asx announcement 19 january 2009 the manager company

ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 19 January 2009 The Manager Company Announcements - PDF document

ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 19 January 2009 The Manager Company Announcements Office Australian Securities Exchhange Investor Presentation Share Placement We refer to the Companys trading halt application of earlier today which referred to a proposed

  1. ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 19 January 2009 The Manager Company Announcements Office Australian Securities Exchhange Investor Presentation – Share Placement We refer to the Company’s trading halt application of earlier today which referred to a proposed share placement and share purchase plan. We attached a copy of the presentation that will be used during meetings with investors in regard to the proposed share placement. For further information contact: Allan Ryan Pam Keenan Investor Relations Manager Communications Manager PanAust Limited Tel: +61 7 3117 2000 Email: Website: PanAust Limited ABN 17 011 065 160 Level 2, 99 Melbourne Street • PO Box 3468 • South Brisbane Qld 4101 Phone +61 (0) 7 3117 2000 • Facsimile +61 (0) 7 3846 4899 •

  2. P AN A UST Company update, January 2009 Phu Kham Quarterly Result Phu Kham Operations 3 months to 12 months to Units Production summary 31 Dec 2008 31 Dec 2008 Total material mined t 6,230,533 18,673,473 Copper ‐ gold ore mined pp g t 2,723,029 , , 6,662,144 , , Copper head grade % 0.67 0.60 Gold head grade Gold head grade g/t g/t 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.36 Silver head grade g/t 2.83 2.87 Ore milled Ore milled t t 2,899,869 2 899 869 6,859,716 6 859 716 Concentrate produced dmt 51,621 100,899 Copper in concentrate Copper in concentrate t t 13,077 13 077 24 929 24,929 Gold in concentrate oz 10,413 25,261 Sil Silver in concentrate i oz 81,211 81 211 159 676 159,676 Gold in doré (Heap oz 5,598 20,961 Leach)

  3. Phu Kham Quarterly Financial Result � Phu Kham provides US$9.4M operating surplus before sustaining capital � Revenue US$37.4M with 6,921dmt of copper in concentrate in stock at quarter end worth US$22M 1 � C1 Cash costs fell to US$1.07/lb in Dec. and are falling rapidly towards the sub- US$0 90/lb 2 target level for 2009 US$0.90/lb 2 target level for 2009 � Input costs falling: � Diesel 3 : Q3 US$0.99/t, now US$0.34/t � Steel 4 : Q3 US$1.84/t, now ~US$1.00/t 1 At US$1.45/lb copper 2 By product credit prices: US$700/oz gold and US$10/oz silver 3 Per tonne of material mined 4 Per tonne of ore milled Cash & Debt � US$6.2M cash at 31 December 2008 Loan facilities: � Project seven-year facility of US$185M fully drawn with mandatory repayment of ~US$22M in 2009 ~US$22M in 2009 � Subordinated US$80M debt facility with GSJBW 1 ; rolled over to maturity date of GSJBW 1 ; rolled over to maturity date of 31 March 2010; drawn to US$78M � US$47M equipment lease facility; fully � US$47M i t l f ilit f ll drawn � US$8M working capital facility; fully drawn � US$8M working capital facility; fully drawn 1 Goldman Sachs JBWere

  4. Sub-Debt Refinance � Rothschild appointed advisor for refinance of US$80M GSJBW subordinated debt of US$80M GSJBW subordinated debt facility � Unsolicited third party interest has been p y received � Well advanced in securing firm proposals g � The refinance is expected to be completed during 1H 2009 Phu Kham Quarterly Reconciliation � Positive reconciliation of ore milled to ore reserve continued during the ore reserve continued during the December quarter: � Ore Tonnes: � Ore Tonnes: +2% +2% � Copper Grade: +9% � G ld G � Gold Grade: d +20% 20% � Silver Grade: +68%

  5. Growth Projects � Phu Kham expansion to 16Mtpa study complete, long lead items secured; further capital commitment pending copper price recovery copper price recovery � Ban Houayxai Gold Project Pre- Feasibility Study completed; Feasibility Feasibility Study completed; Feasibility Study due December quarter 2009 � Puthep Copper Project resource drilling � Puthep Copper Project resource drilling complete, Feasibility Study resource estimate due June quarter 2009 � Capital projects will be advanced with caution until stability returns to global y g markets 2009 Project Cashflow � 2009 cash generation from Phu Kham Operations ~US$90M at a Cu price of O ti US$90M t C i f US$1.45/lb and US$800/oz gold � Aft � After debt service and mandatory senior d bt i d d t i debt repayments cash generation ~US$50M at US$1.45/lb Cu US$50M at US$1.45/lb Cu � 31 Dec 08 mark to market Quotation Period (QP) exposure ~US$35M 1 at Period (QP) exposure US$35M at US$1.45/lb copper to be managed through 2009 Cu sales � Policy of hedging 50% of QP exposure: over 8,700t Cu sold between January and April 2009 at ~US$1.45/lb copper 1 To be recognised in the 2008 Profit & Loss Account

  6. 2009 Cashflow & Funding � Private Placement – US$15M additional working capital: � Supplement US$8.1M working capital facility � Revenue payments 2 to 3 weeks apart � Revenue payments 2 to 3 weeks apart � Assist cashflow management � Share Purchase Plan – US$20M to US$25M working capital buffer and feasibility/exploration funding: � Working capital buffer to copper price volatility � Ban Houayxai Feasibility Study – US$5.0M � Puthep Feasibility Study – US$2.5M y y � Exploration – TBD Organic Growth Potential Heap leach gold Phu Kham gold + silver Phu Kham copper 1 1 1 Project 100 Project 100 Ban Houayxai Ban Houayxai Puthep (PNA share) Puthep (PNA share) 160 140 120 000's) 100 100 2 (t 0 er Eq. 80 Coppe 60 60 40 20 0 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 1 – Subject to feasibility study and other project approvals 2 – Copper equivalent assumptions: copper US$2.00/lb, gold US$800/oz, silver US$10/oz


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