at orsay

at Orsay Xing Liu Laboratoire de lAcclrateur Linaire photon : w f - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fabry-Perot Cavity R&D at Orsay Xing Liu Laboratoire de lAcclrateur Linaire photon : w f Linac S-band (3GHz) Laser w f ,max =4 g 2 w laser w laser electron q 1 bunch with 1nC every 20ms (scattered electron) g =E electron /m e

  1. Fabry-Perot Cavity R&D at Orsay Xing Liu Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire

  2. photon : w f Linac S-band (3GHz) Laser w f ,max =4 g 2 w laser w laser electron q 1 bunch with 1nC every 20ms (scattered electron) g =E electron /m e c 2 Compton scattering Photon_laser + e  photon + e’ Ring ~ 16.7 MHz 18m Transfer Line POSIPOL 2016

  3. Optical cavity 33 MHz 150 W The power inside the cavity: MW-leval POSIPOL 2016 Hexapod feets

  4. ThomX prototype cavity • R & D for ThomX POSIPOL 2016

  5. Decrease thermal effects -> New substrates • ThomX: ULE mirrors (Ultra Low Expansion glass) • Deformation : 55x less than Silica • Already demonstrated • LMA Coating (Lyon, France) • Theoretical finesse ~ 28000 • Theoretical gain ~ 15000 • Power transmission coefficients M1: 180 ppm M2, M3, M4: 2 ppm Total losses by absorption/scattering: 40 ppm POSIPOL 2016

  6. New mirrors implementation • Optical surface test bench ULE mirrors (new) Mightylaser silica mirrors  ULE mirrors  Theoretical finesse: 28000  Measured finesse: 26000 (4 different methods).  Gain ~ 12000 POSIPOL 2016

  7. Finesse measurements. F: 26000 Fast ramping Ringing F: 27700 F: 26600 AOM cut F: 24700 Linewidth & FSR F: 26900-28000 POSIPOL 2016 7

  8. ThomX Laser amplification system: CELIA Lab. (Bordeaux) & Pierre Favier (LAL) e- ring Optical cavity Amplifier Laser oscillator IP <P> ~ 10 mW <P> ~ 500 kW <P> ~ 150 W CVBG: CFBG: Chirped Volume Bragg Grating Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Amp. #1 Amp. #2 Amp. #3 5 mW 150 W Stretcher Compressor Goals: stack as much average power as possible in an optical resonator  1MW POSIPOL 2016

  9. ThomX fiber amplifier all fiber connectorised (spliced) Schematics 2 nd stage 3 rd stage Compressor 1 st stage Stretcher POSIPOL 2016

  10. Pre-amplifiers 9 W @ 200mW 600mW 976nm @ 976nm @ 976nm WDM WDM COMB YDF 6/125 PM YDF 6/125 PM DC YDF 12/130 PM 1 mW 100 mW 40 mW 330 mW 2 W Main amplifier 6x 55 W 6 x 55W @ 976nm COMB DC YDF 40/200 PZ POSIPOL 2016

  11. ThomX 150 W fiber amplifier: power laser system Max power: 210 W Stability over 90h @ 104 W : 210 W h =69% POSIPOL 2016

  12. las laser r system ThomX 150 W fiber amplifier: beam quality 0A/4W 5A/97W 11A/200W 8A/158W POSIPOL 2016

  13. Laboratoire Accelerateur Lineaire Site of Thom X POSIPOL 2016

  14. Planning of ThomX equipement operation jan april july oct jan april july oct jan april july oct jan april july oct 2015 2016 2017 2018 Rehabilitation Building Install. Andromède Purchase, Tests & ensamble sub-systems Install. + Comfm. Tech. ThX Remote control Commissioning electrons Today X-Rays RX for the first user Cassou, Chiche, Cormier, Douillet, Favier, Jehanno, Lhermite, Liu, Martens, Peynaud, Plaige, Rusquart, Soskov, Trochet, Zomer. POSIPOL 2016

  15. Thank for your attention ! POSIPOL 2016


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