Artificial Intelligence 1 Admin & Overview Michael Kohlhase Professur für Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg October 29, 2020 Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 1 October 29, 2020
Chapter 1 Administrativa Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 0 October 29, 2020
Prerequisites for AI-1 ◮ the mandatory courses in Computer Science from Semesters 1-4, in particular: ◮ course “Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen”. ◮ course “Grundlagen der Logik in der Informatik” (GLOIN). ◮ course “Berechenbarkeit und Formale Sprachen”. If you have not taken these (or do not remember), read up on them as needed. Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 1 October 29, 2020
Prerequisites for AI-1 ◮ the mandatory courses in Computer Science from Semesters 1-4, in particular: ◮ course “Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen”. ◮ course “Grundlagen der Logik in der Informatik” (GLOIN). ◮ course “Berechenbarkeit und Formale Sprachen”. If you have not taken these (or do not remember), read up on them as needed. ◮ Motivation, Interest, Curiosity, hard work ◮ You can do this course if you want! Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 1 October 29, 2020
Assessment, Grades ◮ Academic Assessment: 90 minutes exam directly after courses end ( ∼ Feb. 10. 2020) ◮ Retake Exam: 90 min exam directly after courses end the following semester ( ∼ July 15. 2020) ◮ Mid-semester mini-exam: online, optional, corrected but ungraded, (so you can predict the exam style) ◮ Module Grade: ◮ Grade via the exam (Klausur) � 100% of the grade ◮ Results from “Übungen zu Künstliche Intelligenz” give up to 10% bonus to a passing exam (not passed, no bonus) ◮ I do not think that this is the best possible scheme, but I have very little choice. Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 2 October 29, 2020
AI-1 Homework Assignments ◮ Homeworks: will be small individual problem/programming/proof assignments (but take time to solve) group submission if and only if explicitly permitted. Double Jeopardy : Homeworks only give 10% bonus points for the exam, ◮ but without tryinging you are unlikely to pass the exam. ◮ Admin: To keep things running smoothly ◮ Homeworks will be posted on StudOn ◮ please sign up for AI-1 under ◮ Homeworks are handed in electronically (plain text, program files, PDF) ◮ go to the tutorials, discuss with your TA (they are there for you!) ◮ Homework Discipline: ◮ start early! (many assignments need more than one evening’s work) ◮ Don’t start by sitting at a blank screen ◮ Humans will be trying to understand the text/code/math when grading it. Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 3 October 29, 2020
Tutorials for Artificial Intelligence 1 ◮ Weekly tutorials and homework assignments (first one in week two) ◮ Instructor/Lead TA: Florian Rabe ( ) Room: 11.137 @ Händler building ◮ Tutorials: one each taught by Florian Rabe, Alpcan Dalga, Max Rapp, Frederik Schaefer ◮ Goal 1: Reinforce what was taught in class (you need practice) ◮ Goal 2: Allow you to ask any question you have in a small and protected environment ◮ Life-saving Advice: go to your tutorial, and prepare for it by having looked at the slides and the homework assignments ◮ Inverted Classroom: the latest craze in didactics (works well if done right) in CS: Lecture + Homework assignments + Tutorials � = Inverted Classroom Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 4 October 29, 2020
Textbook, Handouts and Information, Forums, Video ◮ Textbook: Russel & Norvig: Artificial Intelligence, A modern Approach [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] ◮ basically “broad but somewhat shallow” ◮ great to get intuitions on the basics of AI Make sure that you read the third edition, which is vastly improved over earlier ones (unfortunately, the German version is based on edition 2) Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 5 October 29, 2020
Textbook, Handouts and Information, Forums, Video ◮ Textbook: Russel & Norvig: Artificial Intelligence, A modern Approach [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] ◮ basically “broad but somewhat shallow” ◮ great to get intuitions on the basics of AI Make sure that you read the third edition, which is vastly improved over earlier ones (unfortunately, the German version is based on edition 2) ◮ Course notes: will be posted at ◮ more detailed than [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] in some areas ◮ I mostly prepare them as we go along (semantically preloaded � research resource) ◮ please e-mail me any errors/shortcomings you notice. (improve for the group) Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 5 October 29, 2020
