basic biological research on biodiversity

Basic Biological Research on Biodiversity Ministry of Education, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A project on Basic Biological Research on Biodiversity Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan has started, from 2002, The 21st Century COE (Center of Exellence) Program. The aim is to support

  1. A project on Basic Biological Research on Biodiversity Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan has started, from 2002, “The 21st Century COE (Center of Exellence) Program”. The aim is to support formation of selective bases of world class The aim is to support formation of selective bases of world-class research and education, and to promote reformation of world-class universities. universities. Kyoto University has 22 programs of COE, yo o U ve s y s p og s o CO , among which there are 2 programs on Life Sciences

  2. One program of Life Sciences is Formation of a Strategic Base for Formation of a Strategic Base for the Multidisciplinary Study of Biodiversity the Multidisciplinary Study of Biodiversity the Multidisciplinary Study of Biodiversity the Multidisciplinary Study of Biodiversity Basic Biology B B Basic Biology i Bi l i Bi l L L e a de r: T e a de r: T oshisa da Nishida oshisa da Nishida Key Words Organization Organization Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Ce nte r for E Ce nte r for E c olog ic a l Re se a rc h Prima te Re se a rc h Institute c olog ic a l Re se a rc h Prima te Re se a rc h Institute

  3. The 21st Century COE Program of Kyoto University Formation of a Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies for Biodiversity Studies As one of the 21st Century COE programs, School of Biological Science, Primate Research Institute, and Center for Ecological Research have initiated the “Formation of a strategic base for the multidisciplinary biodiversity study”. This project aims to promote world-class research by unifying field research with new developments in molecular biology, to construct a basic academic p gy, discipline of “Biodiversity Science”, and implement postgraduate education under a unified system of macroscopic and microscopic education under a unified system of macroscopic and microscopic biology.

  4. 1997 - 2001 A project funded by a MESSC Grant-in Aid for Creative Basic Research(Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture) An integrated study on biodiversity conservation g y y under global change and bioinventory management systems management systems D I V E R Diversity-Ecosystem Relationship 10 million dollers 10 million dollers Report (418 pages, 2002) This project financially supported DIWPA-IBOY

  5. Organization of our COE Current organization School of Biological Science School of Biological Science Botany Zoology Biophysics H Tobe (Taxonomy) T Nishida (Anthropology) T Miyata (Theory) K Okada (G K Okada (Genetics) ti ) M H M Hori (Ecology) i (E Y Fujiyoshi (Structure) Y F ji hi (St l ) t ) I Nishimura (Cell) M Imafuku (Ethology) Y Shichida (Physiology) A Nagatani (Physiology) N Satoh (Embryology) ( y gy) T Araki (Genetics) Q Zhang (Radiation) K Makabe (Embryology) Center for Ecological Center for Ecological Primate Research Primate Research Research Research R R h h Institute Institute I I tit t tit t N Yamamura (Theory) T Matsuzawa (Cognition) K Kitayama (Tropics) K Kitayama (Tropics) N Shigehara (Morphology) N Shigehara (Morphology) T Nagata (Lakes) N Masataka (Behavior) I Tayasu (Matter cycle) O Takenaka (Molecule) J T k b J Takabayashi (Chemistry) hi M Hayashi (Neurobiology) Red letters: “Macro” biologists, Blue letters: “Micro” biologists

  6. Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies Strategic Base for Biodiversity Studies By systematic linking of 4 research areas we establish interdisciplinary By systematic linking of 4 research areas, we establish interdisciplinary biodiversity studies integrating macroscopic and microscopic biology Molecular Basis of Molecular Basis of Evolutionary Mechanism Evolutionary Mechanism Biodiversity of Biodiversity Satoh, Sato, Okada, Miyata, Zhang, Araki, Nishimura, Nagatani, Hayashi, Yamamura Fujiyoshi, Shichida, Takenaka Takabayashi Takenaka, Takabayashi Human Evolution Ecosystem Structure and Biodiversity of Biodiversity Nishida, Matsuzawa, Hori, Imafuku, Tobe, Masataka, Shigehara Kitayama, Nagata, Tayasu Affiliation Red: Graduate School of Science Blue: Primate Research Institute Green: Center for Ecological Research

  7. Examples of Integration of “Macro” Biology w ith “Micro” Biology Integration of “Macro” Biology w ith “Micro” Biology Diversity of Primates as Man’s Relatives Joint research of taxonomical, morphological, behavioral, and genetic studies are going on Field study has revelaled astonishingly variable diversity of behavior are going on. Field study has revelaled astonishingly variable diversity of behavior among chimpanzees. Behavioral Diversity and Genetic Polymorphism Scale-eating fish of Lake Tanganyika has their mouth distorted right or left, depending on the side from which they attack prey. Genetic basis of mouth laterality i b i is being sought for. ht f Plant Morphological Diversity and Its Moleculars Basis There are genes that determine the lengths of roots Forest consisting of trees There are genes that determine the lengths of roots. Forest consisting of trees having roots of various lengths is important for the conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity. Relation of Morphological Diversity w ith Gene Diversity Explosive diversification of animals (Cambrean explosion) did not depend on the formation of new genes, but on the re-use of the old genes that had already th f ti f b t th f th ld th t h d l d existed.

