Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Munshi Nagar, Andheri-W, Mumabi-400058 Report Event Name: Technical Paper Presentation Competition Date of Event: 2018-04-13 Place of Event: 008 In-Charge Member: Dr. Y. S. Rao R & D committee of SPIT has organized Inter Department Technical Paper Presentation competition-2017 in association with IEEE-WIE. This event was held on 13th April, 2018. Final year students are supposed to prepare a technical paper in the IEEE paper format from their project work and has to present the paper in front of the judges. Judges are supposed to evaluate and identify three best papers out of the department. This was supposed to carry out in every department. This is the overall theme and idea behind this event. Through such a event students would get a taste of the ‘’paper presentation’’ and ‘’technical paper writing’’, this was the main motivation behind organizing this event. Students were also told to get the plagiarism check done before submitting the paper. Competition was conducted on interdepartmental level between the students of B.E and MCA. Presentations were going on in all the five departments simultaneously in different labs/classrooms between 9.00 am to 12:30 pm. Each department allocated three faculty within the department as internal judges and three faculty from other allied department as the external judges. This external judge was supposed to review the technical paper whereas internal and external judges both were supposed to evaluate the paper presentation. The performance indicators for evaluation of Paper Presentation was finalized by R & D students coordinators. Assessment was also carried out on technical paper writing skills of students and suggestions were given to them. Prize Distribution Function Three winners (groups) from each department were appreciated with a certificate and prize money during the prize distribution function held on the 17th May 2018 in room number 008 at 3:30 pm on the same day. Dr. Y. S. Rao, Dean, R & D Committee, S.P.I.T. and Dr. Prachi Gharpure, Principal, SPIT were present to guide the audience and appreciate the students by distributing the certificates to them. This report consists of the performance indicators based on which the evaluation was done, the copy of the evaluation sheets from each department and identification of three winners based on this evaluation. This report also consists of all other details relevant to this event.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Munshi Nagar, Andheri-W, Mumabi-400058 Thus, this report summarizes the overall event of Inter Department Technical Paper Presentation Competition-2017. R & D students’ co-ordinators: 1) Prof. Mayura Nagar, MCA 2) Prof. Abhijeet Salunke, COMP 3) Prof. Sheetal Chaudhari, IT 4) Prof. Amol Deshpande, EXTC 5) Prof.G. T. Haldankar, ETRX Prof. Dr. Y. S. Rao Dean R & D, S.P.I.T.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Munshi Nagar, Andheri-W, Mumabi-400058
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Munshi Nagar, Andheri-W, Mumabi-400058
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Munshi Nagar, Andheri-W, Mumabi-400058
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