Textbook, Handouts and Information, Forums, Video ◮ Textbook: Russel & Norvig: Artificial Intelligence, A modern Approach [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] ◮ basically “broad but somewhat shallow” ◮ great to get intuitions on the basics of AI Make sure that you read the third edition, which is vastly improved over earlier ones (unfortunately, the German version is based on edition 2) ◮ Course notes: will be posted at ◮ more detailed than [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] in some areas ◮ I mostly prepare them as we go along (semantically preloaded � research resource) ◮ please e-mail me any errors/shortcomings you notice. (improve for the group) ◮ Course Fora: Announcements, homeworks, discussions (choose the right one) ◮ ◮ Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 5 October 29, 2020
Textbook, Handouts and Information, Forums, Video ◮ Textbook: Russel & Norvig: Artificial Intelligence, A modern Approach [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] ◮ basically “broad but somewhat shallow” ◮ great to get intuitions on the basics of AI Make sure that you read the third edition, which is vastly improved over earlier ones (unfortunately, the German version is based on edition 2) ◮ Course notes: will be posted at ◮ more detailed than [ RusNor:AIMA09 ] in some areas ◮ I mostly prepare them as we go along (semantically preloaded � research resource) ◮ please e-mail me any errors/shortcomings you notice. (improve for the group) ◮ Course Fora: Announcements, homeworks, discussions (choose the right one) ◮ ◮ ◮ Course Videos: ◮ New and shiny: Video course nuggets are available at (short; organized by topic) ◮ Backup: The lectures from WS 2016/17 to SS 2018have been recorded (in English and German), see Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 5 October 29, 2020
Practical recommendations on Lecture Resources , ◮ Excellent Guide: [ NorKueRob:lcprs18 ] (german Version at [ NorKueRob:vnas18 ]) Using lecture Attend lectures. recordings: Take notes. A guide for students Be specific. Catch up. Ask for help. Don’t cut corners. Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 6 October 29, 2020
Special Admin Conditions ◮ Some degree programs do not “import” the course Artificial Intelligence, and thus you may not be able to register for the exam via . ◮ Just send me an e-mail and come to the exam, we will issue a “Schein”. ◮ Tell your program coordinator about AI-1/2 so that they remedy this situation ◮ In “Wirtschafts-Informatik” you can only take AI-1 and AI-2 together in the “Wahlpflichtbereich”. ◮ ECTS credits need to be divisible by five 7 . 5 + 7 . 5 = 15. � Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 7 October 29, 2020
Software/Hardware tools ◮ You will need computer access for this course ◮ we recommend the use of standard software tools ◮ find a text editor you are comfortable with (get good with it) A text editor is a program you can use to write text files. (not MS Word ) ◮ any operating system you like (I can only help with UNIX ) ◮ Any browser you like (I use FireFox : just a better browser (for Math)) ◮ learn how to touch-type NOW (reap the benefits earlier, not later) Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 8 October 29, 2020
Chapter 2 Format of the AI Course/Lecturing Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 8 October 29, 2020
Flipped Classroom: Activating Students in Online Courses ◮ Observation: Traditional lecture styles work less well online. ◮ big classroom lectures – just via Zoom: interaction difficult (I cannot see you) ◮ watch-my-video-of-past-lectures: 90 min video put students to sleep. ◮ New format for AI-1: flipped classroom. (better activation/interaction) ◮ Definition 2.0.1. A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning focused on student engagement and active learning. Usually, students prepare plenary sessions with online materials and use classroom time for discussions, applications and worked exercises. ◮ Definition 2.0.2. Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods. Kohlhase: Artificial Intelligence 1 9 October 29, 2020
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