asi sia

Asi sia Worlds largest Worlds most continent! populated - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Asi sia Worlds largest Worlds most continent! populated continent 17,212,000 sq Covers 8.7% of miles Earths surface Regions of Asia There are Six regions in Asia China vs. the U. S. in Size China Miles 0 250 500 1,000

  1. Asi sia World’s largest World’s most continent! populated continent 17,212,000 sq Covers 8.7% of miles Earth’s surface

  2. Regions of Asia There are Six regions in Asia

  3. China vs. the U. S. in Size China Miles 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 United States

  4. Size ize of of Sou outh th Asia ia vs. s. U. U.s. s.

  5. Japan pan and d the he Un Unit ited ed States es

  6. The Two Koreas: North Korea and South Korea Divided in two at the 38 th parallel

  7. Mountains & Peaks Altai Mts. Greater Khingan Mts. Tian Shan Mts. Kunlun Shan Mts. Himalayan Mts.

  8. Th The e Hi Himalayas malayas the longest mountain range in the world

  9. Mt. t. Everest erest Mt. Everest is 29,035 feet high (highest mountain in the world)

  10. Mt Mt. F . Fuj uji Mt. Fuji is 12,388 feet high (highest mountain on the island of Japan)

  11. Deserts & Plateaus Plateau Tibetan of Iran Plateau Deccan Plateau

  12. Th The e Go Gobi bi de desert ert The largest desert in Asia • 932 miles long • covers 500,000 sq miles

  13. Th The e De Deccan ccan Plateau ateau  31,800 square miles in size.  Elevation range: 2,000 – 8,000 feet high.

  14. Th The e Tibetan betan Plateau ateau  The “Roof of the World.”  average elevation is 16,400 feet.

  15. Sea of Japan Huang He River Yellow Sea East China Sea Arabian Sea Pacific Ocean South Bay China of Sea Gobi Desert Bengal Indian Ocean Bodies of Water

  16. Th The e huang huang he he River River called the “Yellow River” Located in China 3,395 miles long Longest river in Asia

  17. Th The e Yan angtze gtze Ri River ver 3,195 miles long 2 nd longest river in Asia Three Gorges Dam worlds largest hydroelectric dam

  18. Th The e Ga Gang nges es Ri River ver 1,569 miles long Longest river in India • Considered “holy” to Hindu religion • most densely populated river in the world • ranked one of the most polluted rivers in the world

  19. Th The B e Brah ahma maput putra ra Ri River er • 1,800 miles long • 2 nd longest river in India

  20. Th The e In Indus dus Ri River ver & v & valley alley 1,975 miles long Pakistan's longest river Origins of Early Civilizations

  21. Th The e mek ekong ong Ri River ver 2,703 miles long Longest river in Southeast Asia 7 th longest in Asia 12 th longest in the world

  22. The Great Wall of China

  23. Climate Zones of Asia Major Climate Zones - Tropical - Arid - Monsoon - Polar - Temperate

  24. Monsoon Precipitation Patterns

  25. Diff ffere erent nt Climat mates es an and Se Seas asons ons in Jap apan an Spring Summer Fall Winter

  26. Natural Vegetation of Asia

  27. T errac race e Farming rming of f Ri Rice ce

  28. Ra Rainfo inforest rest Rainforests are located in Southeast Asia

  29. Asia’s Resources and Raw Materials - Oil - Water - Copper - Tin - Timber - Rice - Silver - Coal - Fish - Silk - Aluminum - Natural Gas

  30. “Brown” China vs. “Green” China Pasture and Oasis Double-crop rice Rice is the #1 agricultural product of Asia

  31. Si Silk lk Cu Cultivation ltivation India is largest exporter of silk in the world!

  32. ia – “ the ire ” Asia he Pacific cific Rim im of f Fir Home to: • 75% of the world’s active volcanoes • 90% of the world’s earthquakes

  33. V olca canoe noes! s!

  34. Ea Earthquak rthquakes es in n As Asia ia

  35. s – Tidal T su sunami namis dal Wav aves es

  36. 20 2004 04 Ear arthquake thquake In In In Indo donesia nesia:

  37. the he Tsunami’s De Devas astation tation Estimated 100,000 dead!

  38. an ’ s Japan s Sub-Ocean Oceanic ic T renches ches

  39. Japanese anese T sunami nami: : March ch 11, 20 , 2011 15,854 deaths, 26,992 injured, and 3,155 people missing

  40. Sandstorms and Dust Storms

  41. China & India Compared to World China has the largest population in the world Indian has 2 nd largest population in world

  42. Population Density

  43. Pop opulation ulation De Dens nsity ity

  44. Top 10 Populated Nations 0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500 China India China India US US Pakistan Indonesia Indonesia Brazil Nigeria Russia Bangladesh Pakistan Brazil Bangladesh Congo Japan Ethiopia Nigeria 2001 2050 Projections

  45. Population Projections thousands 1500 1300 Projections Show 1100 China Leveling off! Why? 900 Answer: China’s One Child Law! 700 500 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045

  46. SA YONARA!


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