = (UNIV::nat set) β€’ head_next :: β€œref => refβ€œ β€’ tail_prev :: "ref => ref" 20 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  22. 4 – Formal Proof ➒ 4.2 Correctness of Doubly Linked Lists β€’ Length of a dilist β€’ Validity of a node β€’ Validity of a dlist β€’ Validity of appending actions 21 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  23. 4 – Formal Proof ➒ 4.3 Functional Correctness of Events β€’ {P} C {Q} β€’ Our specifications are all total correctness specifications β€’ terminations are ensured by using the primrec, fun, function and definition 22 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  24. 4 – Formal Proof ➒ 4.4 Conformity of Event Specifications to Kernel Requirements β€’ determine whether event executions and their return values conform to the kernel requirements ➒ 4.5 Livelock-free β€’ Starvation β€’ Execution loop β€’ No further progress 23 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  25. Contents ➒ 1. Introduction ➒ 2. Buddy Memory Allocation Algorithm in Zephyr ➒ 3. Fine-Grained Formal Specification in Isabell/HOL ➒ 4. Formal Proof ➒ 5. Results and Discussions ➒ 6. Conclusions 24 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  26. 5 – Results and Discussions ➒ A. Evaluation β€’ 600 lines C β€’ 800 lines specification: 109 functions/definitions 12 primary events β€’ 9400 lines proof: 338 lemmas 25 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS

  27. 5 – Results and Discussions ➒ B. Results of formal analysis: fine two flaws  Return code not conform to the kernel requirement  Application thread will fall into live lock. 26 Fine-Grained Formal Specification and Analysis of Buddy Memory Allocation in Zephyr RTOS


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