benton pud credit exposure by sector as of february 2g

Benton PUD Credit Exposure by sector as of February 2g, zolg I Bank - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Benton PUD Credit Exposure by sector as of February 2g, zolg I Bank 52,458,490 I lntegrated Oil & Gas Companies 528,551 r IOU Affiliate S37,735 rou s33,10s I Marketer/Merchant $9,727 I Muni/Coop 5L25,25L RTO so s% 2o/o 9L% Benton's total

  1. Benton PUD Credit Exposure by sector as of February 2g, zolg I Bank 52,458,490 I lntegrated Oil & Gas Companies 528,551 r IOU Affiliate S37,735 rou s33,10s I Marketer/Merchant $9,727 I Muni/Coop 5L25,25L RTO so s% 2o/o 9L% Benton's total exposure (principal and agent) ¡s 52,692,959

  2. Benton PUD credit Exposure by sector as of January gL,2otg r Bank 57,660 r lntegrated Oil & Gas Companies $0 tou S9o,78o r IOU AffiliateStlJtA r Marketer/Merchant $2,673,938 r Muni/Coop SS6O,gqZ RTo $o 3% L% tI% 8s% Benton's total exposure (principal and agent) is 53,150,937

  3. þleort Fqiåure Foct Sheel Heorl foilure. olso colled Congestive HeorÍ Foiiure (CHF), hoppens when ihe heort connot pump enough blood ond oxygen io support other orgons in your body. Heort foilure is o serious condition, but it does noT meon Ihot the heort hos stopped beoting Heort Fqilure in the United Stotes . AbouT 5.7 million odults in the United Slotes Healthy Hearr ¿m¡ hove heorl foilure. . One in I deqlhs includecl heort foilure os conlributing couse. . About holf of people who develop heort foilure die within 5 yeors of diognosis. HÉflnn¡rda pnçùtod . Heort foilure cosTs the noTion on esiimoted ¡rFe úcuf¡h ¡ h..lürtùrt $30.7 billion eoch yeor. This ioiol includes the cosi of heollh core services, missed doys of work ond medicolions. Signs qnd Symplorns of l-leqrt Foilure Heart Faìlure ¡ul¡ - u"t'i nbHhllt m¡gdraru n¡¡r¡¡uffr ôloodhÞt ¡r1¡thd Dú|rlat iðcrs|lûB hhôlnlllütL Heort Foilure Symploms Heorl Fqilure Stotisfics . Shortness of breoth during normol Approximotely 550,000 new coses octivifies, porticulorly when ore diognosed in the U.S. onnuolly exercising. Heort foilure is responsible for 11 a . Generolweokness ond fotigue. million physicion visits eoch yeor, . Chest poin ond Heort polpilofions. ond more hospitolizotions thon oll . Unusuol blood pressure or heort rote forms of concer combined. . Foínting otiocks (syncope). Sudden deqth is common in a . Edemo, {swelling) of feet, onkles, poTients wilh CHF, occurring oi o lanc rote of six to nine times Ihoi of the rvvJ. . lightheqdedness ono oizziness. generol populotion.

  4. Prevent Heorl Foilure by Moinloining Heolthy Living Hqbit lcfroosing heolfhy meol ond snock options con help you ovoid heort diseose ond its complicolions. Be sure to eot plenty of fresh fruits ond vegetobles. By living o heolthy lifestyle, you con help keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, ond sugor normol ond lower your risk for heort diseose ond heort oitock. A heollhy lifestyle includes the following: . MoinToining o heolthy weighl. . Getting enough sleep. . Getting enough physicol octivity. . Brushíng your teeth. . . Getting regulor heolth screenings. EoTing o heolthy diet including dork . Not smoking or using other forms of chocolote, nuts, ond fish. . Limíiing sodium. tobocco. . . Being your own besl odvocote! Limiting olcohol use. Weor o F¡tb¡l or olher Heorl Rote Moniloring Device - lf could jusl sove your life! ! 10 À1, -r.ûriin\ 1,1¡ l:_ t*^.,ro,\t.þ' L' tRÉsÍilc Hgtr urE 77 or. '- rue n gæl natE zoNes 56 mln 46 min 11 hr 52 mln CUSOM ZONE iÈj A ¡:;.i çç

