BLAC ACK S SEA A TAN ANGO MARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY AY th to 8 th of AUG From m 5 th 8 th AUGUS UST, 2010 Kaliak akria, B Bulgar aria
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO M MAR ARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY th to Kaliak akria, B Bul ulgaria 20 2010, Aug August fro rom 5 5 th to 8 8th th • 4 da days s • 60 h hrs o of d dancing • Open en-ai air mi milongas • Worksh shops ps • Beach, Sun n and nd Tang ngo
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO M MAR ARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY th to Kaliak akria, B Bul ulgaria 20 2010, Aug August fro rom 5 5 th to 8 8th th Content: t: • Registrat ation - 17 17 • Locat ation & & Travel - 4 • Accom ommod odation on - • Kaliak akria Sea & & Golf V View Resort Res - 5 packa kages ges & & prices – 18 18-19 19 • DJs - 6 6 - 12 12 • Conta tacts ts - 20 20 • Tango T go Teacher ers - 13 13 - 15 15 • Gallery y - 21 1 - 24 24 • Pr Pric ices - 16 16
BLAC ACK SEA TAN ANGO MAR ARATHON HOLIDAY Locat ation & & travel Kaliak akria – Bulgar aria Kaliakria is located 55 km north of Varna (the Black Sea coast capital) and about 45 min from Varna International Airport. The old fishing town of Balchik and the town of Kavarna are nearby. The well known international resort Albena is at a 15 min drive away. The resort is south-facing and is situated in the heart of the so called Bulgarian Golf Riviera and is boasting probably the best views in the area. The apartments overlook the greens and the fairways of a new Gary Player championship 18-hole golf course (under construction) and the Kavarna bay, which is stretching from cape Kaliakra to Albena and Golden Low Low cos cost fl flights: Sands. How ow to o get get t ther ere? Flig lights to: Varna. Sofia or Bucharest and bus, airplane or train to Varna Transfers s for groups can be organized from Varna, Bucharest and Sofia, also.
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO O MAR ARAT ATHON ON HOL OLIDAY Kaliak akria Sea a & Golf lf Vie iew Resort The e Res Resor ort Designed by Gustavo Kloster, a Spanish architect well known for his luxury villas in Costa del Sol and the Bulgarian Architects ADA and STOARCH, Kaliakria combines the proven concept from the Mediterranean Sea coast with the local Bulgarian architectural style. Wooden pergolas, wrought iron fences, painted terracotta and cream colors, buildings set between stone paved paths, verdant gardens and charming water features combine traditional finishes with the contemporary feeling of openness and space. The individual apartments are also very spacious, with generous terraces, overlooking one of the golf courses and the sea beyond. Facilities: Availab able i in the area: a: Fully air conditioned apartments, high quality double glazed windows, excellent insulation, “antiquated SPA centre (2010), tennis courts (2010), yachting, diving, golf, “natural stone floors, under floor heated bathrooms, hunting, horse riding, jeep trip, cycling, fishing, The Mussel Farm Jacuzzi (larger apartments), kitchen units, marble Dalboka, The Palace in Balchik – The summer dream of a Queen, etc. fireplaces (except some smaller apartments), satellite; TV, DVD, internet, outdoor swimming pools with pool bars, infinity pools, bars and restaurants, Totally;; Romantic Bar™, convenience shop, landscaped gardens, fitness/sauna/massage/treatment area, conference facilities, kids club, playground area, full property management, customer care facility.
