assessing for impact from research

Assessing for impact from research Follow us on Twitter at @HEFCE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Assessing for impact from research Follow us on Twitter at @HEFCE @stevenhill Steven Hill Head of Research Policy Researchfish Strategy of Impact 16 November 2017 Measurement, assessment and evaluation of research impact is an increasing

  1. Assessing for impact from research Follow us on Twitter at @HEFCE @stevenhill Steven Hill Head of Research Policy Researchfish Strategy of Impact 16 November 2017

  2. Measurement, assessment and evaluation of research impact is an increasing area of activity within universities. This has largely been driven by externally imposed summative assessment processes. There are opportunities to use the evidence that is being collected for different purposes: to understand the processes of research, knowledge exchange and impact in near real-time and use that insight to make adjustments to maximise impact. To achieve this we need to focus on improving real-time evidence capture, data-linking and interoperability. Closed datasets are a potential barrier to this.

  3. Why assess research impact? Advocacy Accountability Analysis Allocation Morgan Jones M and Grant J (2013) Making the grade: methodologies for assessing and evidencing research impact. Dean et al. (Eds) (2013) 7 Essays on Impact. DESCRIBE Project Report for Jisc. University of Exeter.

  4. Advocacy Accountability 160.0 2014-15 total QR funding (£M) 140.0 120.0 Analysis Allocation 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 English Universities in receipt of QR

  5. Advocacy Accountability 160.0 2014-15 total QR funding (£M) 140.0 120.0 Analysis Allocation 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 English Universities in receipt of QR

  6. Advocacy Accountability Analysis Allocation

  7. Advocacy Accountability Analysis Allocation

  8. Research, knowledge exchange and impact Academic impacts processes Inputs People Infrastructure Knowledge Money Societal impacts Evaluation Evidence Outcomes database Impact Case Study

  9. Research, knowledge exchange and impact Academic impacts processes Inputs People Infrastructure Knowledge Money Societal impacts Evaluation Near real-time feedback Evidence

  10. Why assess research impact? Advocacy Accountability Adjustment Analysis Allocation Morgan Jones M and Grant J (2013) Making the grade: methodologies for assessing and evidencing research impact. Dean et al. (Eds) (2013) 7 Essays on Impact. DESCRIBE Project Report for Jisc. University of Exeter.

  11. Impact assessment for adjustment needs… • Near real-time data collection and analysis

  12. map-with-labels.pdf

  13. Impact assessment for adjustment needs… • Near real-time data collection and analysis • Better linking of data sources

  14. Research, knowledge exchange and impact Academic impacts processes Inputs People Infrastructure Knowledge Money Societal impacts Evaluation Evidence Outcomes database Impact Case Study

  15. Health and life sciences Physical sciences and engineering Social Sciences Arts and 2206 links between funded research humanities projects and impact case studies

  16. Impact assessment for adjustment needs… • Near real-time data collection and analysis • Better linking of data sources • Inter-operability and open data

  17. Measurement, assessment and evaluation of research impact is an increasing area of activity within universities. This has largely been driven by externally imposed summative assessment processes. There are opportunities to use the evidence that is being collected for different purposes: to understand the processes of research, knowledge exchange and impact in near real-time and use that insight to make adjustments to maximise impact. To achieve this we need to focus on improving real-time evidence capture, data-linking and interoperability. Closed datasets are a potential barrier to this.


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