CROSS BORDER HIGHER EDUCATION. BEST PRACTICES FOLLOWED IN SAARC COUNTRIES Presented ed by: Sheema Haide der Director or Qu Qualit ity y Enhance ncement ment Cell Indus us Un University sity
CROSS BORDER HIGHER EDUCATION “Higher educat education ion th that at tak akes es pl place ace in in situat ituations ions wh wher ere th the teac eacher er, stude student, t, pr program, ogram, in inst stit itut ution ion/pr provid ider er or or co cour urse mat materi erials als cr cross oss nation ional al juris jurisdi dictio ctional al bor border ders. Cr Cross oss-bor border der ed educat ucation ion may inc inclu lude de high igher er educat education ion by by public/ publ ic/priva private and and not-for or-pr prof ofit/ it/ for or pr prof ofit it pr provider iders. It It encom encompa passes ses a wid ide rang ange of of mo modal dalit ities ies in in a cont continuum inuum fr from om fac ace-to to-fac ace (t (tak akin ing var ariou ious forms orms fr from om stu stude dents ts tr travel ellin ing abr abroad and nd camp campuses uses abr broad) d) to to di dist stanc nce lear earnin ing (usi (using a range nge of of tec echnol hnologi ogies es and and in includ udin ing e-lea earni ning ng). ” ( UNESCO/OECD (2005). Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-border Education. Paris. See) 2
CROSS BORDER HIGHER EDUCATION Cross-border education is a subset of “internationalization of higher education” and can be an element in the development cooperation projects, academic exchange programs and commercial initiatives. (Knight , (2006) A guide to the implication of GATS for Cross border Education) 4
SIGNIFICANCE OF CROSS BORDER HIGHER EDUCATION Impact of Globalization Globalization affects each country differently. It can have both positive and negative consequences, according to a nation’s individual history, traditions, culture, priorities and resources. Education is one of the sectors impacted by globalization Internationalization of higher Education It is a widely accepted maxim that Like business generally, higher education is globalizing 1. In many countries, higher education is now an important export sector, with 2. university campuses attracting international students from around the world. Licensing production, in the form of franchising degree provision to 3. international partners, is beginning to mutate into foreign direct investment and contributing in economic growth. 5
INTRODUCTION The SAARC member countries shares similarities in terms of : Geographic and climatic conditions 1. Socio-economic aspects 2. Norma, Moral Values and Cultural aspects 3. Educational Advancement ……etc 4. Concerns raised in the 9 th summit (Male,1997) “Illiteracy is one of the measure factor contributing to the regions economic instability and social imbalance” ( http://www p://www.saar .saarc-se The SAARC member countries corporate in number of areas : Agricu icult lture & Rural al Biotec echnolo ology Culture Economic onomic and Trade ade develo elopmen ment Security Aspects Education Energy Environment Social Development Finance Funding Mechanism Information,Communication and Media Tourisms People to People contact Poverty eradication Science and technology 6
INITIA TIATIVES TIVES TAKE KEN BY SAA SAARC RC Establishment of South Asian Universities (SAU) India proposed to create a center of excellence at the 13 th SAARC summit (Dhaka, Nov 5 th ,2005) First Academic Session was commenced on 22 August 2010 with an intake of 50 students out of which 50 STUDENTS 25 students in 25 students in MAC Master in MA Development Computer Economics Application 7
INITIA TIATIVES TIVES TAKE KEN BY SAA SAARC RC Indian Council for Cultural Relations ( ICCR) Scholarships Under the SAARC chair fellowship scheme two scholarship are offered to each SAARC member countries. Open and Distance Learning SAARC Consortium Open and Distance Learning SACODIL has been established “To strengthen cooperation in the joint development of educational programmers, credit transfer, and promotion of equal opportunities and access to knowledge.” 8
