
b " Snall T otott Atmo sphere Outstaniling Qtnlitg of - PDF document

b " Snall T otott Atmo sphere Outstaniling Qtnlitg of Lifu" [rTfsIT/rTJq - DATE: August 25,2017 TO: Robert Combs, President The Rotary Club of Danville FROM: Tai Williams, Assistant Town Manager Potential Community Improvements

  1. b " Snall T otott Atmo sphere ï Outstaniling Qtnlitg of Lifu" [rTfsIT/rTJq - DATE: August 25,2017 TO: Robert Combs, President The Rotary Club of Danville FROM: Tai Williams, Assistant Town Manager Potential Community Improvements Projects in Danville RE: Thank you for considering the use of Danville Rotary funds to help continually improve the quality of life for Danville residents. We'd like to take this opportunity to share with you a few of the capital investments that we believe would help to enhance the experience at our parks: Park Benches: To be installed at strategic locations throughout Osage Park to a complement and enhance the user experience. Estimated cost for each bench includes the benctU Danville Rotary plaque, concrete pad and installation. Proposed bench locations and specification sheet are included as Attachment A Bike Racks: To be installed at specific activity nodes located at Sycamore Valley a Park and Diablo Vista Park. Estimated cost for each rack includes the rack, powder coated "Danville Green", Rotary plaque, and installation. Proposed rack locations and specification sheet are included as Attachment B. Price[tem Qty Item Total Cost Osage Park Park Benches 5 $2,000 $10,000 O Sycamore Park Bike Racks a 3 $500 $1,500 Diablo Vista Park Bike Racks (near restrooms) a 3 $500 $1,500 Bike Racks (near basketball court) a 3 $500 $1,500 Total Project Cost: $14,500 510 LA GONDA WAY, DANVILLE, CALIFORNIA 94526 Administration Building Engineering & Planning Transportation Maintenance Police Parks and Recreation (9Æ) 311L3388 1925) 3t4-y5ï (92s) 314-3330 (925) 314-3310 (92s) 314-3310 (9Æ) 314-3400 (92s1 3t4-3700

  2. ATTACHMENT A Proposed Park Bench Location & Specification Sheet

  3. Osage Park ef x $.?.- t .,\ô .r t¡r Àr 4 ¡. z'A , tt fi..r 'Pdù't I .5;:j'î''.$: ,R' * i '.,l*..\r'¡-, .' q *,1à - )-".ú¡.{ ¡^r. s ¡ù Tl*s¿' *,1 ri ^t * a är. t\ Í-- lÉgtk N s

  4. 5'- .l0" (tzza mm) o E E I (t) u) ro TOP VIEW 2r_s, (737 mm) 1r_1' (+oe mm) 0'-0" FINISHED GRADE FRONT VIEW END VIEW AVAILABLE lN 2" 3" 4" 5" 6', (SHOWN), 7" 9" 10' & 12' NOMINAL LENGTHS OTHER LENGTHS AVAII.ABLE UPON REQUEST. DIRECT EMBEDMENT BENCH FRAME ASSEMBLY PEDESTAL MOUNT BENCH FRAME ASSEMBLY 0'-d' FINISHED GRADE 0'-d NOTE: CONCRETE FOOTING AND N0. ,+ REBAR (BY oTHERS) PER LOCAL FINISHED GRADE SOIL CONDITIONS. CONSULT PROJECT ENGINEER FOR EXACT 5/t 6 mm) DtA. HoLEs REQUIREMENTS. PROVI FOR BY -(1'-6") OTHERS -(+sz mm) 201 6-6-P (PEDESTAL 2016-6-E (DTRECT EMBEDMENT) Thh drcrlng lüqh lh. oopydghhd lnt ll.sluol ÞrcD.rly ot Columblo Cdacoda Compony. Nol lor uaa by olh¡n' îtt/€. rllhoul our .xDðo. u¡lll.n oulhodzqllon. TIIÍBERFORU PARI(TAY Aulñorlzqllon lor ux l. hanbt grcnl.d lo orch[.ol¡, MODEL NO. 2016-6 londæoÞa orchlhcla ond rlmllo¡ dol¡n Þrcloalonol¡ rol.lt lor ll. purpd. of ¡pcqlltlng Tlmbrrfom prcdush. BENCH A Dmm br Ël 0?-0,1-10 Dn tog llp' 9É.t Scr,Ú shi=r.-t WVVW.TIMBERFORM.COM w-2018-8 l"tl C*'d bF

  5. ATTACHMENT B Proposed Bike Rack Locations & Specification Sheets

  6. -. Sycamore Valley Park 3 Bike Racks +tf ¡ I t .- a--l tr Not to Scale I :ìj- ã II ¡ ç .D \ L { m@ffiiq r:' o J r) 3D

  7. | --FÊ -, e-l ¡ n- UIFÉF I Diablo ¡ 3 Bike Rac ?, sta Pa rk 1 Tl--- È-'g I l:'r c \ { Not to Scale Lr irlP¡¡01 rL¡,trf:t'ñlIi, T, t\ '¡.* -.ß¡í'' /'. 3 Bike Racks t I f, þ Decomposed Granite ¡- Pad required if installing GRAOE rn grass area ANCHOR ROD TTRU HOLE SOIL 'I Not to Scale O IN GROUND DIOUNT (IG)

  8. DURABIKE RACI€ A DIVISION OF HANNAN SPECIALTIES INC. Made in the USA D A DIMENSION SHEET FOR ilt(t LiltìKiiì MODEL : DBR-BOL-2-SF(|G)-P (Powder Coated Steel Birycle Rack) 17' STEEL END CAP 1 5/8'OD STEEL TUBING 2 3Æ'OD SIEEL ruBING 10" (NOTE NOFLANGE FORINGROUND) GRADE 6'øHOLE wP. CONCRETE ANCHOR ROD THRU HOLE I F rcþ I¡G BOLT NATTVE SOIL o rN GROUND MOt Mr (rG) E St'RFACE FLANGE MOUNT (SF) www.d u ra bikelocker.com Appro\dDatq GolorToBe DanvilþGreerr 4019 LEOS LN. #3 - CARMTCHAEL, CA 95608 (l 3) 9¡dace & (a) In Grot¡nd Configuratirn: (el6) 4A8-7Oi26 - (8OO) 722-BtKE (24s3) Pba-5þn For Your Approval Thb h t sêd As A 9¡bmittal


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