ashton keynes c of e primary school

Ashton Keynes C of E Primary School SATS Presentation 27 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ashton Keynes C of E Primary School SATS Presentation 27 th November 2013 Topics Role of the Curriculum & Monitoring Committee Shirley Palmer Data & SATs results Summer 2013 - Kathryn

  1. Ashton Keynes C of E Primary School SATS Presentation 27 th November 2013


  3. Topics • Role of the Curriculum & Monitoring Committee – Shirley Palmer • Data & SATs results Summer 2013 - Kathryn Nicholas • Annual School Improvement Plan - Kathryn Nicholas • Dimensions Curriculum - Gary Price • Questions

  4. The Role of the Curriculum & Monitoring Committee Background and experience What do we monitor? • Quality of teaching • Quality of learning • Curriculum provision

  5. How do we monitor?

  6. How do we monitor? • Feedback on lesson observations • Work scrutinies • Talking to pupils during our governor visits • Reports from SLT members at our meetings and subject leaders • Analysing data and raising questions about the outcomes • External reports e.g. Ofsted, Diocese and LA (School Improvement Adviser)

  7. School Improvement Adviser Meetings

  8. School Improvement Adviser Meetings • At least 4 times a year, including one meeting to focus on Head Teacher Performance Management • The SIA moderates the school’s judgments on the quality of teaching and learning • They monitor progress against the action points in the School Improvement Plan and against the targets set as a result of inspections by both Ofsted and SIAS • They are responsible for ensuring that schools are working towards meeting the targets set for end of key stage SAT’s both in terms of attainment and achievement • Everything has to be evidenced based – not just “talk”

  9. What do we use to help us gather information about data?

  10. What do we use to help us gather information about data? • Raise online • Fischer Family Trust • Data dashboard • School’s own assessments and data • National Governors Association • Governor Training e.g. “Holding you school to account” plus training on interpreting the above and raising questions • Wiltshire Pupil Tracker

  11. What Impacts on the Data? • Look at this table – which school is doing well? AK School B School C Actual % 2 levels 92% 98% 80% progress KS1 – KS2 English & Maths combined 92% 96% 80% % 2 levels progress KS1 – KS2 reading % 2 levels 92% 96% 80% progress KS1 – KS2 writing % 2 levels 92% 96% 80% progress KS1 – KS2 English % 2 levels 96% 98% 90% progress KS1 – KS2 maths

  12. What Impacts on the Data? • Cohort size; each child at AK could be worth 4 or more %. • Cohort size creates a ‘spiky’ profile • Mobility is another factor that we have to take into account. • As governors we work closely with the SLT, to ensure that resources are deployed effectively to provide the best possible opportunities for the pupils in our care.

  13. Data and SATS results for summer 2013

  14. This is who the published data is about.

  15. This is who we report to you about, special people.

  16. How do we use our SATs data? • Key Stage 2 teachers use the Key Stage 1 SATs data and other results as a baseline score to track pupil progress through Key Stage 2 • They use them to help set targets for the children to achieve at the end of Years 3, 4 and 5. • They also use them to help set targets for the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) taking into account the desired two levels progress expected over the four years in Key Stage 2 (these are revised annually). Key Stage 1 results are used by OfSTED to measure how much progress and what attainment our children have made when they reach the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6).

  17. How does the SATs data help us? • We analyse all assessment data including SATs data. • We use assessments to track the progress of individuals and this allows us to initiate additional interventions if appropriate. • We also use it to track specific groups of children e.g. boys/girls, SEN children, and this means we are more able to support those groups of children appropriately with additional adult support or resources. • Assessment data also allows staff to set appropriate and individual targets for children. • We also use it to monitor standards across the school. It helps teachers plan appropriately and informs weekly and termly planning.

  18. What does our data show for the children who left in July 2013? Table showing progress - based on 22 Pupils (2 Pupils with no KS1 data ) Actual Actual National 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 Current Yr.7 % 2 levels progress KS1 – KS2 English & Maths 76% 89% 86% combined % 2 levels progress KS1 – KS2 reading 95% 95% 88% % 2 levels progress KS1 – KS2 writing 84% 95% 91% % 2 levels progress KS1 – KS2 maths 84% 95% 88% Table showing attainment - based on 24 pupils in the cohort (all pupils level 4 and above) School National 2012-2013 2012-2013 Level 4+ Level 4B+ Level 5+ Level 4+ Level 4B+ Level 5+ % level – KS2 88% NA 29% 75% NA 21% English & Maths combined % level - KS2 88% 88% 79% 86% 75% 45% reading % level - KS2 88% 88% 42% 83% NA 30% writing % level - KS2 92% 83% 54% 85% 73% 41% maths SPAG 83% 79% 63% 74% 65% 47%

  19. What our data shows for our present Year 3 children? 22 pupils in 2011 - 2012 and 23 pupils 2012 – 2013. This chart shows the progress the children have made since the beginning of Year 1 of 2 levels and the levels which were achieved. Expected Didn’t Reached Exceeded Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 progress reach 2013 Reading 8.6% 47.3% 38.7% 100% 87% 21% Writing 0% 21% 73% 100% 87% Maths 0% 60% 36% 100% 95% 17% One child was not included in expected progress.

  20. What else do we use our data for? • Reading, writing and maths targets are set for, and with, your children every term. • These are areas targeted for your child to achieve success in. They work towards these challenging and individual targets and it is very satisfying for them when they achieve them. • These targets are shared with the children and are regularly reviewed, usually after an assessment.

  21. School Improvement Plan • Annual Plan which details the priorities for the year, including responsibilities, resources, success criteria • Includes areas identified for improvement from the review of data, Ofsted and other government initiatives • Reviewed regularly including formal reviews with Curriculum & Monitoring committee

  22. School Priorities for 13-14 • To continue to raise standards of attainment in spelling across the school (Ofsted) • To continue to improve presentation and handwriting in written work as appropriate to purpose/audience (Ofsted) • To continue to develop investigation and problem solving skills in mathematics across the school (Ofsted) • To develop strategies to challenge all learners in mathematics • To prepare for the new National Curriculum to be introduced in September 2014 across all subjects • RE (SIAS) – the development of a new teaching and learning package • To develop pupil voice • PE • Updating tracking system

  23. So what’s it all about?

  24. • An established creative curriculum written by experienced UK teachers and professionals for teachers • Based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales

  25. Curriculum Organisation 1. Communication Literacy Information Communication Technology (ICT) Modern Foreign Languages(MFL) 2. Mathematics 3. Expressive arts Music Dance Art Drama 4. Science & Design Technology 5. Faith & Community (we use the Wiltshire RE Syllabus) 6. Health & Well-being 7. Place & Time History & Geography

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