Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC Julia Martin
3 Independents Republicans Democrats Senate: 114 th Congress
With Republicans in control of both chambers, stronger negotiating position against President on: Repeal/ replacement of health care law Immigration Federal funding generally Education Including: gainful employment/ for-profit colleges, student loans/ aid, ES EA, charters, etc. BUT S enate already a highly contentious body where some procedures require 60+ votes 54 votes is not a “ filibuster-proof” maj ority The “ pizza party” rule
Republicans Democrats Vacant
Increased Republican maj ority represents less of a change here Republicans already in maj ority S traight maj ority still most important in House (but some efforts require 2/ 3) Partisan fights between and within parties (especially between Republicans) continue
S enate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions New Chairman: Lamar Alexander (R-TN) New Ranking Member: Patty Murray (D-WA) House Committee on Education and the Workforce Rep. John Kline (R-MN) remains Chairman New Ranking Member: Rep. Bobby S cott (D- VA)
Voted in overwhelmingly conservative House and S enate Many governorships/ S tate legislatures changed hands to Republicans BUT Voters in CO, TN, and ND rej ected fetal “ personhood” amendments AK,OR, and DC legalized recreational marij uana possession/ use AK, AR, IL, NE, and S D increased minimum wage Voters in WA passed gun background check bill
What will it mean for this Congress? Lack of conservative mandate? S ome more mainstream/ moderate legislation Desire to re-make Republican party as “ party of education” But also confusion about what voters want/ find important
“ I don’ t want the American people to think that if they add a Republican president to a Republican Congress, that’s going to be a scary outcome. I want the American people to be comfortable with the fact that the Republican House and S enate is a responsible, right-of-center, governing maj ority.”
Joint op-ed from November lists priorities as: S implify tax code Reduce spending by revising entitlement programs and other drivers of debt Legal reforms, including medical malpractice Regulatory Reforms Education reform
Reform federal involvement in education through: Expanding charter school access Reducing college costs T Act reintroduced on 2 nd day of new Congress F AS Reforming K-12 education by: (mostly part of H.R. 10) Revamping teacher evaluations Giving S tates/ districts more control over use of federal funds Increasing school choice options
Policy-based: Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline Changes to health care law Immigration reform Deadline-based Medicare “ doc fix” (March) Highway trust fund (May) FY 2016 Appropriations (S eptember) Child nutrition (S eptember) Debt Ceiling (fall)
Current appropriations bill expires S eptember 30, 2015
What to look for in negotiations: Republican-controlled Congress looks to flex muscles Pressure to trim federal spending overall S equestration returns! End of Murray-Ryan spending caps agreement means more wrangling on whether to keep existing sequester or change it Republican push to eliminate sequestration on Defense spending, which would push more cuts to non-defense side
Likely Outcomes Debate pushes toward (or through!) end of FY 2015 No more discretionary grant programs that offer “ blank checks” to ED Almost certain to have small cuts to spending “ caps” Which means lower appropriations across the board Possible there will be larger cuts to non-defense spending And need to look for additional money within Labor-HHS - ED appropriations to cover new costs Possibly leading to increased cuts
Overall in Congress, education not top priority Instead, focus is on: “ must-pass” legislation Vote-generating legislation Emergent crises How to determine what is a priority? Time Legislation Bill number
For House/ S enate Committees, ES EA is reauthorization priority #1 S enate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Discussion draft released, hearings began mid-January S tarting from scratch – not Harkin bill Promises to craft bipartisan Alexander-Murray bill for introduction House Committee on Education and the Workforce S tudent S uccess Act (H.R. 5) introduced early February, approved by Committee February 11 th No hearings – building on debate in 113 th Congress
S et for vote last week of February, but bill was pulled from schedule before final vote S cheduling bill on same day as Homeland S ecurity funding vote meant it was lower priority Obj ections from conservative Republican groups: Not enough of a departure from NCLB tates/ districts too Not enough flexibility for S prescriptive Keeps support for Common Core House bill did not allow Title I portability funds to be used at private schools
What’s Definitely Out AYP Instead: S tates design and implement plans for intervention and improvement Requirement to adopt specific college- and career-ready standards Instead: leaves standards and assessments up to S tates Race to the Top (and i3) Instead: focus on formula funding (and budget-cutting) Teacher evaluations Instead: focus on S tate licensure/ training/ PD Also: no more HQT Maintenance of Effort
What’s Definitely In Title I structure, formula S upplement, not supplant Charter school grants And focus on S tates with laws more open to charters Limitation on S ecretarial waiver, decision-making authority Funding flexibility between Titles II and IV Consolidation of some programs/ titles Limitation on appropriations through 2021
Assessment Frequency Background S enate draft bill contains two options on assessments: Option 1: allow S tate-designed schedule Option 2: maintain current testing frequency House Bill would require current testing frequency Input Parents: reduce testing Advocacy groups: maintain accountability through current testing Administration, S peaker Boehner: maintain current testing Likely outcome: current requirements remain
Title I Portability Background: both House and S enate bills allow S tates to set up systems where Title I funding follows low-income student to school of their choice In S enate, includes private schools Input: White House, left-leaning advocacy groups highly critical Right-leaning groups, lawmakers see as extension of “ school choice” Likely outcome: unclear (private school funding unlikely, but portability option may remain)
Busy House/ S enate schedule Democratic opposition From Democrats in Congress Lack of bipartisan cooperation in drafting? Disagreements over assessments/ accountability From President/ administration Concerns about “ walking back” accountability/ civil rights President has no fears of issuing veto threat Republican opposition S en. Tim S cott (R-S C): won’ t vote for a bill if they’ ve given up too much to Democrats Opposition from conservative Reps., action groups
Two choices (assuming S enate Passes bill): House passes S enate bill (or vice versa) Then S enate passes revised version with any House amendments, sends to President for signature House and S enate meet in “ conference” to work out differences between bills Final compromise legislation must be passed by House and S enate, then sent to President for signature BUT if House rej ects its own bill: reauthorization is DOA
If ES EA reauthorization is not passed: ES EA waivers continue into next Congress Congress may pass smaller stand-alone bills, including: S uccess and Opportunity through Quality Charter S chools Act (H.R. 10) Passed House with strong bipartisan support in 2014 Revamps federal charter school programs, drives funding to S tates with laws more open to charters and with stronger charter accountability S trengthening Education Through Research Act (H.R. 4366) Reauthorizes Education S ciences Reform Act Easily passed House in February Due for S enate floor action
WIA Reauthorization: DONE Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) passed July 2014 Child Care and Development Block Grant: DONE
Administration plan announced in President’s 2014 S tate of the Union address $77 billion in subsidized universal pre-K for low/ middle-income families over next decade Federal share drops from 90% to 25% over 10-year period S tates receive funding for adopting certain quality standards S enate 2014: S trong S tart for America’s Children Act S imilar to President’s proposal S en. Murray wants to roll into ES EA reauthorization? Preschool Development Fund Appropriations special proj ect in FY 2015, part of President’s request for FY 2016
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