beam dump cooling beam dump cooling

Beam Dump & Cooling Beam Dump & Cooling Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Beam Dump & Cooling Beam Dump & Cooling Introduction (Location, Access & Driving Parameter) Components (Graphite, Iron, Aluminium) Cooling System Layout Installation NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 1 1 Present

  1. Beam Dump & Cooling Beam Dump & Cooling Introduction (Location, Access & Driving Parameter) Components (Graphite, Iron, Aluminium) Cooling System Layout Installation NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 1 1 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  2. Location & Access Location & Access 2km B eam Dum p 50 0 m ( H adr on S top) NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 2 2 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  3. First Design First Design NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 3 3 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  4. Driving Parameter Driving Parameter Ener gy Deposi ti on Ener gy Deposi ti on C hoi C hoi ce ce M ater M ater i i al al s s G r aphi te, I r on, Al um i ni um , C onstr C onstr ai ai nts: nts: Al um i ni um : T < 150 ⁰ C G r aphi te: T < 40 0 ⁰ C … Ther m al FE- -C al C al cul ati ons Ther m al FE cul ati ons For ul ti m ate l oad case* , m odel wi th ai r gaps* * : Need f or 2 cool i ng pl ates of 50 kW each 19 p. * 13. 8 x10 o. t. /yr NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 **4/2/0.5mm gaps 4 4 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  5. Graphite & Iron Graphite & Iron G r aphi te cor e gr aphi te Ther m al conducti vi ty: ̃160 W /( m K) Tol er ances: ± 0.5 mm G ood sur f ace qual i ty I r on dum p cast iron ~400 blocks = ~1825 tons Mostly recuperated (WANF) NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 5 5 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  6. Cooling System Cooling System C ool i ng M odul e Cast aluminium block with integrated stainless steel tubes (Ø i =36mm, th=3.25mm) NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 6 6 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  7. Cooling System Cooling System C ool i ng Pl ates 50 kW each NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 7 7 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  8. Cooling System Cooling System Pr i m ar y H eat Exchanger : Easy access, Regul ar m ai ntenance TE8 0 Al cove B eam Dum p NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 8 8 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  9. Cooling System Cooling System C onnecti ons to TE8 0 ( H eat Exchanger ) � Accessi Later al connecti ons bi l i ty 2x6 i ndependent ci r cui ts � Rel i abi l i ty Fl exi bl e tubes ( m etal l i c)i n B eam Dum p � W or k i n the tunnel m i ni m i zed � Absor pti on of vi br ati ons, ther m al di l ati ons Pur el y m etal l i c connecti ons 2 tubes to TE8 0 NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 9 9 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  10. Cooling System Cooling System M ani f ol d: Val ves & Fl ow-m eter s O per ati on Monitoring of circuit (TE80) If pressure drop � Signal detected (TE80) 2 Tubes to TI8 � As soon as access possible: Visual inspection of flow indicators in Beam Dump to locate faulty circuit � Close circuit Repair (when/if access Beam Dump possible) NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 10 10 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  11. Cooling System Cooling System 26 Manual Valves, 13 Visual Flow Meters 12 Aluminum Cooling Modules 2 Flexible Tubes from Exit Window 26 Flexible Tubes 2 Tubes to TE80 NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 11 11 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  12. Layout Layout Side Cooling NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 12 12 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  13. Upstream Wall Upstream Wall Air separation & Door � 1mm stainless steel sheet Front Side Top NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 13 13 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  14. Downstream Wall Downstream Wall Air separation, Radioprotection & Door � 300mm concrete wall Front Side Top NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 14 14 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  15. Installation Installation 1875 tons, ~500 blocks Installed between 15/07 - 01/09/2003 NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 15 15 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  16. Installation Installation Installation Sequence Phase 1: Preparation & Iron “floor” Phase 2: Iron Blocks Phase 3: Iron and Aluminium (1,2) Phase 4: Graphite (1-5), Aluminium (3-6) and Iron NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 16 16 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  17. Installation Installation NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 17 17 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  18. Installation Installation Problem (encountered during phase 4) Observed: Measured: Slope of Aluminium blocks (3,4) ~7.5% (tunnel=5.6%) Shims! NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 18 18 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  19. Installation Installation Solution 1. Measure topology of iron “floor” 2. Calculate shim thicknesses to simulate “good slope” 3. Place shims 4. Place aluminium modules until smooth surface at 5.7% (extra time needed: ~3 days) NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 19 19 Present at ion by Ans Pardons

  20. Installation Installation Hadron Stop Installation Completed 01/09/2003 NBI 2003 - Beam Dump and Cooling 11/ 11/ 2003 20 20 Present at ion by Ans Pardons


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