boolean logic

Boolean Logic Foundations of Global Networked Computing: Building a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IWKS 3300: NAND to Tetris Spring 2019 John K. Bennett Boolean Logic Foundations of Global Networked Computing: Building a Modern Computer From First Principles This course is based upon the work of Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken. More

  1. IWKS 3300: NAND to Tetris Spring 2019 John K. Bennett Boolean Logic Foundations of Global Networked Computing: Building a Modern Computer From First Principles This course is based upon the work of Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken. More information can be found at (

  2. Boolean Algebra Some elementary Boolean functions: x Not(x) x y And(x,y) 0 1 0 0 0  Not(x) 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0  And(x,y) 1 1 1  Or(x,y) x y Or(x,y) x y Nand(x,y)  Nand(x,y) (functionally complete!) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Boolean functions: 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0   f ( x , y , z ) ( x y ) z x y z 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  A Boolean function can be expressed using a logic 0 1 0 1 expression, a truth table or a schematic. 0 1 1 0  Important observation: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Every Boolean function can be expressed using 1 1 0 1 And, Or & Not, so, if your function can implement these 3, it is “functionally complete.” 1 1 1 0

  3. All Boolean Functions of Two Variables How many for n variables?

  4. Boolean Algebra Given: Nand(a,b), false We can build:  Not(a) = Nand(a,a)  true = Not(false) George Boole, 1815-1864 (“ A Calculus of Logic ”)  And(a,b) = Not(Nand(a,b))  Or(a,b) = Not(And(Not(a),Not(b)))  Xor(a,b) = Or(And(a,Not(b)),And(Not(a),b)))  Etc. (i.e., any Boolean function) We can prove this!

  5. Gate Logic  Gate logic – a gate architecture designed to implement a Boolean function  Elementary gates:  Composite gates:  Important distinction: Interface ( what ) VS implementation ( how ).

  6. Gate Logic Interface a Xor out b Claude Shannon, 1916-2001 (“Symbolic Analysis of Relay and a b out Switching Circuits” ) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 An (Inefficient) Implementation 1 1 0 a And Not out Or Not And b Xor(a,b) = Or(And(a,Not(b)),And(Not(a),b)))

  7. Circuit Implementations a a b a b out a b out b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 AND gate 0 1 1 1 0 0 OR gate 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 power supply power supply out out Diode Transistor Implementation of NAND  From a theoretical perspective, physical realizations of logic gates are irrelevant.  From an engineering perspective, physical realizations of logic gates are essential to performance.

  8. Project 1: Elementary Logic Gates a b Nand(a,b) Given: Nand(a,b), false 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 Build: 1 1 0  Not(a) = ...  true = ... Q: Why these particular 12 gates?  And(a,b) = ... A: Since …  Or(a,b) = ...  They are commonly used gates  They provide all the basic building  Mux(a,b,sel) = ... blocks needed to build our computer.  Etc. - 12 gates altogether.

  9. Multiplexor a b sel out sel out 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1 0 a 1 b 0 1 0 0 out Mux 0 1 1 1 b 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 sel 1 1 1 1 Proposed Implementation: based on Not, And, Or gates (since we can build all of these from NAND. See Lab Notes: Multiplexors can be used a “function generators.” For example, how might a 4:1 mux be used to generate all possible combinations of two Boolean variables?

  10. Example: Building an AND Gate Contract: And.cmp When running your a b out 0 0 0 a .hdl on our .tst , And 0 1 0 out your .out should be 1 0 0 b 1 1 1 the same as the book’s . cmp. And.hdl And.tst CHIP And load And.hdl, { IN a, b; output-file And.out, compare-to And.cmp, OUT ; output-list a b out; // implementation missing set a 0,set b 0,eval,output; } set a 0,set b 1,eval,output; set a 1,set b 0,eval,output; set a 1, set b 1, eval, output;

  11. Building an AND Gate Interface: And(a,b) = 1 exactly when a=b=1 a And out b And.hdl CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; // implementation missing }

  12. Building an AND Gate Implementation: And(a,b) = Not(Nand(a,b)) a out b And.hdl CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; // implementation missing }

  13. Building an AND Gate Implementation: And(a,b) = Not(Nand(a,b)) a a out in out out Nand Not x b b And.hdl CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; // implementation missing }

  14. Building an AND Gate Implementation: And(a,b) = Not(Nand(a,b)) a a out out in out NAND NOT x b b And.hdl CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; Nand(a = a, b = b, out = x); Not(in = x, out = out) }