AFG FGHANIST HANISTAN AN Total tal Population ulation 29 29.82 82 Mi Mill llion n (2012 12) GDP P (2012 12) $ $ 18 18.03 03 Bi Bill llion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imary y ed education ion , 1993 93 25.7 Net et en enrolment ent in in se second ndar ary y ed educ ucat ation ion , 2007 7 24.1 Gross ss en enrolme ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed education ion, , 2009 09 3.3 Adu dult t Lit iter eracy y rate e (2000 00) ) 28 28.1 Mal ale e (2000 00) ) 43 43.1 Fem emale e (2000 00) ) 12 12.6 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 10
BANGLADESH Total Popu pulati tion on 154.7 7 Mil illio ion (2012 12) GDP (2012 12) $154 54.7 7 Bil illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imary y ed education ion , 1990 90, 72 72.7 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion , 2010, , 47 47.4 Gross ss en enrolme ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed education ion, , 2009 09 , , 10 10.6 Adu dult t Lit iter eracy y rate e , 2010 0 56.8 Male e (2010) ) 61 61.3 Fem emale e (2010) ) 52 52.2 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 11
BHUTAN Total l Popul ulation ation 7.4 4 la lacs cs (2012) GDP DP (2012) $1.780 80 Bill llion Net Net en enrolment lment in P n Pri rimar mary y ed educ ucation tion , 2011 , , 88 88.3 Net Net en enrolment lment in s n sec econdar ndary y ed educ ucation tion , 2011, , 53 53.8 Gross oss en enrolment lment in t n ter ertiar ary y ed educ ucati tion, on, 2011, , 8.8 Adult ult li litera eracy cy ra rate e (2005 05) ) 52 52.8 Male le (2005 2005) ) 65 65.0 Fem emale ale (2005 2005) ) 38 38.7 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 12
INDIA Total Popu pulati tion on 1.237 7 Bil illio ion (2012 12) GDP P (2012 12) $1.842 42 Tril illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imary y ed education ion , 2008 08, , 92 92.1 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion Gross ss en enrolmen ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed educ ucat ation ion, , 2010 0 , , 17 17.9 Adu dult t lit iter eracy y rate e (2006 06) ) 62 62.8 Male e (2006 06) ) 75 75.2 Fem emal ale e (2006 06) ) 50 50.8 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 13
MALDIVES Total Popu pulati tion on 3.38 8 lacs (2012 12) GDP P (2012 12) $2.22 22 Bil illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imary y ed education ion , 2011 1 , , 96 96.2 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion ,200 002, , 48 48.9 Gross ss en enrolmen ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed educ ucat ation ion, , 2008 08, , 12 12.6 Adu dult t lit iter eracy y rate e (200 006), , 98 98.6 Male e (2006 06) ) , , 98 98.6 Fem emal ale e (2006 06) ) , 98 98.6 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 14
NEPAL Total Popu pulati tion on 3.38 8 lacs (2012 12) GDP P (2012 12) $2.22 22 Bil illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imary y ed education ion , 2000 00 , , 71 71.1 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion , Gross ss en enrolmen ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed educ ucat ation ion, , 2004 04, , 5.6 Adu dult t lit iter eracy y rate e (2010), ), 60 60.3 Male e (2010) , , 73 73.0 Fem emal ale e (2010) ) , 48 48.3 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 15
PAKISTAN Total Popu pulati tion on 179.2 2 Mil illio ion (2012 12) GDP (2012 12) $231.2 2 Bil illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imar ary y ed educ ucat ation ion , 2010 0 , , 74 74.1 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion ,2010, , 33 33.8 Gross ss en enrolme ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed education ion, , 2008 08, , 5.4 Adu dult t lit iter erac acy y rat ate e (2009 009), ), 54 54.9 Male e (2009 09) ) , , 68 68.6 Fem emale e (20090 090) , 40 40.3 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) 16 UNESCAP
SRILANKA Total Popu pulati tion on 20 20.33 33 Mil illio ion (2012 12) GDP (2012 12) $ $ 59 59.42 42 Bil illio ion Net et en enrolment ent in in Pr Prim imar ary y ed educ ucat ation ion , 2010 0 , , 94 94.0 Net et en enrolment ent in in se seconda dary y ed education ion , Gross ss en enrolme ment t in in ter ertia iary y ed education ion, , 2010, , 15 15.5 Adu dult t lit iter erac acy y rat ate e (2010), ), 91 91.2 Male e (2010) , , 92 92.6 Fem emale e (2010) , 90 90.0 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2012) UNESCAP 17
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