Born equal: WHy reducing inequality should be at the heart of the post-2015 framework Alex Cobham Save the Children
Overview 1)Born Equal : key findings on child inequality 2)Education : a leader on inequality in post-2015? 3)Post-2015 suggestions
Born equal : Key findings 1)Inequality of children: high and rising 2)Education • Inequality in education sustained over life • Inequality pre-education changes outcomes
EDucation : post-2015 leader? 1)Yes Norm-setting power of gender target Data disaggregation No equity vs efficiency trade-off 2)But… Χ No incentive to reach marginalised groups Χ No focus on learning => quality inequality
quality inequality (Ethiopia)
Post-2015 issues 1) Education targets: extend logic of gender target • Quality, not just access • Dimensions: income/wealth; urban/rural; ethnolinguistic; disability… • Type: ratio; floor; targeting; gap… 2) Beyond education • Progressive expenditure (targeting at areas with greatest need? mother tongue teaching to at least grade 3? informal education to reach hardest to reach?) • Progressive resource-raising 3) Inequalities consultation: an education voice
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