  5. EEilTOf Business Agenda æ.11.0 Second Reading Consent Agenda I nfo On ly/P ossi b I e Acti o n lnfo Only COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ¡TEM Subject: Waiver of Late Fees and Adjustment of Budget plan Calculation Agenda ltem No: Meeting Date: March L2,2OL9 Presented by: Christie McAloon ¿rrt1 Staff Presenting ltem Approved by (dept) Chad Bartram Dírector/Manager Approved for Chad Bartram General Manager/Asst GM Commission review: {yüdt Motion for Commission Consideration: Motion approving the temporary suspension of lhe I% late fee assessed to the past due electric balance and to allow L month's past due balance to be included in the budget plan calcufation from March L2, 20tg to April 13, 2OL9. Recommendation/Background The extreme cold weather in February and March caused customer usage to be up substantíally from normal levels resulting in large increases in customer bills as compared to earlierthis wínter and to prior years. Customer Service staff will assist customers by establishing payment arrangements for ionger than normal periods and by enrolling customers in the budget plan who do not have a zero balance on their electric account. Summarv The ability to establish longer than normal pay arrangements, set up the budget plan with one month's past due balance and waive late fees for a short period of time will help customers through this period of high bílls that resulted from the extreme cold temperatures. Fiscal lmpact The estimated fiscal impact for one month's late fees is approximately 520,000

  6. frÍilr0il ãF,ü,fi FINANCIAL STATEMENTS January 2019 (Unaudited) Table of Contents Paoe Monthly Financial Highlights 2 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Ghanges in Net Assets Current Month 3 4-5 Comparative Balance Sheet Energy Statistical Data Current Month 6 7 -8 kWh Sales - Monthly Activity Plant Additions and Retirements I Current Month Statement of Cash Flows 10 Weather Statistics 11 Broadband Summary 12 Payroll Report 13

  7. etIT{ilÍ F in æn ci al r?:grft ffgf:fs .,d?,ll,0 , January 2019 lssile dare: 3,'1119 Reta¡l Revênues Net Margin/Net lncome > January's tempêrature was 2.4 degrees above the s-year average and heating > W¡th the warmer winter start Nel margin and net income are tracking below budgei degreê days were 89,/o below the five year average, reta¡l revenues were g about $1 .1 M and $900k respectively. percent below budget estimates in part to December and January þeing warmer Capitel > Capital expenditures forthe yearare $1.8M of the 918.1M budget. than average. > Rêtail revenues yearto date are 97o undêr budget amounts. O&M Expense > January's O&M expense was $2.2M ot 2o/o above budget. Net Power Expense > Lower than normal water flow and snow pack in December 201 I and January 201 I > O&M Expenses were over the budget þy approximately g35k in part due to 60% of has resulted in decreased excess generation and decreased secondary market the Dues and Assessments being paid in January. sales than budget estimates. > Look¡ng forward, February had record snowfall for the region. > Net Power Expense was $6.9M for the year about $1 3Ok below budget. Retail Revenues Net Power Expense Over/(Under) Budget Over/(Under! Budget (thousandsl i 6¡i(& {sr.026i bs.r (51,s0Û) r f51,æol Januâry YTD January YTIJ w Føctors alfecting Reve n ues Fdctors affectíng Net Power Expense I fao I Degree Days & Water Flow Projection % of Normal Jan-Jut Runoff æf9 O4fi¡ú Buôd ú% I {¡3l 87% I Retäll Revenues ¡Net Power (NPC) -a% -a% ñ¡et January HOD YTD HDD hcome/Net Margín YTD Over/(Under) Budget January Prec¡p YTÞ Precip Jan-rul Runoff Forecæt (in thousands) Billed toad Over/{Under} Budget {in aMW} Budget (in aMWl Generation (S8eo) (s1,118) , ($2,oool I I (1s) (1s) Net Posil¡on Net (19) i lre) {25} (301 Jæuãry YTD January YTD Other r Budgêt S Secondary Market Sales Over/{Under} Budget ($} ¡ Avemge S Days Cash On Hand - Current 33 Debt Service Coverage Fixed Charge Coverage Active Service Locat¡ons 54215 rÉ YTD lncrease ln Servíce Locatíons 79 New Serv¡ces 118 toty, So Januãry YTD O&M Expense before NESC Compliance and Cap¡tal Expenditures 2tEteeææeh¡lâmtdtu@ s rÍp ?ord{$l!,rfrÁ] r.77M !ûn C.F.e&at0cf¡Sttç (t?.G,i 8% 0.61M Olr¿ Curtdrlc €r.o{rtù {${"otrÁl 2r% 0.69M OBL R€pâf/Rêpl@írc0t {Sz.¿nt} 0.11M 5% S37 537 lrm'¡tùrlonl9.7M) rc% o.24M 8rdùô${t(91.0Mt _ -. 4% 0.05M Genc''l Plrñt (9t.2Ml 3% 0.06M rlgl,M' OM 152?3't oth.r {9OM} o&M OM Capltal (Ssool 80% ú/. 40% 20% 60% LOO/. January .lanua ry YTD YTD 2


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