asft surface friction tester

ASFT Surface Friction Tester, and Weather Systems Presentation Why - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Agenda ASFT Surface Friction Tester, and Weather Systems Presentation Why Measure Friction? Operational Measurement in Winter condition ALACPA Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition Parameters that will

  1. Agenda ASFT Surface Friction Tester, and Weather Systems Presentation ► Why Measure Friction? – Operational Measurement in Winter condition ALACPA – Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition ► Parameters that will influence the friction testing ► ASFT in Focus? ► ASFT Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment (CFME) ► ASFT Mk IV rear-axle system, and New Generation Computer ► Weather Monitoring Equipment ► Q&A Why Measure Friction? Why Measure Friction? -Operational measurement in winter condition -Operational measurement in winter condition Friction classification in Winter-Ops Measured Friction Value Braking action to be reported 0.40 or higher Good 0.39 to 0.36 Good to medium 0.35 to 0.30 Medium 0.29 to 0.26 Medium to Poor ► To control and guide the snow removal, and decing efforts 0.25 or lower Poor ► Objective is to achieve acceptable landing and take-off conditions for airplanes, but also at, high speed exit area, taxi-way and apron. ► Freqvency on test is correlated to change in weather conditions. This table was created after Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) sent out a questionnaire asking pilots how they experienced information on braking action, i.e. friction, and also on controllability in crosswind. 3000 answers were collected

  2. Why Measure Friction? Why Measure Friction? -Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition -Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition Friction Deterioration ► The skid-resistance of runway pavement deteriorates due to a number of factors, the primary once being mechanical wear and polishing from aircraft tires rolling or braking on the pavement. ► Accumulation of contaminants, mostly rubber, but also dust particles, jet fuel, oil spillage, water, snow, ice, and slush, all cause friction loss on runway pavement surfaces. ► The most persistent contaminant problem is deposits of rubber from tires of landing jet aircraft. ► Rubber deposits occur at the touchdown, take-off and high speed exit areas on runways. ► The effects of these factors is directly dependent upon the volume and type of aircraft traffic. Why Measure Friction? Why Measure Friction? -Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition Directional Control and Braking Power ► Crosswind – The wind tries to push the aircraft towards the sides of the runway – The aircraft needs friction to stay on the runway – Less friction = less crosswind capability Crosswind ► Reduced chance of reporting a “biased” braking power for runway surface

  3. Rubber deposits Why Measure Friction? Primary rubber deposit area ► FAA AC ► Main problems caused – 150.5200.30C (Operational/Winter Measuring) – 150.5320.12C (Maintenance Measuring) – Loss of braking action – Accident investigation – Loss of directional control Take off – Documents for Civil Litigation – Thermal up winds � These problems will increase exponentially during rain. Measurements are therefore always ► ICAO Annex 14 (Operational and Maintenance) done with water system to simulate rain for worst case scenario. – Accident investigation 4000 m – Documents for Civil Litigation ► UK CAA Cap 683 25 m – Maintenance – Accident investigation High speed exit area – Documents for Civil Litigation 500 m 300 m Touchdown Why Measure Friction? Why Measure Friction? - Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition -Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition ► Friction classification for Runway pavement surfaces: Number of Daily Minimum Turbojet Aircraft Minimum Friction Survey Frequency Landings Per Runway End ► At 65 km/h or 40 mph – 0.50 Minimum – 0.60 Maintenance Planning Less Than 15 1 Year – 0.82 New Design/Construction 16 To 30 6 Months ► At 96 km/h or 60 mph 31 To 90 3 Months – 0.34 Minimum – 0.47 Maintenance Planning 91 To 150 1 Months – 0.74 New Design/Construction 151 To 210 2 Weeks Greater Than 210 1 Week Source FAA AC 150/5320-12C. Section 1, Table 3-1.

