BoR (16) 23 BEREC Report on “Enabling the Internet of Things” Francesco Sciacchitano (AGCOM) GSMA workshop, 21 Jan 2015 Brussels
BEREC work on IoT / M2M 2010: BEREC paper on convergent services (description of M2M) 2013/2014: stakeholder interviews, internal report 2015 (M2M within EWG NGN): IoT/M2M draft report Presentation of the report at the Stakeholders’ forum Public consultation Presentation of the report at the BEREC Plenary Publication on the BEREC Website 2
Legal issues related to IoT Security breach Cybersecurity / Cybercrime IoT / M2M Data protection / Telecom law Data transfer Regulatory (insurance Product liability Administrative rules / consumer protection) 3 (PPP)
Characteristics of IoT Fully automatic (or with limited human intervention) communication of data from remote devices M2M communication patterns differ from personal communications Usually Low volume traffic, with sporadic/irregular patterns (signals) Relatively simple devices (both static and mobile) M2M services require connectivity, however connectivity accounts for a relatively low proportion of the overall revenue opportunity in the M2M value chain Many M2M devices produced for the world-market, hence many M2M services based on global mobility Many M2M devices designed to have a long lifetime Usually the business model is B2B, even if devices may be aimed at consumers (B2B2C) 4
Regulatory Framework Applicable framework (e.g. notification regime) depends on the applicability of the definition of electronic communication service (ECS) Art. 2 lit. c Framework Directive: an ECS is “a service normally provided for remuneration which consists wholly or mainly in the conveyance of signals on electronic communications networks, […]” . Within the IoT/M2M value chain: Connectivity service provider = ECS IoT/M2M-user = typically no ECS, unless reseller However, careful case-by-case approach since there are so many different types of packages including connectivity and since business models are just beginning to evolve. DSM review: Do existing rules (which were construed for voice telephony) also fit to M2M communications? 5
Numbers and Identifiers Many of the numbering issues NRAs currently have to tackle – and which are primarily dealt by CEPT and/or ITU on an international level – concern M2M services based on mobile connectivity: E.164 numbers/scarcity: not a problem. National solutions Migration to IPv6 will solve scarcity issues Global marketing of connected devices: Permissibility of extra-territorial use of numbers? Use of international ITU numbering resources? Use of European numbering resources? Spectrum No major problems of scarcity of frequencies for mobile applications 6
Roaming Many M2M services which use mobile connectivity are currently based on permanent roaming. Is permanent roaming formally allowed? Is Roaming regulation applicable in these cases? 3 scenarios 1: Device travelling periodically (car, kindle….) 2: Device travelling abroad most of time (car sold abroad) 3: Device placed abroad permanently (smart meter) Roaming regulation does not apply Permanent roaming might facilitate the creation of a truly European M2M market. But: Competitive advantage of international sim cards New art 3 of Roaming regulation DSM review: Special treatment required Clearer position on the admissibility of permanent roaming in the M2M context Access right for permanent roaming in the M2M context 7
Switching / “lock - in” issue If a customer intends to change connectivity service provider, it is currently necessary that the SIM is replaced physically. In the M2M-context, the costs and the proprietary standards might prevent switching the connectivity service provider (“lock - in”). Possible solutions: MNC assignment to IoT/M2M-user (i.e. right to apply for own MNC/IMSI range). Forbidden by several Countries Over-the-air (OTA) provisioning of SIM DSM review: Special treatment required Regulatory measures to make MNC assignment more flexible Regulatory measures to foster OTA provisioning of SIM or make it mandatory? No right to number portability required in the M2M-context? 8
Privacy and security of data Personal data may be collected by a number of connected devices. Who collects the data? Who own the data? Where is it stored? Does the consumer give consent to the use of the info? How? Current legal framework: Privacy Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) and sector- specific ePrivacy Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC); no specific rules with regard to IoT/M2M. Revision of EU data protection framework under way, aim also to adapt privacy rules to digital era DSM review: No need for special treatment with regard to principles (e.g. principles like consent- based data collection and processing also apply in M2M context), But: Interpretation/Adaption for the M2M-context (e.g. user-friendly information and consent procedures) 9
Thank you Francesco Sciacchitano (AGCOM)
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