associated budgets

Associated Budgets For 2019-20 Budget School Year Overview Daniel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Special Programs & Associated Budgets For 2019-20 Budget School Year Overview Daniel Allen, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning June 25, 2019 1 International Baccalaureate In Spring 2018, Saddleback High School

  1. Special Programs & Associated Budgets For 2019-20 Budget School Year Overview Daniel Allen, Ed.D. – Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning June 25, 2019 1

  2. International Baccalaureate In Spring 2018, Saddleback High School was formally recognized as a certified IB World School, offering the IB Diploma Programme for students in the 11th and 12th grade. Six rigorous subject areas (i.e. studies in language & literature, language ● acquisition, individuals & societies, sciences, mathematics, the arts) In May 2019, Saddleback celebrated its inaugural graduating cohort of 25 ● IB diploma candidates Across all grade levels, Saddleback currently has 240 students grades 7-12 ● preparing to sit for IB examinations 2

  3. International Baccalaureate - Budget ‘19 - ’20 Teacher/Staff Salary $846,211 Teacher/Staff Benefits $294,388 Materials & Supplies/Software $104,900 Training/Conference $43,000 Examination Fees $12,000 Registration/Participation Fees $32,000 Program Contracts $103,200 Total $1,435,700 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $1,120 3

  4. Speech & Debate The SAUSD Speech & Debate program seeks to dramatically enhance students’ written and oral communication skills, non-verbal communication skills, and confidence as public speakers. Our nationally-recognized program also provides students with access and exposure to rigorous academic competition. 273 high school students participated in Speech & Debate across five high ● schools (SAHS, Century, Godinez, ALA, and MCHS) in 2018-19 609 intermediate students participated across all district intermediate ● schools in 2018-19 180 students at the elementary level participated in the program across 6 ● schools (Martin, Garfield, Monte Vista, Roosevelt, Pio Pico, and ALA) in 2018-19 4

  5. Speech & Debate - Budget ‘19 - ’20 Teacher/Coach Salary/Benefits $280,000 Tournament Hosting $108,000 High School Tournament Travel $133,000 Middle School Tournament Travel $67,000 Suits & Uniforms $34,000 Total $622,000 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $5,044 5

  6. SanArts SanArts is a school-within-a-school arts conservatory program hosted at Santa Ana High School whose mission is to foster socially conscious artist scholars with the skills to adapt and thrive in our ever-changing world. The program aspires to be a nationally-recognized arts school that provides students with a college-preparatory high school education with a clear career focus. Students currently participate in five disciplines, including dance, instrumental music, theater, visual & digital media arts, and film. 6

  7. SanArts - Budget ‘19 - ’20 Teacher/Staff Salary $9,500 Teacher/Staff Benefits $1,570 Materials & Supplies/Software $25,000 Transportation $10,000 Conference/Training $10,000 Masters Course Instructors $61,500 Program Contracts $11,500 LFI Contract $350,000 Total $479,070 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $12,662 7

  8. Foster Student Supports Ensures that students in foster care, former and kinship living are provided with appropriate support services. Foster Program Services: Goals and Highlights for 2019-20: Identification and tracking of foster ● Foster enrollment increased from 200 to youth ● 243 Support enrollment and school ● Implementation of “Foster Friends” transitions ● mentoring program throughout Provide support services at schools ● elementary schools Ensure foster youth education rights ● Increase events and “Guardian Days” are being upheld in their schools (i.e ● Establish Master Calendar for school year Foster youth Graduation Exemption and ● Increase outreach efforts by rebranding school of origin) ● and targeting students and families Exposure to college and career through ● local fairs Leadership groups are offered on site ● Assist with financial hardships and ● educational need, scholarships, graduation and etc. Coordinate school activities and special ● events 8 Facilitate transportation needs ●

  9. Foster Budget ‘19 - ’20 Community and Family, Outreach Liaison $61,638 Extra Duty for Classified (YOLO Leaders) $8,361 Extra Duty for Certificated (YOLO Leaders and Tutoring) $1,683 Materials & Supplies/Software ( Basic needs, School Supplies, Hygiene $13,269 Products, Senior Activities and School Based and Extra Curricular Activities) Benefits (All staff and supports) $39,094 Transportation $300 Total $124,345 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $27,964 9

