before during and after

Before, During and After Separating from an Abusive Partner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Safety Planning Before, During and After Separating from an Abusive Partner November 24, 2020 Webinar prepared for CLEO Disclaimer This webinar is for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. It is not intended to be used

  1. Safety Planning Before, During and After Separating from an Abusive Partner November 24, 2020 Webinar prepared for CLEO

  2. Disclaimer This webinar is for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. It is not intended to be used as legal advice for a specific legal problem. This webinar was recorded on November 24, 2020, and reflects developments in the law before that date.

  3. About our presenter… Pamela Cross is a feminist lawyer; a well-known and respected expert on violence against women and the law for her work as a researcher, writer, educator and trainer. She is the Legal Director of Luke’s Place Support and Resource Centre in Durham Region, where she leads the organization’s provincial projects, including research, training and advocacy.

  4. We acknowledge that the land from which we are presenting this webinar is the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog First Nation.

  5. Luke’s Place • Durham Region: services for women who have left abuse & are engaged with family law • Provincial & national level: research, resources, training & systemic advocacy Webinar supported by

  6. Disclaimer This webinar is not to be interpreted as legal advice. Only a lawyer can provide legal advice.

  7. We recognize We use Women are • Men can be gendered subjected to victims nouns & Abuse rooted most serious • Abuse happens pronouns in same-sex in misogyny forms of when talking relationships & traditional coercive • Trans or non- about male power controlling & binary folks violence physical may face abuse within in relationships violence families

  8. Agenda Safety planning • Physical & emotional • While still with abuser safety • As the relationship • Legal options ends • Tech safety • During family • Keeping children safe court • Afterwards

  9. Resources

  10. What is a safety plan?

  11. Safety plans Address Reduce Unique Change risk for for each over woman, woman time Physical Basic Emotional children safety safety needs

  12. When developing a safety plan, the woman leads She knows • Her own resiliency • Resources available • Her partner/ex-partner

  13. Seek to eliminate/reduce risks the woman is facing Include strategies for both staying with & leaving the abuser

  14. How to get How to get help Where to go if away in an if leaving is not she does leave emergency an option How to be safe How to keep in How to keep in her new touch with children safe location supports Staying safe in Other elements How to protect public, at work, specific to her personal items in private life needs/reality

  15. Emotional safety Manage contact • At court • Exchanging/ discussing children Set boundaries • Use a separate email account for him • Use social media privacy settings Download from • Exchange kids away from home • Limit contact with his family

  16. Safety while a woman is still living with the abuser

  17. Is he monitoring her? Does he know things he shouldn’t? • Hidden video cameras/security cameras • Email, browsing, text & calling history • Car/phone GPS • Spyware on her phone or computer

  18. Contact local women’s shelter Keep phone handy & fully charged Find/make a safe space Emergency bag Arrangements with neighbour Talk to kids in age-appropriate way

  19. What to take with her Sentimental/ personal value Legal value (ID, Bank card, passports, cash health cards, etc.) Clothing Medication Put the kit somewhere she can easily retrieve it

  20. Other things to think about • Bank account Always think • Credit card Safety • Financial & property documents • People who will need to know she has left • Back up her contact list

  21. Safety during the separation process

  22. If she works outside the home Talk to colleagues & employer • A secure parking spot • Someone to travel to and from work with • Screening her calls • A no-trespassing letter to keep the abuser away from the workplace

  23. If she has a lawyer Discuss safety concerns How to contact her safely without the abuser knowing about it, e.g. safe word for calls

  24. If she has children Talk to school/day care Plan for unexpected appearance by abuser Until parenting order in place, school/day care cannot stop father from taking the children How to slow him down while the mother is contacted

  25. Other considerations Friends/family Her safety in the members may need community their own safety plans

  26. Court-related safety

  27. Why court safety planning matters Woman will encounter abuser in court proceedings Abuser may try to increase her fears Fear will impact her ability to function well during proceeding

  28. Elements of a court safety plan Anticipate Have friend/family Work with a legal reactions & member for advocate strategize how to support manage emotions Plan for safety Have documents Book time off work before & after complete Book arrangements for kids

  29. If appearance is If going to court virtual in person • Visit courthouse ahead of • Test out technology ahead of time time • Meet court security • Set up in location abuser cannot access • Find washrooms, stairs/elevator, etc. • Ensure background doesn’t reveal anything (e.g. home • Plan how to come to & leave security, photos) safely • Put away any device that he might harass her on (e.g. phone/text)

  30. Tech safety

  31. Tech must be part of her safety plan Home Working Facetime, GPS Phone security remotely Zoom, etc. Texts, Alexis, Spy Kids’ Web Photos Siri, email, ware toys browsing etc. messaging Social Smart Laptop Apps Banking appliances media

  32. Women have the right to use technology Be strategic Determine how Manage the abuser is using Think about GPS record left by her tech activities technology Think about What to post Manage changing online/in communications passwords messages with him


  34. • Unwanted communication • Surveillance • Using children’s technology to spy on her • Using others to comment online about her • Attacks: posting sexual images of her, pretending to be her in social media, hacking into her accounts

  35. Children’s safety

  36. Children’s safety plan Include Reflects Will align • How to stay child’s safe with their particular • How to get mother’s needs help • Code words

  37. View or download a template safety plan for children from keep-safe

  38. Safety after court is over

  39. The post-separation relationship Change the locks on her home / install security? Does she Take precautions at work? need to… Continue to be careful with technology? Keep a restraining order in place? Manage the exchanges of children? Take precautions if she has another relationship?


  41. Legal elements of a safety plan

  42. Court orders are not as important as a good safety plan that covers all elements

  43. Prohibit one partner Available through family from contact with other, court & the & sometimes children, Family Law Act family, friends Restraining orders Prove on a balance of The more detailed, the probabilities that her more effective fear is reasonable

  44. For more information Ministry of the Attorney Luke’s Place / CLEO webinar General self-help guide on restraining orders

  45. Woman must be married to partner Apply to family court for this order Exclusive possession of Home can be owned or rented matrimonial home Partner banned from property She can change the locks

  46. Keep a record of his actions For Identifies Informs For applying patterns, safety reporting for a restraining escalation planning to police order in a secure location

  47. Summary • Resources: – – – Tech Safety Toolkit • Safety plan elements • Safety planning at different stages • Tech abuse • Safety planning with/for children • Legal remedies

  48. Thank you!
