EPSU Regional Health Conference for Central Europe and Western Balkan Belgrade 9 / 10 October 2013 Recent trends in the sector of health and social services in Europe – EU policy Main topics at EU-level - Activities of EPSU Mathias Maucher Policy Officer “Health and Social Services” European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)
EPSU HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES MAIN TOPICS/PRIORITIES/OUTCOMES • EU legislation: working time; recognition of professional qualifications; patients’ rights in trans -border provision of health care; public procurement, service concessions and PPP in HSS • EU policies: social services (legislation, quality, employment conditions, social dialogue); PHS; OSH; crisis/austerity; EEG • European sectoral social dialogue in the hospital sector: recruitment and retention; ageing workforce; (code of conduct on) ethical cross-border recruitment; prevention from sharps injuries; prevention of third-party violence and harassment; recognition of professional qualifications; AP EU HW + JA HWP • Projects: Europeanisation of health care; cross-border mobility and migration of health workers; European Sector Councils on Employment and Skills for Nursing and the Care Workforce; social dialogue in the field of social services (PESSIS I + II) • Publications: Care Services for Older People (2011); Report EPSU European Health Conference (2012); Cross-border health worker mobility/migration & related TU initiatives (2012); Eligibility of MNE in HSS for EWC (2012 + 2013); SIP (2013)
HEALTH SERVICES: EU-LEVEL WORK: LEGISLATION, POLICY, PROJECTS • EU-level legislation or policy and EU projects for health care: LEGISLATION o Directive on trans- border patients’ rights/health care (2011; October 2013) o Working Time Directive (social partner negotiations suspended (end 2012) o Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (EP vote expected for October 2013) + Assessment of access conditions for regulated professions, including in health and social care (starting 2013) o Revision of Directive on Public Procurement and Project for a Directive on the Award of Service Concessions (EP vote expected for December 2013) PROJECTS o Strengthening of Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector (2007-2008) [SD] o Strengthening of Social Dialogue in the Baltic States (2010-2011) [SD] o Prevention of third-party violence and harassment (2010-2011) [SD] o Feasibility Study for a European Sector Councils on Employment and Skills for Nursing and the Care Workforce (2012) o Prevention from injuries with medical sharps (2012-2013) [SD] • Health services and policy initiatives/projects by DG SANCO: o European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (2011ff) o EU Action Plan on Health Workforce & Joint Action on Workforce Planning o Mapping Exercise “Education & Training Requirements for Health Care Assistants” (2009ff; November 2013) o Mapping Exercise “Innovative Practices Recruitment & Retention” (2014f) o Mapping Exercise “Systems of Continued Professional Training” (2014f)
HEALTH SERVICES: EPSU WORK PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS • Contributions to consultations launched by the European Commission or to reports of the European Parliament: o Revision of Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (March 2011 and September 2011: http://www.epsu.org/a/7448 and http://www.epsu.org/a/7993) o EU Policy Framework 2014-2020 on Health and Safety at the Workplace (August 2013: http://www.epsu.org/a/9117 ) • EPSU position papers (2 nd document jointly with HOSPEEM): o Recognition of Professional Qualifications (May 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8744) o Action Plan EU Health Workforce (September 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8994) • Reports (2 nd document coordinated with HOSPEEM): o Gender pay gap in health & social care (February 2010: http://www.epsu.org/a/6271) + Full EPSU Gender Pay Gap Survey (March 2011: http://www.epsu.org/a/7416) o Report on use and implementation EPSU-HOSPEEM Code of Conduct on ethical cross-border recruitment (September 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8893) o Migration of health and social care workers (September 2012; see below *) o Europeanisation of national health systems / Emerging EU-level instruments (September 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8993 / http://www.epsu.org/a/8998) o Eligibility of multi-national enterprises for European Works Councils (EWC) in health care (February 2013: http://www.epsu.org/a/9228) • Projects (2 nd and 3 rd project jointly with HOSPEEM): o Cross-border mobility/migration of health and social care workers (2011/2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8920) + Report (September 2012) * o Prevention of third-party violence and harassment (http://www.epsu.org/r/655) + Evaluation Report (forthcoming October 2013: http://www.epsu.org/a/9459) o Prevention from injuries with medical sharps (http://www.epsu.org/r/629) + Final Report (September 2013: http://www.epsu.org/a/9543)
SOCIAL SERVICES: EU-LEVEL WORK: LEGISLATION, POLICY, QUALITY • EU-level legislative, policy and quality frameworks for SSGI: LEGISLATION o Revision of Directive on Public Procurement and Project for a Directive on the Award of Service Concessions (EP vote expected for December 2013) POLICY o 3th Forum on SSGI (October 2010, Brussels) o EP Report on Social Services of General Interest (SSGI) (4 July 2011) o Report on applicability and application of EU law on SSGI and its impact in the MS/on the ground in the context of work of the SPC on social services at the interface of social protection and internal market (October 2013) o Consultation on personal and household services (PHS) (May-July 2012) QUALITY o European Voluntary Quality Framework (EVQF) for SSGI (8 October 2010) o Initiatives coordinated by CEN on EU-level standardisation of or technical specifications for health and social services • Social services and initiatives by DG SANCO: o Mapping Exercise “Education & Training Requirements for Health Care Assistants” (2009ff; November 2013) • Health & Social Services and European Economic Governance: o Country-Specific Recommendations (CSR) on elderly and child care to MS (29 May 2013) [=> EPSU Working Document (April 2013) + Position Paper (August 2013) on Social Investment Package, http://www.epsu.org/a/9537]
SOCIAL SERVICES: EPSU WORK PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS • Contributions to consultations launched by the European Commission or to reports of the European Parliament: European Innovation Partnership “Active and Healthy Ageing” (January 2012: o http://www.epsu.org/a/7304) o Personal and household services (July 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8908 ) • EPSU position papers: o Social services of general interest (SSGI) in the EU context: Reflections, requests and recommendations (March 2011: http://www.epsu.org/a/7452) • Reports: o Gender pay gap in health & social care (February 2010: http://www.epsu.org/a/6271) + Full EPSU Gender Pay Gap Survey (March 2011: http://www.epsu.org/a/7416) o Care Services for Older People (February 2011: http://www.epsu.org/a/7431) o Eligibility of multi-national enterprises for European Works Councils (EWC) in social care (September 2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8992) o Migration of health and social care workers (September 2012; see below *) Child care services (2009/2010) – NOT PUBLISHED o • Projects: o Cross-border mobility/migration of health and social care workers (2011/2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/8920) + Report (September 2012) * o Health and social care in A, CZ, D, PL and SK and European border regions (2011/2012: http://sat.verdi.de/eu-projekt_wem_gehoert_europa) Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue (PESSIS) o (2012: http://www.epsu.org/a/9070) o If project proposal will be retained by DG EMPL: PESSIS II (2013/2014)
Thank you for your attention! Further reading on EPSU Sector “Health and Social Services” and topics/projects/publications can be accessed on EPSU’s webpage Sector “Health and Social Services”: www.epsu.org/r/2/ Key documents “EPSU Health and Social Services”: www.epsu.org/r/353/ Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee “Hospital Sector”: www.epsu.org/r/20/ Social services (with a focus on: LTC; CC; PwD): www.epsu.org/r/218/ Projects: www.epsu.org/r/610 epsucob@NEWS / Collective Bargaining Newsletter: www.epsu.org/r/121 Collective Bargaining News „Health and Social Services“: www.epsu.org/r/516 Contact : Mathias Maucher, Policy Officer “Health and Social Services”, European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU): mmaucher@epsu.org
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