brookings institution

Brookings Institution June 13, 2014 Japanese Outward FDI - by FDI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brookings Institution June 13, 2014 Japanese Outward FDI - by FDI stock (in USD millions) Canada $14,474 1% 5% Netherlands United $94,193 Kingdom $53,812 9% 9% 2% China USA Japan $92,967 $285,767 Korea $25,526 1% 1% 28%

  1. Brookings Institution June 13, 2014

  2. Japanese Outward FDI - by FDI stock (in USD millions) Canada $14,474 1% 5% Netherlands United $94,193 Kingdom $53,812 9% 9% 2% China USA Japan $92,967 $285,767 Korea $25,526 1% 1% 28% Vietnam $8,393 India 1% 1% $15,067 Rest of Africa 2% Indonesia $18,378 $ 6,874 Malaysia $13,277 3% 6% 0% Brazil South Africa Australia $35,308 $ 2,443 $61,181 Base line: total Japanese Outward FDI by FDI stock: 1,037,698 Source: UNCTAD 1 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  3. Top Developing Country Destinations for Japanese OFDI – Net Cumulative 3 (2010-2012) in USD millions 1000 40000 937 35589 35000 800 699 30000 600 25000 20000 400 16573 15000 9828 200 10000 154 7879 7813 5000 19 17 9 7 7 4 4 2 1 0 1850 0 -1 -9 0 China Brazil Thailand Indonesia India Africa -200 Source: UNCTAD 2 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  4. MIGA’s Experience in Africa New Issuances by Region (US$ billion) MIGA’s Regional Support for Japanese Clients (US$ million) 3 2.78 Middle Africa East 2.56 0.07 Latin America & 21.5 48.1 the Caribbean 2.5 0.20 0.54 Europe &Central Asia 0.35 1.89 Asia & the 150 2 0.49 Latin America & Pacific the Caribbean 1.46 0.83 1.5 1.08 Asia & the Pacific Africa 0.31 1 1.08 351 1.67 0.55 0.5 0.87 0.34 0.24 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 3 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  5. Projects Currently Supported by MIGA Seawater Desalination Doraleh Container Active projects in Africa Project Terminal - Ghana, Water, 2012 - Djibouti, Transport, 2007 - USD 180Mn, up to 20yrs - USD 430Mn, 10yrs - Equity, Debt, Swap - Equity, Debt, Swap - WCD, TR, Expro, BOC - WCD, TR, Expro, BOC HKB Bridge in Abidjan Olkaria GeoThermal Power in Kenya - Ivory Coast, Transport, 2012 - Kenya, Power, 2011 - USD 145 Mn, 15yrs - USD 99Mn, 15yrs - Equity & Debt - Equity - WCD, TR, Expro, BOC - WCD, TR, Expro Azito Power Plant Chobe Agrivision Company - Ivory Coast, Power, 2012 - Zambia, Agribusiness, 2013 - USD 116 Mn, 20yrs - USD 50Mn, 15yrs - Equity - Equity - BOC - WCD, TR, Expro, BOC As of May 31 st 2013 4 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  6. Africa – Outlook and Opportunity Higher growth, high returns Average growth rate of 5% for the last decade, even in the face of global crisis, with projections  of the same 2010 UN estimated returns on US FDI in Africa at 20%, compared to 14% in LAC and 15% in Asia  Fastest growing population globally, expected to double in 40 years  Infrastructure needs…and opportunities for private sector on their own or in PPPs Huge needs for infrastructure in power, transportation, and schools  US$45bn spent on infrastructure annually. Huge funding deficit - US$90-100 billion a year is  needed Operations and maintenance… 5 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  7. Japanese Investors bring potential O&M efficiency to the table Funding Current Sources of Efficiency Gap Financing Gap $45 billion Not only do Japanese partners play an Government important role in Funding terms of funding 65% but also on tackling the $ 31 billion $17 billion efficiency gains ODA … 14% Private Sector Through Funding operations and management 21% gains $93 billion in funding needs 6 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

  8. Risks Covered by MIGA Transfer restriction & currency inconvertibility Political Risk Expropriation Insurance War & civil disturbance (PRI) Breach of contract + Sovereign Credit Risk Sub-sovereign State-owned enterprise 7 MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY WORLD BANK GROUP

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