  15. Building an AND Gate with LogicCircuit Equation: And(a,b) = Not(Nand(a,b)) a a out out in out NAND NOT x b b

  16. Building an AND Gate in LogicCircuit

  17. Building an AND Gate in LogicCircuit – NAND Gate First

  18. Building an AND Gate in LogicCircuit – NAND First

  19. How Will We Create the HDL Files? CHIP Nand { IN a, b; OUT out; PARTS: Nand2 (x1 = a, x2 = b, q = out); }

  20. Building the AND Gate // This file was generated from LogicCircuit CircuitProject: And // This is beta release code. Please report bugs to // 1/21/2019 10:21:11 AM /* #83,254,54,183,54,227,48,16,54,71,204,246,252,72,82, 22,179,128,38,52,84,200,39,21,37,135,202,244,64,254, 32,165,13,213,118,124,21,225,106,253,87,42,119,17,226, 38,105,68,136,111,81,74,166,33,253,142,240,176,187,82, 108,81,105,218,101,26,236,174,243,221,147,211,200,167,63, 198,155,149,254,56,20,232,82,22,127,34,80,188,43,207, 14,124,60,172,244,243,50,163,172,143,165,195,81,115,105, 192,89,182,64,75,149,42,189,241,84,52,127,100,119,70, 209,132,210,49,248,200,56,25# */ CHIP And { IN a, b; OUT out; PARTS: Nand (a = a, b = b, out = U0out); Nand (a = U0out, b = U0out, out = out); }

  21. Building the XOR Gate a And Not out Or Not And b CHIP Xor { IN a,b; OUT out; PARTS: Not(in=a,out=Nota); Not(in=b,out=Notb); And(a=a,b=Notb,out=w1); And(a=Nota,b=b,out=w2); Or(a=w1,b=w2,out=out); }

  22. A Better XOR Implementation  … using only NAND gates Why is this better?

  23. Building an XOR Gate in LogicCircuit

  24. Create the HDL File “SaveAsHDL” //Xor.hdl CHIP Xor { IN a, b; OUT; PARTS: Nand (a = a, b = b, out = U0out); Nand (a = a, b = U0out, out = U1out); Nand (a = U0out, b = b, out = U2out); Nand (a = U1out, b = U2out, out = out); }

  25. Hardware Simulator (Book)

  26. Testing the Xor Gate HDL

  27. How Will We Test These HDL Files? “Load Chip” //Xor.hdl CHIP Xor { IN a, b; OUT; PARTS: Nand (a = a, b = b, out = U0out); Nand (a = a, b = U0out, out = U1out); Nand (a = U0out, b = b, out = U2out); Nand (a = U1out, b = U2out, out = out); }

  28. How Will We Test These HDL Files? “Load Script” // Xor.tst load Xor.hdl, output-file Xor.out, compare-to Xor.cmp, output-list a%B3.1.3 b%B3.1.3 out%B3.1.3; set a 0, set b 0, eval, output; set a 0, set b 1, eval, output; set a 1, set b 0, eval, output;

  29. Hardware Simulator (demonstrating XOR gate construction) test HDL script program

  30. Hardware Simulator HDL program

  31. Hardware Simulator HDL program output file

  32. How Will We Test These HDL Files? | a | b | out | Xor.cmp | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 0 | If (Xor.out == Xor.cmp) Xor.out | a | b | out | | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 0 |

  33. Testing the Xor gate using the N2T Hardware Simulator

  34. Testing Logic in LogicCircuit

  35. Project Materials: Project 1 web site And.hdl , And.tst , And.cmp files

  36. Project 1 Tips  Read the Introduction + Chapter 1 (my version) of the book  Download the book’s software suite (if using your own computer)  Download LogicCircuit (my version) (if using your own computer)  Go through the hardware simulator tutorial  Do Project 0.5  Check out the HDL Survival Guide:

  37. Perspective  Each Boolean function has a canonical representation  The canonical representation is expressed in terms of And, Not, Or  And, Not, Or can be expressed in terms of NAND alone  Thus, every Boolean function can be realized by a standard programmable logic device (PLD) using NAND gates only a  Mass production and b c .  Universal building blocks, f(a,b,c) . or . unique topology and  Gates, neurons, atoms, …

  38. End Notes: Programmable Logic Device for 3-way functions a legend: active fuse and b blown fuse c . f(a,b,c) 8 and terms . or connected to the . same 3 inputs single or term connected to the and outputs of 8 and terms _ _ _ PLD implementation of f(a,b,c)= a b c + a b c (the on/off states of the fuses determine which gates participate in the computation)

  39. End Notes: Universal Building Blocks, Unique Topology a b and c . f(a,b,c) . or . and Artificial Neuron


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