australian business chamber of commerce southern africa


AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (SOUTHERN AFRICA) Br Bringing p peop eople t e tog ogether er OUR MISSION We are a non-profit organiza5on with the broad objec5ve of providing a forum for our members to

  1. AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (SOUTHERN AFRICA) Br Bringing p peop eople t e tog ogether er

  2. OUR MISSION We are a non-profit organiza5on with the broad objec5ve of providing a forum for our members to develop and grow their business ac5vi5es, promote trade and commerce, and deepen the rela5onship between Australia and the Southern African countries.

  3. SUPPORTING OUR MISSION We support our mission by: • Organizing networking opportuni5es; • Arranging sponsorship opportuni5es; • Providing access to government and other Chambers; • Facilita5ng informa5on and contacts to help you do business; • Suppor5ng advocacy through our various channels; • Suppor5ng these ac5vi5es with various business and social We support our mission by: events; and forming ac5ve industry working & advocacy groups; • • Distribu5on of a monthly ABCSA newsleJer with relevant organizing networking opportuni5es; • business informa5on. arranging sponsorship opportuni5es; • providing access to government and other chambers; • facilita5ng informa5on and contacts to help you do business; and • suppor5ng these ac5vi5es with various business and social events. •

  4. SUPPORTING OUR MISSION We have strong support from: The Australian High Commission in South Africa The Australian Trade Commission in South Africa (Austrade) The South African Department of Interna5onal Rela5ons and Coopera5on (DIRCO) The DTI


  6. ADVOCACY – BUSINESS SECTORS We are aiming on a number of business sectors, members will have the opportunity to collaborate, discuss issues, debate and propose ideas and ac5ons that will facilitate and increase business ac5vity and opportuni5es: 1. Infrastructure 2. Mining 3. Tourism 4. SMEs 5. Export 6. Agriculture 7. Retail Where necessary, the Australian High Commission, Austrade, DIRCO, DTI & other Business Chambers will be u5lized for further ac5on.


  8. MEMBER BENEFITS MEMBER BENEFITS Networking & Events – mix with like-minded business people and hear from key speakers to find opportuni5es for your business; Providing InformaPon – what you need to know about doing business in Southern Africa, and who to speak with; Networking & Events – mix with like-minded business people and hear from key Advocacy – your voice to government on issues impac5ng your business; and speakers to find opportuni5es for your business Social – our events bring all sorts of people together in a fun and relaxed • Networking & Events – mix with like-minded business people and environment Providing InformaPon – what you need to know about doing business in Southern hear from key speakers to find opportuni5es for your business; MEMBER BENEFITS Africa, and who to speak with • Providing InformaPon – what you need to know about doing business in Southern Africa, and who to speak with; as well as Advocacy – your voice to government on issues impac5ng your business informa5on about doing business in Australia; Social – our events bring all sorts of people together in a fun and relaxed • Advocacy – your voice to government on issues impac5ng your environment business; and • Social – our events bring all sorts of people together in a fun and relaxed environment

  9. EVENTS & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES EVENTS & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ABCSA organizes numerous funcPons with high calibre guest speakers as well as social acPviPes on an ongoing basis. Some of these include: Australia Day CelebraPons • ANZAC Day Memorial • Wine tasPng • Economic discussions • PoliPcal discussions • Breakfast networking events • Sundowners social networking • Bledisloe cup events • End of year party •

  10. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS MEMBERSHIP LEVELS MEMBERSHIP LEVELS • PlaPnum Corporate ZAR 20,000 per annum Allows for 10 members • PlaPnum Corporate ZAR 20,000 per annum • Corporate Allows for 10 members ZAR 10,000 per annum • Corporate Allows for 4 members ZAR 10,000 per annum Allows for 4 members • Small Business / Non Resident - Company is domiciled 200 km’s from Sandton City • Small Business / Non Resident - Company is domiciled ZAR 6,000 per annum 200 km’s from Sandton City Allows for 2 members ZAR 6,000 per annum Allows for 2 members • Individual ZAR 2,000 per annum • Individual Allows for 1 member ZAR 2,000 per annum Allows for 1 member

  11. PLATINUM CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP The PlaPnum Corporate membership provides the following addiPonal benefits: AdverPsing recogniPon at all ABCSA events; Masthead recogniPon on all banners, printed and publicly related material used or generated by ABCSA; Website exposure through banner adverPsement and links; InteracPon with the High Commissioner and other key decision makers in support of PlaPnum member’s projects and acPviPes; and InvitaPon to Corporate dinners for exclusive access to event guest speakers and key decision makers

  12. To join or for further informaPon visit our website or Member Benefits contact: Mignon Wicen – Membership Mobile: 082 528 1732


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