applied machine learning

Applied Machine Learning Syllabus and logistics Siamak Ravanbakhsh - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Applied Machine Learning Syllabus and logistics Siamak Ravanbakhsh COMP 551 (fall 2020) Admin Live Class: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:05 am - 11:25 am Location: Online Zoom Meeting Instructor: Siamak Ravanbakhsh <> Office

  1. Applied Machine Learning Syllabus and logistics Siamak Ravanbakhsh COMP 551 (fall 2020)

  2. Admin Live Class: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:05 am - 11:25 am Location: Online Zoom Meeting Instructor: Siamak Ravanbakhsh <> Office hours: Thursday, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 0 0 1

  3. Recorded or live? live classes that are recorded this may change depending on the outcome of first few lectures we may also try flipping the classroom: prerecorded lectures spend more time on the "applied" side COMP 551 | Fall 2020

  4. About you prior to add-drop Mostly third year undergraduates 2nd year undergraduates, look out for prerequisites!

  5. About you prior to add-drop

  6. About me Siamak Ravanbakhsh (pronounced almost like see-a-Mac) Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Mila research interest: representation learning 0 what is the right representation for an AI agent? how do we learn quickly from data and perform inference two approaches to this problem that I explore using probabilistic (graphical) models using invariances and symmetries I also collaborate with physicists and cosmologists

  7. About TAs Amy Zhang ( Tianyu Li ( I'm a 3rd year PhD student supervised by Doina Precup PhD candidate co-supervised by Joelle Pineau and and Guillaume Rabusseau. My research area is primarily Doina Precup specializing in generalization in on the intersection between tensor methods and reinforcement learning. reinforcement learning. Arna Ghosh ( Haque Ishfaq ( Second year PhD student supervised by Blake PhD student supervised by Doina, working on Richards working on brain-inspired AI exploration in RL with provable guarantees Arnab Kumar Mondal ( Howard Huang ( PhD Student supervised by Doina, working on 2nd year PhD student supervised Kaleem Siddiqi hierarchical reinforcement learning Arushi Jain ( Samin Yeasar Arnob I am 2nd year Phd supervised by Doina Precup & ( Pierre-Luc Bacon. My research area is reinforcement learning and risk-sensitivity. First year Ph.D. student. Research Intereset: Reinforcement learning, Imitation learning COMP 551 | Fall 2020

  8. About this course Understand the theory Practice applying them behind learning algorithms code accompanying (some) lectures lectures programming during the class (?) readings team projects late midterm exam hands on tutorials weekly quizzes late midterm and quizzes (?)

  9. About this course: evaluation to a large extend relies on students' honesty late midterm exam (~20%) date TBD, sometime in November team projects (~60%) by teams of 3 students teams change for every project first project will be posted before add-drop try to pick your team members in the same time zone weekly quizzes (~20%) encourage you to review recently covered topics posted on Mondays, available for 24h a practice quiz one before add-drop

  10. About this course: late submissions All due dates are 11:59 pm Montreal time (EST). No make-up quizzes will be given. We will ignore your worst quiz, so you can miss one quiz without penalty Maximum of five days late for a project 20% penalty for any late submission

  11. About this course: prerequisites Python-Numpy programming skills we start using this from the next lecture we will have a Python-Numpy review tutorial very soon Probability theory you should know random variables, expectations etc. we will have a tutorial to Linear algebra review these two topics matrix product, determinant, null-space of a matrix, span of a set of vectors ... Calculus limit, derivative, integral etc.

  12. About this course: tutorials Python-Numpy ( soon ) Probability theory and linear algebra review ( soon ) Scikit-learn (around the end of September) a Python package for ML We implement many methods in this package from scratch PyTorch Tutorial (around the end of October) a Python package for deep learning COMP 551 | Fall 2020

  13. About this course: outline This is going to change during the semester Part 1: a short tour of ML K-Nearest Neighbours Decision Trees Some Basic Concepts Model selection Curse of dimensionality Dimensionality reduction Maximum likelihood and Bayesian reasoning Multivariate Gaussian Expectation Maximization Naive Bayes

  14. About this course: outline This is going to change during the semester (some topics may be dropped depending on our progress) Part 2: Linear models, probabilistic interpretations and gradient optimization linear regression Nonlinear bases Logistic and softmax regression Gradient descent Part 4: Deep learning Regularization Bias-variance decomposition Multilayer Perceptrons Estimating the uncertainty of predictions* Gradient computation Automated differentiation and Backpropagation Convolutional neural networks Part 3: Kernels and more Frontiers Perceptrons Support Vector Machines Kernel trick * Gaussian process *

  15. About this course: relevant textbooks No required textbook but slides will cover chapters from the following books, available online, which can be used as reference materials. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy (2012) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop (2007) Deep Learning (2016) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (2009) by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman COMP 551 | Fall 2020

  16. FAQ Is this the right course for me? prerequisites are very important this course needs lots of time and effort on your side see the course webpage from last year to get an idea there are several other ML courses you should consider (anti-requisite to COMP 551) COMP 451: fundamentals of ML COMP 596: ML for biomedical data ECSE 551: ML for engineers How can I take the class? I'm on the waiting list... if none of the courses above are suitable and you can't take this course next semester, then let me know let's revisit close to the end of add-drop period How can I take the class? I couldn't get on the waiting list... if you have special circumstance that should be treated as an exception please let me know

  17. Code of conduct 0 your answers to quizzes, projects and the exam must be your own work you should not share your solutions with other students Copying (even copying ideas) without giving credit is plagerism you should be respectful in the online course forum and in all other communications you should NOT (re-)post any of the course materials online. This includes: video lectures, codes, and quizzes COMP 551 | Fall 2020

  18. Two pointers 0 Course website MyCourses to check for announcements, form groups for projects, submit weekly quizzes, grades, discussions

  19. Please complete the following poll by Friday (EST)

  20. your answers so far... your time zone

  21. your answers so far...


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