  8. Domestic Field Sites Domestic Field Sites Domestic field sites Shi Shimokita kit Re se a rc h F ore st L L a ke Biwa Re se a rc h Ship a ke Biwa Re se a rc h Ship Sa ka moto ( Pe riodic a l Obse rva tions Pe riodic a l Obse rva tions ) Kiso Re se a rc h F ore st Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Sc hool of Biolog ic a l Sc ie nc e Prima te Re se a rc h Institute Prima te Re se a rc h Institute Ce nte r for E Ce nte r for E c olog ic a l Re se a rc h c olog ic a l Re se a rc h Se to Ma rine Biolog ic a l Sta tion Se to Ma rine Biolog ic a l Sta tion Koshima Sta tion Ya kushima Re se a rc h F Ya kushima Re se a rc h F ore st ore st

  9. Kyoto University African Field Sites Kyoto University African Field Sites Bossou Bossou Ndoki Ndoki Ka linzu Ka linzu Na c hola Na c hola Wa mba Wa mba Mouka la ba Mouka la ba Arusha Arusha Ma ha le Ma ha le Mupulung u Mupulung u p p g g

  10. Field sites in Asian Tropical Rain Forest Field sites in Asian Tropical Rain Forest Lambir (L Mt Kinabalu ( 4000m ) owla nd) Ca nopy c ra ne Influe nc e of te mpe ra ture Wa lkwa y a nd sa lt supply on dive rsity Me c ha nism of c oe xiste nc e pa tte rns by inve stig a tion a t of ma ny pla nt spe c ie s of ma ny pla nt spe c ie s 8 plots tha t diffe r in he ig ht Simulta ne ouw flowe ring Crane Syste m Walkway (Nature , Jan.2002)

  11. The components of COE includes studies on Ecosystem Structure Evolutionary Mechanism of Biodiversity of Biodiversity of Biodiversity f Bi di it Center for Ecological Research, g , Kyoto University The aim of CER is to investigate functions of biodiversity and ecosystems, and to establish conservation theory of them.

  12. 5 fields in CER 5 fields in CER Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems Biodiversity and Functions of Tropical Rainforests Animal-Plant Interaction in Terrestrial Ecosystems Molecular and Stabe-Isotope Ecology Theoretical Ecology

  13. Research facilities in CER from macro to micro

  14. Rapid Observation Ship “ HASU ” in Lake Biwa

  15. Experimental Field in CER CER Vinyl Houses inside E Experimental Ponds i t l P d (8 duplicates) Beehaives

  16. Intermediate-scale experiments p Symbiotron Teratron Zootron Aquatron

  17. DNA Analizing System Ratio Mass Spectrometor for Natural Abundance of Stable Isotope (IRMS)

  18. Education Seeds of cooperation Seeds of cooperation Seeds of cooperation Seeds of cooperation School of Biological Science School of Biological Science School of Biological Science, School of Biological Science, Primate Research Institute, Primate Research Institute, Center for Ecological Research Center for Ecological Research have cooper ated ・ In graduate school education: entrance In graduate school education: entrance examination and organizing culliculam examination and organizing culliculam g g g g ・ No. of phD candidates: No. of phD candidates: 235.0 235.0 ・ No of students granted phD : No. of students granted phD : No of students granted phD : No. of students granted phD : 53.0 53 0 53.0 53 0 (a ve ra g e of 1999- 2001) ・ Jointly in “field classroom” at Yakushima Jointly in “field classroom” at Yakushima

  19. Education Program Education Program Unde rg ra dua te Upg ra de stude nt’s c ourse Ac a de mic le ve l Postg ra dua te Support stude nts’ c ourse e c onomic ba sis Biodive rsity- re la te d E mployme nt of Inte rna tiona l Subje c ts top- le ve l fore ig n Symposia Sc ie ntists Mode l Curric ulum E mployme nt of Inte r- la b c ourse COE RESEARCH COE RESEARCH COE RESEARCH COE RESEARCH Ma ny T Ma ny T A, RA, A RA f for Ne wc ome rs N Post- doc , a nd L a b a nd F ie ld Re se a rc h Re se a rc h supporte rs Study a broa d Pre se nta tion of Summe r F ie ld Work Course in E xc ha ng e of pa pe r a t me e ting Y k Ya kushima villa g e hi ill stude nts t d t h ld b he ld a broa d d


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