  4. Why Measure Friction? Average friction values Changi Airport, Runway 2, Direction 20L - Calibration/maintenance measurement in non-winter condition 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Before cleaning 0.1 After cleaning 0 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Parameters that will influence the friction ASFT in Focus testing ► Weather conditions, i.e. wet/dry/ice ► ASFT is a small company, but we are the largest, and leading ► Tyre pressure, contact area, tread pattern CFME Manufacturer in the ► Measuring Speed World ► Micro and macro texture of the tested surface ► Head office and factory in Ystad, Sweden ► Frictional characteristics of the tested surface ► % braking slip on the test wheel (ASFT CFME has 13%) ► 17 years experience with develop and manufacture – If using one type of friction testing equipment then this will not be issue different kinds of CFME ► Type of friction testing equipment ► 300 units worldwide in more – If using one type of friction testing equipment then this will not then 35 countries be issue – Make sure it has participated in the JWRFMP and has a IFI

  5. ASFT in Focus ASFT in Focus ASFT Inds. AB Factory (Sweden) ASFT & Saab Automobile AB 1 CEO 4 Managers 2 Admin/office ► The owners of ASFT acquired May 20th 2 Computer Engineers 1991 the Saab CFME division from Saab 1 Designer 4 SFT Specialists Automobile AB 3 Welders & CNC operators ► This since General Motors had acquired Saab Automobile AB, and did not want to keep any special vehicles ASFT Swiss AG USFT Inc. ASFT Service ► Manufacture 95% of all parts our selves Head office/Int Sales North American World Wide Service Distributor 1 CEO 2 Phone Support 2 Marketing Managers 3 Service Engineers 1 Sales Manager 2 Support Staff 1 Service Engineer ASFT in Focus ASFT T2GO CFME Introduction of project managers and executive personel ► Leif Graflind CEO e-mail: ► Fredrik Graflind BDD e-mail: ► Mats Balke CFO e-mail: ► Mats Andersson COO & Project Manager e-mail: ► Magnus Josefsson Admin & Marketing Manager e-mail:

  6. ASFT T-10 Trailer CFME ASFT Saab 9-5 CFME ASFT Ford Taurus CFME ASFT VW Sharan CFME

  7. ASFT Ford Galaxy CFME ASFT Skoda Octavia CFME T-5 Trailer CFME ASFT Measuring System ASFT Vehicle based CFME Advantages: ► Unmatched repeatability – 140 kilos absolutely constant vertical ground pressure on test wheel ► Ford Galaxy and VW Sharan has high seating level which makes it ideal as inspection vehicle ► Can be used as a Follow Me Vehicle ► Guaranteed constant ground contact pressure of test wheel at 140 kilos ► Can measure at 160 kph, and recommended maximum speed is 96 kph ► High-speed refilling of water tank ► 500-800 liter water tank capacity ► Saab available with 580 liter ► 1000 liter water tank capacity but with speed restrictions (Only available with Ford Galaxy)

  8. ASFT Flow Chart for Vehicle Based CFME ASFT Trailer Measuring Systems Production Of Mk IV rear- Trailer Advantages: Axle and Computer Assemble ► Unmatched repeatability System Install Electrical system – 140 kilos absolutely constant vertical ground pressure on test wheel (T-10) 4 Weeks Install Mk IV rear axle – 100 kilos absolutely constant vertical ground pressure on test wheel (T-5) Testing & Project starts Delivery Site Training Review of Install Trimming 3 weeks ocean & Acceptance Project NG Computer ► Very stable in all speeds due to coil suspension system, weigh freight Install roof bar, 2-3 days 3 days 2 days distribution, load cell and hydraulic system Yellow painting, etc. Order Vehicle ► Height adjustable towing bar From 3 weeks Car dealer ► Free wheel-hub allows trailer to measure accurately even when turning. No change in slip ratio 12 Weeks Delivery time ► No rotation on test wheel when not measuring, so no wear and tear when not in operating mode ► Can measure at 160 kph, but recommended maximum speed is 96 kph Project time approximately 19 weeks ► Rotating light beacon ASFT Flow Chart for Trailer CFME ASFT Production, Computer and Mk IV rear-axle system. Production Of Mk IV rear- ► What makes the repeatability and reproducibility so high with ASFT CFME? Axle and Computer – Repeatability=When measurements are performed by a single operator using the same equipment System Assemble Install Electrical and within a short time. 3 Weeks system Install Mk IV rear – Reproducibility=When measurements are performed by different operators using different Testing & Project starts Delivery Site Training Review of axle Trimming 5 days air- & Acceptance Project equipments of same type, and with some lapse of time between them. Install NG freight Computer 2-3 days 3 days 2 days ► Answer: Our in-house production of all parts, and installation. The ASFT computer and 1 week Production of rear-axle system. Chassi s Yellow Painting, etc 3 Weeks Project time approximately 6 weeks

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