anita van breda world wildlife fund may 2013 key points

Anita van Breda World Wildlife Fund May 2013 Key Points Green - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies Forum: Open Source Training Anita van Breda World Wildlife Fund May 2013 Key Points Green Recovery and Reconstruction: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Action (GRRT) Mainstreaming

  1. The Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies Forum: Open Source Training Anita van Breda World Wildlife Fund May 2013

  2. Key Points • Green Recovery and Reconstruction: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Action (GRRT) • Mainstreaming Environment in Humanitarian Action – Myth Busting • Innovation and Mainstreaming - Moving Forward

  3. World Wildlife Fund Disaster Reduction and Response Program Goal The goal of the program is to ensure that disaster recovery, reconstruction and risk reduction efforts include environmental considerations and sound management of natural resources.

  4. Disaster Time Line Development Disaster Risk Reduction: Risk assessment, mitigation/prevention, preparedness Reconstruction Early Recovery Transition Recovery Emergency Relief 0 days weeks months 2 years 5 years Disaster Time line

  5. A Green Recovery Program Livelihoods Water & Sanitation Shelter Disaster Management

  6. More Guidelines or a Checklist?

  7. Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit and Training • The toolkit development team was made up of 30 technical specialists, training specialists, and global reviewers representing 17 agencies (e.g., IFRC, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, World Vision, UNEP, UN/ISDR, CARE) • Minimalized organizational logos • Approach to post disaster recovery and reconstruction processes is solution-oriented

  8. Six Principles of Green Recovery and Reconstruction 1. “Do No Harm” to the environment and beneficiaries 2. Recognize that addressing the environment has multiple benefits 3. Take ownership (you cannot always “subcontract” responsibility to others) 4. Build back safer 5. Be solution-oriented 6. Emphasize the use of local knowledge and the continuum from relief to development

  9. 10 Program Modules Green Guide to: 1. Opportunities for Green Recovery and Reconstruction: An Introduction 2. Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation 3. Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques 4. Strategic Site Selection and Development 5. Materials and the Supply Chain 6. Construction 7. Water and Sanitation 8. Livelihoods 9. Disaster Risk Reduction 10. Green Organizational Operations

  10. Mod 1 Ses 1

  11. The Environment and Myth Busting

  12. Myth #1 Not Part of Policy or Standards

  13. The Sphere Project

  14. Code of Conduct for Disaster Relief 8: Relief aid must strive to reduce future vulnerabilities to disaster as well as meeting basic needs ….. We will pay particular attention to environmental concerns in the design and management of relief programmes …..

  15. Hyogo Framework for Action (i) Environmental and natural resource management (a) Encourage the sustainable use and management of ecosystems, including through better land-use planning and development activities to reduce risk and vulnerabilities. (b) Implement integrated environmental and natural resource management approaches that incorporate disaster risk reduction, including structural and non- structural measures

  16. Myth # 2 Too Late

  17. Myth # 3 Takes Longer and Costs More

  18. Myth # 4 No Impact for People

  19. Removing Barriers and Fostering Innovation Is Training Enough?

  20. Assessments and Project Designs

  21. The Power of Demonstration

  22. Co-Location of Staff and Teams

  23. Opportunities for Innovation and Mainstreaming? 1. Multiple Actors/Multiple Responsibilities  Practioners  Institutional Leadership and Policies  Donors 2. Research and Learning 3. Partnerships - in advance of disaster focused on better practices at scale

  24. Thank you More Information: .html 24 24


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