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO M MAR ARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY DJs DJs Pino no Dangio iola la (Stoc ockhol olm) m) Pino no Dangiola sa says: s: I en enjoyed w wor orki king w with C CD's on only..that kep kept m me e on on my toe oes a all the t e time a and I kn knew ew t the e sou ound w wou ould b be e Pino no Dangiola is the f e fou ounder a and crea eator of of gr grea eat...but of of cou ourse t the e rel elief of of having a an alrea eady Tangoc gocamp. preliminary p pla lay lis list m mad ade is is takin ing aw away a a lo lot of stress. He also so st started ClubTang ngo in in Stockholm. He He is is The s e son ongs gs I I choos oose a are e son ongs gs I I wou ould l like t ke to o dance t to o Swed eden's m mos ost wel ell-kn know own t tango d o dancer a and has myself, b but I t I always tr try to to feel th the crowd. I I th think I I have a a bee een seen een i in sev everal m mov ovies, TV prod oductions a and rat ather la large r repertoir ire, w whic ich allo allows m me to go wild ild if if I feel l on the stage ge a as dancer, a actor a and choreogr ographer. it it suit ites t the milo ilonga. Bu But of of cou ourse, m my main c choi oice of of Pino no has a big influen ence in the develop opment and son ongs a are e within t the e Gol olden A Age. ge. accelerat ated p popular arity o of the tango i in Sweden. Bu But f for or sure n e new ewer t tango go gr grou oups a and el elec ectronic t tango are e Pino no has been een DJing ng si since 1994. I In the e early d days s alway ays r running i in my head.....wai aiting f for that r right the c cassette d dec ecks ks w wer ere u used ed. Bu But with t the e en entry moment nt. of f Mini-disc h he st started w with cortinas asin S Sweden. . For or a lon ong t g time h he e on only wor orked w with C CDs, b but lately h he works w s with L LPs, s, L Laptop a and CD's. s. H He has s made a e a succes ess l lately in Stockh khol olm w with c creating g a special al a atmosphere a and feeling by playing L LPs on his is Stan anton LP pla layer in in combination wit ith mor ore mod odern D DJ tool ools s such a as Laptop. Th The f e full ll lis list w wit ith t the e dj djs will b ill be e updated in in the e web ebsite
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO M MAR ARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY DJs DJs Luca a Lambe berti ti (Rome me) He starts t to danc nce t tang ngo i in n 2000 a and nd djin jing in n 2005 i in Rome.. Luca i is worki king i g in miloga ogas in n Rom Rome s since t then en, a and since 2 2009 i in Ber Berlin, London on, S Stockh khol olm a and Sofia, He e used ed to o wor ork k on on fes estivals like ke TangoCa Camp Ital aly – Greec eece – Sweeden en, F Festival al G Gustav avo e Giselle P Palermo, o, SiciliaT aTan angoFestival al, , Arealidad ades Stoc ockh khol olm, X X-tan ango F Festival al R Rome, I Istan anbul a and Ankar ara F a Festival al. Luca a Lamberti ti is org rganizer o r of TangoCa CampIta taly festival al from 2009. The f Th e full ll lis list w wit ith t the e dj djs will b ill be e updated in in the e web ebsite
BLAC ACK SEA A TAN ANGO M MAR ARAT ATHON H HOLIDAY DJs DJs Gianl nluca Zecca ccardo (Rome me) One e of of the e or orga ganizers of of 1° Urb rbe Tango o Rave,t ,the first t tango m o marathon on i in Rome ( e (September er 2 24-26). ). After 7 7 years e s experience around t d tango f festivals a and marathons i in Europ ope, s sev ever eral w week eeks i in Bu Buen enos Aires es, Gianl nluca has acquired k knowledge of musical al t taste and prefe ferenc nce of the i interna nationa nal d dancers. Dj Dj in n many ny milo ilongasin Rom Rome a and in ot others ou outside, l like ke Naples, P Paris, L London, S Stockh khol olm, Gia ianlu luca, t throu ough gh a long an and har ard work of research h has as collected a a very large p part o of 20s, s, 3 30s, s, 4 40s s and 50s s tangos. T These se a are the a ages ges of of the e music t that h he e lov oves p playing in milon onga gas, wi with s some i incur ursions, wh when milo ilongas atmos osphere r e requires, i in contem empor orary t tango. o. Next djin jing: W : World Dj Dj Tango f festival a and Mar arathon i in Rom Rome ( (May 2 21-23) – Todi Tango F Festival al ( (June 3 3-6) ) with artistic d direction o of Ricar ardo Viquera, on on of of t the e mos ost kn know own tradicional tango d go dancer er and teacher i in Buenos A Aires. Th The f e full ll lis list w wit ith t the e dj djs will b ill be e updated in in the e web ebsite
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