ISS Education Barnet Schools Caroline Jenkins Senior operations manager ISS ISS Classification - Unrestricted
Children’s food in England - some statistics Children aged 1-3 consume double the amount of recommended sugar � 1 in 3 children live in relative poverty � 1 in 4 children have tooth decay by the time they start school � 1 in 10 children eat the required 5 a day of fruit and vegetables � UK families consume the most ultra-processed diet in Europe 50.7% � Fewer than 1 in 10 children eat enough fish � Parents save £10 per week by taking up the UIFSM entitlement � Only 1.6% of packed lunches meet the nutritional requirements for a healthy diet � Children in Food for life school are twice as likely to eat their 5 a day � ISS Classification - Unrestricted 2
Tackling healthy eating in Barnet Schools There are initiatives already in place in Barnet such as: � Weight Management for 0-18 years � Healthy Children`s Centres � Oral health promotion � However, these currently don’t go far enough in helping to reduce obesity levels. � ISS serve over 16,000 meals per day in Barnet and therefore have a massive opportunity � to make a big impact on healthy eating education across the schools in Barnet We are currently accredited with Soil association Silver Food for Life award. � ISS Classification - Unrestricted 3
What is currently being done? A large number of schools in Barnet currently hold a Healthy Schools London Award. 103 � schools are registered with 59 achieving Bronze, 31 with Silver and 13 with a Gold Award. Working to improve uptake of lunch and vegetables. Introduction of crudité stations whilst � pupils queueing for lunch All schools in Barnet that ISS manage have menus that adhere to not only the School � Food Plan, but have also received Silver Awards as part of the Soil Association Award Scheme. Working with Nutrition team (Yinka Thomas) at Middlesex university on the implementation � of Eat Well plate which supports healthy eating and exercise messages. Supporting the good food guide for London with accreditations and initiatives. � ISS Classification - Unrestricted 4
What more are ISS doing? ISS will be sharing and promoting healthy food items and � initiatives in the Barnet Healthy Schools Newsletter. Where possible ISS look at reducing the sugar content in � their recipes. Recipe cards on packed lunch bags for pupils to try out at � home. Healthy breakfast – supporting schools who hold these � events. Parent taster events – operations teams support kitchen � teams in speaking to parents about healthy eating and nutrition. ISS Classification - Unrestricted 5
What more will ISS be doing? Further development is in place on recipes. � Attending school council meetings, listening to pupils and students � on menu ideas and at the same time educating them on why menus contain the items they do. ISS are working with Nino Severino from “Learn, Play, Grow” who � are experts in bringing sports and fitness to kids but in a fun way! Incorporating sport and healthy diets. Continuing to share ideas on how to eat more healthily. � Training days held for Kitchen managers with the ISS Association � for Nutrition accredited course ‘Healthy eating for school food’. This is held during the school holidays Dessert once per week replaced by fruit for the other 4 days. � ISS Classification - Unrestricted 6
Any questions? ISS Classification - Unrestricted 7
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