  10. McKinney-Vento McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act Services ensures that students who are experiencing homelessness have access to full participation in all school activities and programs for which they are eligible, transportation to and from school of origin, continued school attendance, and automatic qualification for school nutrition programs. MVHEA reduces barriers to learning and ensures that the basic needs of clothing, school supplies, food and connections to community resources are met. Goals and Highlights of 2019-20 Develop and maintain partnerships with servicing agencies that provide medical, dental, vision, clothing and groceries as well ● as assistance with housing and emergency shelters Tutoring to help raise their achievement levels will be increased at school sites, and establish tutoring supports in shelters, ● Motels and other community locations that provide short-term housing Enhance and expand donations, and improve distribution practices ● Identified McKinney-Vento Students, also have the following opportunities: Review of 11th and 12th grade students for possible inclusion in AB 1806 – State Credits only for graduation, if they qualify ● FAFSA letter for 12th grade unaccompanied youth (not in the physical custody of their parent or legal guardian) who are ● homeless and for those 12th grade unaccompanied youth who are on the verge of homelessness Attention to attendance for those who have chronic absenteeism (10 or more) - home visits, parent conferences, SART ● Meetings, SARB meetings to find a coordinated solution to why they are having difficulty with attendance Free breakfast and lunch – without needing to fill out any paperwork ● Connection to community agencies for additional supports ● Transportation to School of Origin/Pathway of Matriculation, if they qualify 10 ●

  11. McKinney Vento - Budget ‘19 - ’20 Coordinator of Student Assistance (repurposed Program Spec) $132,280 Teacher Extra Duty (Tutoring Program) $35,000 Certificated Benefits $36,400 Classified Personnel Extra Duty (Identification Mckinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth) $35,000 Classified Benefits $9,492 Materials & Supplies/Software (Transportation, Uniforms, Instructional Supplies, Laundry supplies, $97,841 Hygiene Products, Printing) Training/Conference/Miles $2650 Total $349,363 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $34,165 11

  12. Mental Health Through Community Mental Health partnerships and SAUSD’s new School Social Worker Team, the Mental Health Services program uses a comprehensive, preventative, and early intervention approach to reduce barriers to learning and promote resilience, positive mental wellness, and address the social/emotional needs of students and their families. Support services provided through the Mental Health Services program includes counseling, case management, resource referral, suicide risk assessment, threat assessment and response to crisis incidents. Mental Health Services program enhancements for year 2019-20: Expansion of We Care Campaign Initiatives: Art/Video Contest, Parent MH Trainings, MH ● Awareness Month Kick Off Event Expansion of School Social Worker and Intern Team members, and MH Partnerships ● Enhanced focus on support programs ending the school to prison pipeline including the ● implementation of new Juvenile Diversion Program curriculum, and the integration of Prop 47 Grant Services specifically bridging critical Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Increased capacity of all SAUSD team members with professional development opportunities ● that include Mental Health related topics and crisis response certification 12

  13. Mental Health - Budget ‘19 - ’20 Mental Health Coordinator $117,934 School Social Worker Salary $868,943 MH Coordinator and School Social Worker Benefits $351,794 School Social Worker Funded through MAA/Medi-Cal $196,000 School Social Worker Funded through MAA/Medi-Cal $72,494 Benefits Materials & Supplies/Software ($13,000 is for Electronic $19,443 Mental Health Records) We Care Printing and other supports $22,700 Training/Conference $5,000 Program Contracts (Additional Mental Health Services) $177,000 In-Kind District Administrator Time Cost Estimate $129,292 Site funded Mental Health Providers $383,105 13 Total $2,214,413

  14. Restorative Practice Since its inception in the fall of 2014, Restorative Practices (RP) within the Santa Ana Unified School District has naturally expanded district-wide in some capacity. Through staff, student and parent trainings, RP Youth Conferences, coaching, community collaborations and presentations RP has enhanced and improved the district’s ability to utilize support services and other means of correction in lieu of the more traditional approach. 14


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