april 9 2020 8 00 9 00 am teleconference 647 951 8467 or

April 9, 2020 - 8:00-9:00 am Teleconference: (647) 951-8467 or Long - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

April 9, 2020 - 8:00-9:00 am Teleconference: (647) 951-8467 or Long Distance: 1 (844) 304 -7743 Conference ID: 986393473 Description Presenter Time 1. Welcome Sheila Jarvis 08:00 Meeting Objective 2. CorHealth COVID-19 Cardiac Memo

  1. April 9, 2020 - 8:00-9:00 am Teleconference: (647) 951-8467 or Long Distance: 1 (844) 304 -7743 Conference ID: 986393473

  2. Description Presenter Time 1. Welcome Sheila Jarvis 08:00 Meeting Objective • 2. CorHealth COVID-19 Cardiac Memo #7-Immediate Reduction in Cardiac Dr. Madhu Natarajan 08:05 Procedures & Surgeries (April 4, 2020) Key Messages • 3. Cardiac submodule of the CORE (COVID-19 Resource Estimator) model Dr. Harindra Wijeysundera 08:10 COVID-19 resource predictions • Consequences of outpatient restrictions for AS and CAD • 4 . Facilitated Discussion Dr. Madhu Natarajan 08:40 5 . Other Updates and Next Steps Jana Jeffrey 08:55 2


  4. • To provide: • Background information on the CorHealth COVID-19 Cardiac Memo #7; • An overview of the Cardiac submodule of the CORE (COvid-19 Resource Estimator) model; and • Up to date cardiac reporting data to support COVID-19 planning. • To discuss feedback from the cardiac community regarding Memo #7 4


  6. • March 15: MOH memo to OH and Hospitals “Ramping Down Elective Surgeries and Other Non- Emergent Activities” • April 2: CorHealth COVID-19 Cardiac Forum; projected need for ICU resources to manage COVID-19 in the coming weeks • April 3: Province releases COVID-19 case and hospital use forecasts reinforcing the need to conserve hospital resources • Available data and tools were used to inform current state and projection (i.e. CorHealth Cardiac Registry; Cardiac Sub-Module of CORE model) • April 4: Memo #7 was released reinforcing the critical need preserve hospital resources while allowing local clinical teams flexibility for prioritizing their patients. 6


  8. Public health Resources: Ward/icu/ vents/PPE/ HCW 8

  9. • CORE model uses observed and predicted epidemic trajectories to estimate future case numbers, and critical healthcare resources needs (ICU/ward/vents/PPE). • Cardiac submodule: • Consequences of delays • Resources implications of competing with COVID patients from global pool 9

  10. 10

  11. Scenario: No Outpatient TAVI/SAVR 90 1200 1074 1043 80 1011 989 962 1000 70 60 800 731 # on Waitlist TAVI Wait-list 699 # patients 667 634 50 SAVR Wait-list 604 600 TAVI Admissions 40 SAVR Admissions 30 400 TAVI Wait-time deaths 20 SAVR Wait-time deaths 200 10 0 0 1 7 14 21 28 DAYS 11

  12. Scenario: No outpatient PCI (SS/elective) & CABG 4 3000 2610 2500 3 2052 2000 # on Wait-list PCI elective waitlist 1492 # DEATHS 2 1500 1285 CABG elective waitlist 1147 1007 PCI elective deaths 932 868 1000 748 CABG elective deaths 1 452 500 0 0 1 7 14 21 28 DAY 12

  13. Public health Resources: Ward/icu/ vents/PPE/ HCW 13


  15. • Management of high-risk outpatients • Communication regarding ongoing monitoring and model refinement • Are there any other questions or concerns related to Memo #7? 15


  17. • Next COVID-19 Cardiac Forum Meeting: Thursday, April 16, 2020; 8:00- 9:00 am • Review activity data and modeling • Sharing of current status • Rehabilitation • CCS Triage and Waitlist Management Document • Other items? 17

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