biologically inspired computing

biologically-inspired computing luis rocha 2015 lecture 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Info rm atics biologically-inspired computing luis rocha 2015 lecture 6 biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY Info rm atics course outlook luis rocha 2015

  1. Info rm atics biologically-inspired computing luis rocha 2015 lecture 6 biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  2. Info rm atics course outlook luis rocha 2015 Sections I485/H400  Assignments: 35%  Students will complete 4/5 assignments based on algorithms presented in class  Lab meets in I1 (West) 109 on Lab Wednesdays  Lab 0 : January 14 th (completed)  Introduction to Python (No Assignment)  Lab 1 : January 28 th  Measuring Information (Assignment 1)  Due February 11 th  Lab 2 : February 11 th biologically  L-Systems (Assignment 2) Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  3. Info rm atics Readings until now luis rocha 2015 Class Book  Nunes de Castro, Leandro [2006]. Fundamentals of Natural Computing:  Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications . Chapman & Hall.  Chapter 8 - Artificial Life  Chapter 7, sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4 – Fractals and L-Systems  Appendix B.3.1 – Production Grammars Lecture notes   Chapter 1: “What is Life?”  Chapter 2: “The logical Mechanisms of Life”  Chapter 3: Formalizing and Modeling the World  posted online @ Papers and other materials  Life and Information   Kanehisa, M. [2000]. Post-genome Informatics . Oxford University Press. Chapter 1 .  Logical mechanisms of life (H400, Optional for I485)  Langton, C. [1989]. “Artificial Life” In Artificial Life . C. Langton (Ed.). Addison-Wesley. pp. 1-47. Optional   Flake’s [1998], The Computational Beauty of Life . MIT Press.  Chapter 1 – Introduction  Chapters 5, 6 (7-9) – Self-similarity, fractals, L-Systems biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  4. Info rm atics Modeling the World luis rocha 2015 Hertzian modeling paradigm “The most direct and in a sense the most important problem which our conscious knowledge of nature should enable us to solve is the ant nt icipat ion n of fut ut ur ure eve vent nt s , so that we may arrange our present affairs in accordance with such anticipation”. (Hertz, 1894) Predicted Result Logical Model el Symbols I nitial Consequence ???? Conditions (I mages) of Model Formal Rules Observed Result (syntax) (Pragmatics) Encoding (Semantics) Measure Measure Physical Laws biologically World 2 World 1 Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  5. Info rm atics Natural design principles luis rocha 2015 exploring similarities across nature self-similar structures  Trees, plants, clouds, mountains   morphogenesis Mechanism   Iteration, recursion, feedback Dynamical Systems and Unpredictability  From limited knowledge or inherent in nature?  Mechanism   Chaos, measurement Collective behavior, emergence, and self-organization  Complex behavior from collectives of many simple units or agents   cellular automata, ant colonies, development, morphogenesis, brains, immune systems, economic markets Mechanism   Parallelism, multiplicity, multi-solutions, redundancy Adaptation  Evolution, learning, social evolution  Mechanism   Reproduction, transmission, variation, selection, Turing’s tape Network causality (complexity)  Behavior derived from many inseparable sources   Environment, embodiment, epigenetics, culture biologically Mechanism  Inspired  Modularity, connectivity, stigmergy computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  6. Info rm atics Coastlines luis rocha 2015 Lewis Richardson's observations (1961) Measured maps with different scales  Coasts of Australia, South Africa, and Britain  Land frontiers of Germany and Portugal  Measured lengths L ( d ) at different scales d .   As the scale is reduced, the length increases rapidly. Well-fit by a straight line with slopes (s) on  log/log plots  s = -0.25 for the west coast of Britain, one of the roughest in the atlas,  s = -0.15 for the land frontier of Germany,  s = -0.14 for the land frontier of Portugal,  s = -0.02 for the South African coast, one of the smoothest in the atlas.  circles and other smooth curves have line of slope 0. biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  7. Info rm atics luis rocha 2015 biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  8. Info rm atics regular volumes luis rocha 2015 Integer dimensions biologically Inspired computing INDIANA Scientific American , July 2008 UNIVERSITY

  9. Info rm atics dimension of fractal curves luis rocha 2015 the Koch curve example: fractional dimensions n =0  Koch curve  slightly more than line but less than a plane  Packing efficiency! n =1 a=1 unit (meter) n =2 N=4 n n →∞ a=1/3 n Hausdorff Dimension Measuring Number of units scale D   log N log 4 1 log N = = = = ⇒ =   D 1 . 26186 ... N D     1   log 3 1 a   log   biologically log   a   Inspired a computing Unit measure INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  10. Info rm atics re-writing design principle luis rocha 2015 mathematical monsters Complex objects are defined by systematically and  recursively replacing parts of a simple start object with another object according to a simple rule  Cantor Set n =0 n =1 n =2 n →∞ log N = = 0 . 6309 D   1   log   biologically Scientific American , July 2008 a Inspired computing Hausdorff Dimension INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  11. Info rm atics re-writing design principle luis rocha 2015 mathematical monsters Complex objects are defined by systematically and  recursively replacing parts of a simple start object with another object according to a simple rule  Sierpinski Gasket log N biologically = = 1 . 585 D   Inspired 1   log computing   Scientific American , July 2008 a INDIANA Hausdorff Dimension UNIVERSITY

  12. Info rm atics re-writing design principle luis rocha 2015 mathematical monsters Complex objects are defined by systematically and  recursively replacing parts of a simple start object with another object according to a simple rule  Menger sponge log biologically N = = D 2 . 7268 Inspired   1   computing log Scientific American , July 2008   a INDIANA Hausdorff Dimension UNIVERSITY

  13. Info rm atics dimension of fractal curves luis rocha 2015 Box-counting dimension Number of boxes ε log N ( ) = D lim   ε → 1 0   log ε   Length of box biologically side Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  14. Info rm atics Peano and Hilbert Curves luis rocha 2015 Filling planes and volumes Hilbert Peano biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  15. Info rm atics fractal features luis rocha 2015  Self-similarity on multiple scales  Due to recursion  Fractal dimension  Enclosed in a given space, but with infinite number of points or measurement biologically Inspired computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  16. Info rm atics fractal-like designs in Nature luis rocha 2015 reducing volume How do these packed volumes and biologically Inspired recursive morphologies grow? computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  17. What about our plant? Info rm atics luis rocha 2015 An Accurate Model  Requires   Varying angles  Varying stem lengths  randomness The Fibonacci  Model is similar  Initial State: b  b -> a  a -> ab sneezewort  b b b a a a b a b b a a b a b Psilophyta/Psilotum a biologically Inspired b computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY

  18. Info rm atics L-Systems luis rocha 2015  Mathematical formalism proposed by the biologist Aristid Lindenmayer in 1968 as a foundation for an axiomatic theory of biological development.  applications in computer graphics  Generation of fractals and realistic modeling of plants  Grammar for rewriting Symbols  Production Grammar  Defines complex objects by successively replacing parts of a simple object using a set of recursive, rewriting rules or productions.  Beyond one-dimensional production (Chomsky) grammars biologically  Parallel recursion Inspired  Access to computers computing INDIANA UNIVERSITY


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